var electron = require('electron'); var ipc = electron.ipcRenderer; function handleFiles(files) { if (!Array.isArray(files)) { files = [ files ]; } document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); files.forEach(function (name) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = name; document.body.appendChild(div); }); } // Need to prevent default for some of the document drag-and-drop events to be able // to properly get events. This doesn't explain why I need to preventDefault on all // the events (or whichever combination is actually needed - haven't really spent // time trying different combinations), but it is what put me down this path. // function preventDefault(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); } var events = ['drag','dragend','dragenter','dragexit','dragleave','dragover','dragstart','drop']; events.forEach(function (event) { document.addEventListener(event, preventDefault); }); document.body.addEventListener('drop', function (ev) { var files =, function (file) { return file.path; }); if (files.length > 0) { handleFiles(files); } }); ipc.on('files', function (e, files) { handleFiles(files); }); ipc.send('ipcReady');