// TODO beef up AHR to allow streamed parsing "use strict"; (function (undefined) { var fs = require('fs'), url = require('url'), ahr = require('ahr'), stream, node = process.argv[0], self = process.argv[1], fulluri = process.argv[2], uri; self = self.substr(self.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); require('remedial'); function usage() { console.log("Usage: node {self}".supplant({self: self}) + " file:///path/to/file | http://path/to/file"); } // Head, and Dependent "Classes" function Comment(lines) { while (true) { line = lines.shift(); if (undefined === line || null === line) { throw new Error("Expected 'Dependent' or 'end' but reach end-of-file"); } if (!line.match(/\s*#/)){ break; } } return line; } function Dependent(lines) { var line, dep; line = Comment(lines); if (line.match(/^Dependent\s*/)) { parts = line.split(/\s+/); dep = { // no error checking in spec name: parts[1], gender: parts[2], age: parts[3], height: parseInt(parts[4], 10), }; } else if (line.match(/^End\s*/)) { return false; } else { throw new Error("Expected 'Dependent' or 'End' but saw\n " + line.substr(0,20)); } return dep; } function Head(lines) { var line, head, parts, dep; line = Comment(lines); if (line.match(/^Head\s*/)) { parts = line.split(/\s+/); head = { // no error checking in spec name: parts[1], gender: parts[2], eye_color: parts[3], hair_color: parts[4], height: parseInt(parts[5], 10), deps: [] }; while (dep = Dependent(lines)) { head.deps.push(dep); } } else if (line.match(/^SUPER-END\s*/)) { return false; } else { throw new Error("Expected 'Head' or 'SUPER-END' but saw\n " + line.substr(0,20)); } return head; } function readFile(file) { var promise = require('futures').promise(), stream, data = new Buffer(''); stream = fs.createReadStream(file, { flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf8' }); stream.on('error', function (err) { promise.fulfill(err, stream, data); }); stream.on('data', function (chunk) { data += chunk; }); stream.on('end', function () { promise.fulfill(undefined, stream, data); }); return promise; } // Queries // Average height of Heads of Household function query1(heads) { var heights = 0.0; heads.forEach(function (head) { heights += head.height; }); console.log("Average Height of Heads of Household: " + (heights / heads.length)); } // What is the height of the tallest of all dependents? function query2(heads) { var max = 0.0; heads.forEach(function (head) { head.deps.forEach(function (dep) { max = Math.max(max, dep.height); }); }); console.log("Height of tallest Dependent: " + max); } // The height of the shortest Dependent of a female Head of Household function query3(heads) { var min = Infinity; heads.forEach(function (head) { if ('F' !== head.gender) { return; } head.deps.forEach(function (dep) { min = Math.min(min, dep.height); }); }); console.log("Height of shortest Dependent of a Female-Headed Household: " + min); } // Average height of male dependents of brown-haired male heads of houshold function query4(heads) { var heights = 0.0, count = 0; heads.forEach(function (head) { if ('m' !== head.gender && 'brown' !== head.hair_color) { return; } head.deps.forEach(function (dep) { count += 1; heights += dep.height; }); }); console.log("Average height of male dependent of brown-haired male Heads of Household: " + (heights / count)); } function parseChunk(chunk) { /* // TODO be more memory efficient // by seeking into the buffer data += chunk while (true) { index = data.indexOf('\n') if (-1 === index) { break; } line = data.substr(0, index); data = data.substr(index + 1); parseLine(line); } */ } function parseData(err, x, data) { var lines = data.split('\n'), heads = [], curHead; while (curHead = Head(lines)) { heads.push(curHead); } console.log(JSON.stringify(heads, null, ' ')); query1(heads); query2(heads); query3(heads); query4(heads); return heads; } function main() { if (!fulluri) { usage(); return; } uri = url.parse(fulluri, true); if (!uri.protocol) { uri.protocol = ''; } if ('file:' === uri.protocol || '' === uri.protocol) { readFile(uri.pathname).when(parseData); } else if (uri.protocol.match(/^http[s]?:$/)) { ahr.get(fulluri).when(parseData); } else { usage(); return; } } main(); }());