Install gitea with systemd
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Gitea Installer

Installs Gitea (formerly gogs) as a systemd service

Easy Install (Linux)

You can download and run the installer script:

wget -O install-gitea.bash
bash install-gitea.bash


how to install Gitea

Manual Install

Or manually install by reading these instructions and following along:

# Create a 'gitea' user and group with the home /opt/gitea, no password (because it's a system user) and no GECOS
sudo adduser gitea --home /opt/gitea --disabled-password --gecos ''

# Make some other potentially useful directories for that user/group
sudo mkdir -p /opt/gitea/ /var/log/gitea
sudo chown -R gitea:gitea /opt/gitea/ /var/log/gitea

# Download and install gitea
sudo wget -O /opt/gitea/gitea
sudo chmod +x /opt/gitea/gitea

# Download and install the gitea.service for systemd
sudo wget -O /etc/systemd/system/gitea.service

# Start gitea
sudo systemctl restart gitea

Gitea Web Setup (post install)

Once you've gitea installed and running you must choose which database to use, certain gitea paths, an admin user, etc.


Customize Gitea


Once a reverse proxy is set up you can change the HTTP_ADDR from the default (world accessible) to localhost-only.

HTTP_ADDR        = localhost

Customize Gitea Theme

All overrides to the existing theme can be placed in the custom/public and custom/templates folders.

  • Change Logo
  • Change Landing Page
  • Google Analytics

/opt/gitea/custom/public/img/favicon.png     # 16x16 logo in tab
/opt/gitea/custom/public/img/gitea-sm.png    # 120x120 logo on all pages
/opt/gitea/custom/public/img/gitea-sm.png    # 880x880 logo on landing page

/opt/gitea/custom/templates/home.tmpl        # The landing page
/opt/gitea/custom/templates/base/head.tmpl   # Google Analytics

For many items, such as the logo, you can simply right-click "inspect" to discover the location. For example, the small logo is /img/gitea-sm.png or /opt/gitea/custom/public/img/gitea-sm.png.

You can find more information about customization and templates in the docs and on github:

Troubleshooting systemd

See Troubleshooting systemd