// Adapted from work by jorge@jorgechamorro.com on 2010-11-25 (function () { "use strict" // Array.prototype.forEachAsync(next, item, i, collection) require('futures/forEachAsync'); function noop() {} var fs = require('fs'), EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, TypeEmitter = require('./node-type-emitter'); function create(pathname, options, sync) { var emitter = new EventEmitter() , q = [] , queue = [q] , curpath; function readdirHandler(err, files) { var fnodeGroups = TypeEmitter.createNodeGroups(); function filesHandler(cont, file) { var statPath; emitter.emit('name', curpath, file, noop); function lstatHandler(err, stat) { stat = stat || {}; stat.name = file; if (err) { stat.error = err; //emitter.emit('error', curpath, stat); emitter.emit('nodeError', curpath, stat, noop); fnodeGroups.errors.push(stat); cont(); } else { TypeEmitter.sortFnodesByType(stat, fnodeGroups); TypeEmitter.emitNodeType(emitter, curpath, stat, cont); } } statPath = curpath + '/' + file; if (sync) { try { lstatHandler(null, fs.lstatSync(statPath)); } catch(e) { lstatHandler(e); } } else { fs.lstat(statPath, lstatHandler); } } function postFilesHandler() { if (fnodeGroups.errors.length) { emitter.emit('errors', curpath, fnodeGroups.errors, noop); } TypeEmitter.emitNodeTypeGroups(emitter, curpath, fnodeGroups, function () { var dirs = []; fnodeGroups.directories.forEach(function (stat) { dirs.push(stat.name); }); dirs.forEach(fullPath); queue.push(q = dirs); next(); }); } if (err) { emitter.emit('directoryError', curpath, { error: err }, noop); //emitter.emit('error', curpath, { error: err }); } if (!files || 0 == files.length) { return next(); } // TODO could allow user to selectively stat // and don't stat if there are no stat listeners emitter.emit('names', curpath, files, noop); if (sync) { files.forEach(function (items) { filesHandler(noop, items); }); postFilesHandler(); } else { files.forEachAsync(filesHandler).then(postFilesHandler); } } function walkSync() { var err, files; try { files = fs.readdirSync(curpath); } catch(e) { err = e; } readdirHandler(err, files); } function walk() { if (sync) { walkSync(); return; } fs.readdir(curpath, readdirHandler); } function next() { if (q.length) { curpath = q.pop(); return walk(); } if (queue.length -= 1) { q = queue[queue.length - 1]; return next(); } emitter.emit('end'); } function fullPath(v, i, o) { o[i] = [curpath, '/', v].join(''); } curpath = pathname; if (sync) { process.nextTick(walk); } else { walk(); } return emitter; } exports.walk = function (path, opts) { return create(path, opts, false); }; exports.walkSync = function (path, opts) { return create(path, opts, true); }; }());