// Copyright (c) 2012, Suryandaru Triandana <syndtr@gmail.com>
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Package cache provides interface and implementation of a cache algorithms.
package cache

import (


// Cacher provides interface to implements a caching functionality.
// An implementation must be goroutine-safe.
type Cacher interface {
	// Capacity returns cache capacity.
	Capacity() int

	// SetCapacity sets cache capacity.
	SetCapacity(capacity int)

	// Promote promotes the 'cache node'.
	Promote(n *Node)

	// Ban evicts the 'cache node' and prevent subsequent 'promote'.
	Ban(n *Node)

	// Evict evicts the 'cache node'.
	Evict(n *Node)

	// EvictNS evicts 'cache node' with the given namespace.
	EvictNS(ns uint64)

	// EvictAll evicts all 'cache node'.

	// Close closes the 'cache tree'
	Close() error

// Value is a 'cacheable object'. It may implements util.Releaser, if
// so the the Release method will be called once object is released.
type Value interface{}

// NamespaceGetter provides convenient wrapper for namespace.
type NamespaceGetter struct {
	Cache *Cache
	NS    uint64

// Get simply calls Cache.Get() method.
func (g *NamespaceGetter) Get(key uint64, setFunc func() (size int, value Value)) *Handle {
	return g.Cache.Get(g.NS, key, setFunc)

// The hash tables implementation is based on:
// "Dynamic-Sized Nonblocking Hash Tables", by Yujie Liu,
// Kunlong Zhang, and Michael Spear.
// ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, Jul 2014.

const (
	mInitialSize           = 1 << 4
	mOverflowThreshold     = 1 << 5
	mOverflowGrowThreshold = 1 << 7

type mBucket struct {
	mu     sync.Mutex
	node   []*Node
	frozen bool

func (b *mBucket) freeze() []*Node {
	defer b.mu.Unlock()
	if !b.frozen {
		b.frozen = true
	return b.node

func (b *mBucket) get(r *Cache, h *mNode, hash uint32, ns, key uint64, noset bool) (done, added bool, n *Node) {

	if b.frozen {

	// Scan the node.
	for _, n := range b.node {
		if n.hash == hash && n.ns == ns && n.key == key {
			atomic.AddInt32(&n.ref, 1)
			return true, false, n

	// Get only.
	if noset {
		return true, false, nil

	// Create node.
	n = &Node{
		r:    r,
		hash: hash,
		ns:   ns,
		key:  key,
		ref:  1,
	// Add node to bucket.
	b.node = append(b.node, n)
	bLen := len(b.node)

	// Update counter.
	grow := atomic.AddInt32(&r.nodes, 1) >= h.growThreshold
	if bLen > mOverflowThreshold {
		grow = grow || atomic.AddInt32(&h.overflow, 1) >= mOverflowGrowThreshold

	// Grow.
	if grow && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&h.resizeInProgess, 0, 1) {
		nhLen := len(h.buckets) << 1
		nh := &mNode{
			buckets:         make([]unsafe.Pointer, nhLen),
			mask:            uint32(nhLen) - 1,
			pred:            unsafe.Pointer(h),
			growThreshold:   int32(nhLen * mOverflowThreshold),
			shrinkThreshold: int32(nhLen >> 1),
		ok := atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&r.mHead, unsafe.Pointer(h), unsafe.Pointer(nh))
		if !ok {
			panic("BUG: failed swapping head")
		go nh.initBuckets()

	return true, true, n

func (b *mBucket) delete(r *Cache, h *mNode, hash uint32, ns, key uint64) (done, deleted bool) {

	if b.frozen {

	// Scan the node.
	var (
		n    *Node
		bLen int
	for i := range b.node {
		n = b.node[i]
		if n.ns == ns && n.key == key {
			if atomic.LoadInt32(&n.ref) == 0 {
				deleted = true

				// Call releaser.
				if n.value != nil {
					if r, ok := n.value.(util.Releaser); ok {
					n.value = nil

				// Remove node from bucket.
				b.node = append(b.node[:i], b.node[i+1:]...)
				bLen = len(b.node)

	if deleted {
		// Call OnDel.
		for _, f := range n.onDel {

		// Update counter.
		atomic.AddInt32(&r.size, int32(n.size)*-1)
		shrink := atomic.AddInt32(&r.nodes, -1) < h.shrinkThreshold
		if bLen >= mOverflowThreshold {
			atomic.AddInt32(&h.overflow, -1)

