forEachAsync - browser and node ready
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

79 lines
1.9 KiB

/*jshint -W054 */
;(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var BREAK = {};
var exp = {};
function create(PromiseA) {
PromiseA = PromiseA.Promise || PromiseA;
function forEachAsync(arr, fn, thisArg) {
var result = PromiseA.resolve();
arr.forEach(function (item, k) {
result = result.then(function () {
var ret
if (thisArg) {
ret =, item, k, arr);
} else {
ret = result = fn(item, k, arr);
if (!ret || !ret.then) {
ret = PromiseA.resolve(ret);
return ret.then(function (val) {
if (val === forEachAsync.__BREAK) {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error('break'));
//throw new Error('break');
return val;
result.catch(function (e) {
if ('break' !== e.message) {
throw e;
return result;
forEachAsync.__BREAK = BREAK;
return forEachAsync;
exp = forEachAsync.forEachAsync = forEachAsync;
exports = exports.forEachAsync = forEachAsync.forEachAsycn = forEachAsync;
exports.create = forEachAsync.create = function () {};
/* globals Promise */
if ('undefined' !== typeof Promise) {
exp.forEachAsync = create(Promise);
else {
try {
exp.forEachAsync = create(require('bluebird'));
} catch(e) {
console.warn("This version of node doesn't support promises. Please `npm install --save bluebird` in your project.");
exports.forEachAsync = exp.forEachAsync.forEachAsync = exp.forEachAsync || function () {
throw new Error("You did not supply a Promises/A+ implementation. See the warning above.");
exports.forEachAsync.create = create;
}('undefined' !== typeof exports && exports || window));