var electron = require('electron'); var ipc = electron.ipcRenderer; // This file runs in a render thread of the Electron app. It must be required (directly or // indirectly) from one of the html files. var count = 0; var target = 0; function notifyUser() { ipc.send('notification', count, target); count += 1; var notif = new window.Notification('Annoying Alert ' + count, { body: 'See what happens when you try to click on it.', silent: true, }); // On my system notifications are unclickable and seem to be unclosable as well, // so not all of this code is fully tested. notif.onclick = function () { console.log('notification ' + count + ' clicked'); notif.close(); }; notif.onclose = function () { if (count < target) { notifyUser(); } else { count = 0; target = 0; ipc.send('notification', count, target); } }; } function queueNotification() { target += 1; if (count === 0) { notifyUser(); } else { ipc.send('notification', count-1, target); } } function clearQueue() { target = count; if (count > 0) { ipc.send('notification', count-1, target); } } document.body.addEventListener('click', function (ev) { if ('.notify .queue')) { queueNotification(); } else if ('.notify .clear')) { clearQueue(); } });