
231 lines
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(function () {
var fs = require('fs'),
Futures = require('futures'),
joinPath = require('path').join,
util = require('util'),
ev = require("events"),
emitter = new ev.EventEmitter(),
oneNodeEvent = [
multiNodeEvents = [
// multiple
eventsTpl = {
listeners: function () { return []; },
next: function () { return; }
events = {},
nexts = {};
function newVersion() {
throw new Error("see README.md at http://github.com/coolaj86/node-walk");
function noop() {
function remove(arr, obj) {
return arr.splice(arr.indexOf(obj), 1);
oneNodeEvent.forEach(function (key) {
var e = events[key] = {}, next;
Object.keys(eventsTpl).forEach(function (k) {
e[k] = eventsTpl[k]();
emitter.on("newListener", function (ev, listener) {
var count = 0,
num = e.listeners.length + 1;
e.next = function (cb) {
cb = noop;
return function () {
if (count === num) { cb(); }
count += 1;
next = function () {
function sortNodesByType(path, stats, o, cb) {
if (stats.isFile()) {
emitter.emit("file", path, stats, (nexts["file"]||noop)(cb));
} else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
emitter.emit("directory", path, stats, function () {
remove(o.dirs, stats);
}, (nexts["directory"]||noop)(cb));
} else if (stats.isBlockDevice()) {
emitter.emit("blockDevice", path, stats, (nexts["blockDevice"]||noop)(cb));
} else if (stats.isCharacterDevice()) {
emitter.emit("characterDevice", path, stats, (nexts["characterDevice"]||noop)(cb));
} else if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
emitter.emit("symbolicLink", path, stats, (nexts["symbolicLink"]||noop)(cb));
} else if (stats.isFIFO()) {
emitter.emit("fifo", path, stats, (nexts["fifo"]||noop)(cb));
} else if (stats.isSocket()) {
emitter.emit("socket", path, stats, (nexts["socket"]||noop)(cb));
} else {
// emitter.emit("error", stats);
util.debug(stats.name + 'is not of any node type');
import os
from os.path import join, getsize
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('python/Lib/email'):
print root, "consumes",
print sum(getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files),
print "bytes in", len(files), "non-directory files"
if 'CVS' in dirs:
dirs.remove('CVS') # don't visit CVS directories
fs.walk(path, function ({ err, root, dirs, files }) {}, {
// currently ignored
topdown: boolean,
onerror: boolean, // ignored
followLinks: boolean // lstat or stat
function walk(firstPath, options, callback) {
options = options || {};
var fstat = options.followLinks ? fs.stat : fs.lstat,
subscription = Futures.subscription();
if (callback) { subscription.subscribe(callback); }
function readDir(path) {
var p = Futures.promise();
fs.readdir(path, function (err, files) {
if (err) {
err.path = path;
subscription.deliver(err, path);
// Signal the completion of this readdir attempt
// TODO fix futures sequence to not require a first function like this
var s = Futures.sequence(function(n){n();}),
nodes = [],
o = {
errors: [],
dirs: [],
files: [],
links: [],
blocks: [],
chars: [],
fifos: [],
sockets: []
files.forEach(function (file) {
// pushes onto the sequence stack without recursion
s.then(function (next) {
fstat(joinPath(path, file), function (err, stats) {
stats = stats || {};
stats.name = file;
if (err) {
stats.err = err;
} else {
sortNodesByType(path, stats, o);
s.then(function (next) {
var s2 = Futures.sequence(function(n){n();});
if (nodes.length > 0) {
subscription.deliver(undefined, path, o.errors, o.dirs, o.files, o.links, o.blocks, o.chars, o.fifos, o.sockets);
if (o.errors.length > 0) {
emitter.emit("errors", path, o.errors);
if (o.dirs.length > 0) {
emitter.emit("directories", path, o.dirs);
if (o.files.length > 0) {
emitter.emit("files", path, o.files);
if (o.links.length > 0) {
emitter.emit("symbolicLinks", path, o.links);
if (o.blocks.length > 0) {
emitter.emit("blockDevices", path, o.blocks);
if (o.chars.length > 0) {
emitter.emit("characterDevices", path, o.chars);
if (o.fifos.length > 0) {
emitter.emit("fifos", path, o.fifos);
if (o.sockets.length > 0) {
emitter.emit("sockets", path, o.fifos);
o.dirs.forEach(function (dir) {
s2.then(function (next2) {
readDir(joinPath(path, dir.name))
.when(function () { next2(); });
return p.passable();
readDir(firstPath) //.whenever(callback);
emitter.whenever = subscription.subscribe;
return emitter;
newVersion.walk = walk;
newVersion.remove = remove;
module.exports = newVersion;