		// Shrink.
		if shrink && len(h.buckets) > mInitialSize && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&h.resizeInProgess, 0, 1) {
			nhLen := len(h.buckets) >> 1
			nh := &mNode{
				buckets:         make([]unsafe.Pointer, nhLen),
				mask:            uint32(nhLen) - 1,
				pred:            unsafe.Pointer(h),
				growThreshold:   int32(nhLen * mOverflowThreshold),
				shrinkThreshold: int32(nhLen >> 1),
			ok := atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&r.mHead, unsafe.Pointer(h), unsafe.Pointer(nh))
			if !ok {
				panic("BUG: failed swapping head")
			go nh.initBuckets()

	return true, deleted

type mNode struct {
	buckets         []unsafe.Pointer // []*mBucket
	mask            uint32
	pred            unsafe.Pointer // *mNode
	resizeInProgess int32

	overflow        int32
	growThreshold   int32
	shrinkThreshold int32

func (n *mNode) initBucket(i uint32) *mBucket {
	if b := (*mBucket)(atomic.LoadPointer(&n.buckets[i])); b != nil {
		return b

	p := (*mNode)(atomic.LoadPointer(&n.pred))
	if p != nil {
		var node []*Node
		if n.mask > p.mask {
			// Grow.
			pb := (*mBucket)(atomic.LoadPointer(&p.buckets[i&p.mask]))
			if pb == nil {
				pb = p.initBucket(i & p.mask)
			m := pb.freeze()
			// Split nodes.
			for _, x := range m {
				if x.hash&n.mask == i {
					node = append(node, x)
		} else {
			// Shrink.
			pb0 := (*mBucket)(atomic.LoadPointer(&p.buckets[i]))
			if pb0 == nil {
				pb0 = p.initBucket(i)
			pb1 := (*mBucket)(atomic.LoadPointer(&p.buckets[i+uint32(len(n.buckets))]))
			if pb1 == nil {
				pb1 = p.initBucket(i + uint32(len(n.buckets)))
			m0 := pb0.freeze()
			m1 := pb1.freeze()
			// Merge nodes.
			node = make([]*Node, 0, len(m0)+len(m1))
			node = append(node, m0...)
			node = append(node, m1...)
		b := &mBucket{node: node}
		if atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&n.buckets[i], nil, unsafe.Pointer(b)) {
			if len(node) > mOverflowThreshold {
				atomic.AddInt32(&n.overflow, int32(len(node)-mOverflowThreshold))
			return b

	return (*mBucket)(atomic.LoadPointer(&n.buckets[i]))

func (n *mNode) initBuckets() {
	for i := range n.buckets {
	atomic.StorePointer(&n.pred, nil)

// Cache is a 'cache map'.
type Cache struct {
	mu     sync.RWMutex
	mHead  unsafe.Pointer // *mNode
	nodes  int32
	size   int32
	cacher Cacher
	closed bool

// NewCache creates a new 'cache map'. The cacher is optional and
// may be nil.
func NewCache(cacher Cacher) *Cache {
	h := &mNode{
		buckets:         make([]unsafe.Pointer, mInitialSize),
		mask:            mInitialSize - 1,
		growThreshold:   int32(mInitialSize * mOverflowThreshold),
		shrinkThreshold: 0,
	for i := range h.buckets {
		h.buckets[i] = unsafe.Pointer(&mBucket{})
	r := &Cache{
		mHead:  unsafe.Pointer(h),
		cacher: cacher,
	return r

func (r *Cache) getBucket(hash uint32) (*mNode, *mBucket) {
	h := (*mNode)(atomic.LoadPointer(&r.mHead))
	i := hash & h.mask
	b := (*mBucket)(atomic.LoadPointer(&h.buckets[i]))
	if b == nil {
		b = h.initBucket(i)
	return h, b

func (r *Cache) delete(n *Node) bool {
	for {
		h, b := r.getBucket(n.hash)
		done, deleted := b.delete(r, h, n.hash, n.ns, n.key)
		if done {
			return deleted
	return false

// Nodes returns number of 'cache node' in the map.
func (r *Cache) Nodes() int {
	return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&r.nodes))

// Size returns sums of 'cache node' size in the map.
func (r *Cache) Size() int {
	return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&r.size))

