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#include "LinkedList.h"
//! LLNode implements a doubly-linked list node
//! Constructor
LLNode::LLNode(const std::string & v, LLNode * p, LLNode * n) :
value(v), prev(p), next(n)
// Good enough
//! Copy Constructor SHALLOW COPY and does not free memory
//!Feel free to change this function(IE, to a deep copy).
LLNode::LLNode(const LLNode & other)
if (this == &other)
// It makes sense (in my mind) for this to be shallow and disconnected
value = other.value;
prev = NULL; //other.prev;
next = NULL; //;
//! Read-only public methods for use by clients of the LinkedList class
const std::string & LLNode::GetValue() const
return value;
LLNode * LLNode::GetPrevious() const
return prev;
LLNode * LLNode::GetNext() const
return next;
//! Assignment operator makes a SHALLOW COPY and does not free memory
//!Feel free to change this function(IE, to a deep copy).
LLNode & LLNode::operator=(const LLNode & other)
if(this != &other)
value = other.value;
prev = other.prev;
next =;
return *this;
//! LinkedList implements a doubly-linked list
//! No-arg constructor. Initializes an empty linked list
length = 0;
head = NULL;
//! Copy constructor. Makes a complete copy of its argument
LinkedList::LinkedList(const LinkedList & other)
//! Copy make a DEEP copy. Makes a complete copy of its argument
void LinkedList::Copy(const LinkedList & other)
if (this == &other)
if (NULL == other.head) {
head = NULL;
LLNode * tmpCopy = NULL;
LLNode * oHead = NULL;
length = other.GetSize();
oHead = other.head;
head = new LLNode(*oHead);
oHead = oHead->next;
tmpCopy = head;
while (oHead != NULL) {
tmpCopy->next = new LLNode(*oHead);
tmpCopy->next->prev = tmpCopy;
tmpCopy = tmpCopy->next;
oHead = oHead->next;
//! Destructor
//! Assignment operator. Makes a complete copy of its argument
//! @return A reference to oneself
LinkedList& LinkedList::operator =(const LinkedList & other)
if (this == &other)
return *this;
return *this;
//! @return true if the list is empty, or false if the list is not empty
bool LinkedList::IsEmpty() const
return (0 == length);
//! Removes all values from the list
void LinkedList::Clear() {
LLNode * tmpCopy = NULL;
if (NULL == head)
while (NULL != head) {
tmpCopy = head;
head = head->next;
delete tmpCopy;
length = 0;
head = NULL;
//! @return the number of values in the list
int LinkedList::GetSize() const
return length;
//! @return a pointer to the first node in the list, or NULL if the list is empty
LLNode * LinkedList::GetFirst()const
return head;
//! @returns a pointer to the last node in the list, or NULL if the list is empty
LLNode * LinkedList::GetLast()const
if (IsEmpty())
return NULL;
LLNode * tail;
tail = head;
while (NULL != tail->next) {
tail = tail->next;
return tail;
//! Inserts value v into the list after node n
//! @param v The new value being inserted
//! @param n A node that is already in the list after which the new node should
//! be inserted.
//! If n is NULL, the new node should be inserted at the beginning of the list.
//! @return a pointer to the newly inserted node
LLNode * LinkedList::Insert(const std::string & v, LLNode * n)
if (NULL == &v || Find(v, NULL))
return NULL;
LLNode * tmpCopy;
if (NULL == n) {
tmpCopy = new LLNode(v, NULL, NULL);
if (NULL != head)
head->prev = tmpCopy;
tmpCopy->next = head;
return head = tmpCopy;
tmpCopy = new LLNode(v, n, n->next);
if (NULL != n->next)
n->next->prev = tmpCopy;
tmpCopy->prev = n;
tmpCopy->next = n->next;
n->next = tmpCopy;
return tmpCopy;
//! Searches for the first occurrence of value v that appears in the list
//! after node n
//! @param v The value being searched for
//! @param n The node in the list after which the search should begin.
//! If n is NULL, the list should be searched from the beginning.
//! @return a pointer to the node containing v, or NULL if v is not found
LLNode * LinkedList::Find(const std::string & v, LLNode * n) const
LLNode * result;
if (NULL != n)
result = n->next;
result = head;
while (NULL != result) {
if (0 == result->
return result;
result = result->next;
return result;
//! Removes node n from the list
//! @param n The node being removed from the list
void LinkedList::Remove(LLNode * n)
if (NULL == n)
if (NULL != n->prev)
n->prev->next = n->next;
else {
head = n->next; // Could be NULL
if (NULL != head)
head->prev = NULL;
if (NULL != n->next)
n->next->prev = n->prev;
delete n;
n = NULL;