Flag for stopping descent into next directory #1

coolaj86 sapludināja 1 revīzijas no :master uz master 2018-03-26 04:30:21 +00:00
First-time contributor
Stop walk from descending into next directory

Added ability to stop the walk from descending into a given directory.
You use this by calling  in either the 'directory' or 'name' event
handler. This will prevent the directory from being traversed.
Stop walk from descending into next directory Added ability to stop the walk from descending into a given directory. You use this by calling in either the 'directory' or 'name' event handler. This will prevent the directory from being traversed.
coolaj86 aizvēra šo izmaiņu pieprasījumu 2018-03-26 04:30:20 +00:00

Published to npm as v2.3.11

Thanks so much.

Published to npm as v2.3.11 Thanks so much.
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