649d0e1681format the doc and add comments
2014-04-23 16:33:03 +0800
d7956b3fb8format the doc
2014-04-23 16:30:05 +0800
2a95bc1395use the dedicated user, git, to run gogs
2014-04-23 16:20:53 +0800
e554e49c16add the installation guide on ubuntu, including binary install and source install
2014-04-23 16:18:46 +0800
9abb37b45eMerge branch 'master' of github.com:gogits/gogs into dev
2014-04-23 00:33:52 -0400
22f8536577Merge pull request #105 from dockboard/master
2014-04-23 00:33:04 -0400
8952eb1ce0Sync with gigs master branch.
Meaglith Ma
2014-04-23 12:30:18 +0800
ee7bfe2ebeAdd memcached and redis Docker supported
Meaglith Ma
2014-04-23 12:29:53 +0800
b270b34c98Merge branch 'feature/docker' Add the sciprt for deplying gogs in docker, support the user to choose database(MySQL or PostgreSQL) and memory cache(redis or memcached).
2014-04-23 03:29:43 +0000
b01e967a9fAdd the configs comments, and update the README.md file
2014-04-23 03:29:17 +0000
baacba96caRemove the dependency of Unkwon/com, since gogs has already integrate the lateset version of Unkwon/com.
2014-04-23 03:16:09 +0000
066d91e113Allow the user to config the apt source in build.sh
2014-04-15 23:48:33 -0400
bb84bb8ac3Add two apt source:aliyun and nchc, make a '#sourcename#' before the RUN command to make the apt source configurable in build.sh
2014-04-15 23:41:46 -0400
83283dfe37Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' Add the support of postgres as the database. (Config the db in the build.sh file, make the DB_TYPE to 'postgres').
Lance Ju
2014-04-16 00:57:50 +0800
f456f964ecAdd the apt source when installing potgres. Replace the host with $DB_PORT, which is dependent to the database imagae's exposed port.
Lance Ju
2014-04-16 00:55:39 +0800
1f989d0b98Replace the 'mysql' options with 'db' options in build.sh
Lance Ju
2014-04-16 00:54:02 +0800
d3fc1da8c2download link
2014-04-16 00:46:57 +0800
8080beea85Add the line to replace the database type. Replace the 'mysql' options with 'db' options, makeing the config according to the database type.
Lance Ju
2014-04-16 00:17:52 +0800
1d3c7693b7Build the database image by the variable DB_TYPE, but not mysql.
Lance Ju
2014-04-16 00:16:32 +0800
6cc914b090Rename the posgresql to postgres, add the Dockerfile for postgres image.
Lance Ju
2014-04-16 00:14:17 +0800
5378bb326bMerge branch 'master' of github.com:gogits/gogs into dev
2014-04-14 22:48:01 -0400
df0c61cc62Merge pull request #78 from compressed/master
2014-04-15 10:16:55 +0800
b9a1d13c29change gravatar image to match URL scheme
Christopher Brickley
2014-04-14 22:01:24 -0400