// Capacity returns cache capacity.
func (r *Cache) Capacity() int {
	if r.cacher == nil {
		return 0
	return r.cacher.Capacity()

// SetCapacity sets cache capacity.
func (r *Cache) SetCapacity(capacity int) {
	if r.cacher != nil {

// Get gets 'cache node' with the given namespace and key.
// If cache node is not found and setFunc is not nil, Get will atomically creates
// the 'cache node' by calling setFunc. Otherwise Get will returns nil.
// The returned 'cache handle' should be released after use by calling Release
// method.
func (r *Cache) Get(ns, key uint64, setFunc func() (size int, value Value)) *Handle {
	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
	if r.closed {
		return nil

	hash := murmur32(ns, key, 0xf00)
	for {
		h, b := r.getBucket(hash)
		done, _, n := b.get(r, h, hash, ns, key, setFunc == nil)
		if done {
			if n != nil {
				if n.value == nil {
					if setFunc == nil {
						return nil

					n.size, n.value = setFunc()
					if n.value == nil {
						n.size = 0
						return nil
					atomic.AddInt32(&r.size, int32(n.size))
				if r.cacher != nil {
				return &Handle{unsafe.Pointer(n)}

	return nil

// Delete removes and ban 'cache node' with the given namespace and key.
// A banned 'cache node' will never inserted into the 'cache tree'. Ban
// only attributed to the particular 'cache node', so when a 'cache node'
// is recreated it will not be banned.
// If onDel is not nil, then it will be executed if such 'cache node'
// doesn't exist or once the 'cache node' is released.
// Delete return true is such 'cache node' exist.
func (r *Cache) Delete(ns, key uint64, onDel func()) bool {
	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
	if r.closed {
		return false

	hash := murmur32(ns, key, 0xf00)
	for {
		h, b := r.getBucket(hash)
		done, _, n := b.get(r, h, hash, ns, key, true)
		if done {
			if n != nil {
				if onDel != nil {
					n.onDel = append(n.onDel, onDel)
				if r.cacher != nil {
				return true


	if onDel != nil {

	return false

// Evict evicts 'cache node' with the given namespace and key. This will
// simply call Cacher.Evict.
// Evict return true is such 'cache node' exist.
func (r *Cache) Evict(ns, key uint64) bool {
	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
	if r.closed {
		return false

	hash := murmur32(ns, key, 0xf00)
	for {
		h, b := r.getBucket(hash)
		done, _, n := b.get(r, h, hash, ns, key, true)
		if done {
			if n != nil {
				if r.cacher != nil {
				return true


	return false

// EvictNS evicts 'cache node' with the given namespace. This will
// simply call Cacher.EvictNS.
func (r *Cache) EvictNS(ns uint64) {
	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
	if r.closed {

	if r.cacher != nil {

// EvictAll evicts all 'cache node'. This will simply call Cacher.EvictAll.
func (r *Cache) EvictAll() {
	defer r.mu.RUnlock()
	if r.closed {

	if r.cacher != nil {

// Close closes the 'cache map' and releases all 'cache node'.
func (r *Cache) Close() error {
	if !r.closed {
		r.closed = true

		if r.cacher != nil {
			if err := r.cacher.Close(); err != nil {
				return err

		h := (*mNode)(r.mHead)

		for i := range h.buckets {
			b := (*mBucket)(h.buckets[i])
			for _, n := range b.node {
				// Call releaser.
				if n.value != nil {
					if r, ok := n.value.(util.Releaser); ok {
					n.value = nil

				// Call OnDel.
				for _, f := range n.onDel {
	return nil

// Node is a 'cache node'.
type Node struct {
	r *Cache

	hash    uint32
	ns, key uint64

	mu    sync.Mutex
	size  int
	value Value

	ref   int32
	onDel []func()

	CacheData unsafe.Pointer

// NS returns this 'cache node' namespace.
func (n *Node) NS() uint64 {
	return n.ns

// Key returns this 'cache node' key.
func (n *Node) Key() uint64 {
	return n.key

// Size returns this 'cache node' size.
func (n *Node) Size() int {
	return n.size

// Value returns this 'cache node' value.
func (n *Node) Value() Value {
	return n.value

// Ref returns this 'cache node' ref counter.
func (n *Node) Ref() int32 {
	return atomic.LoadInt32(&n.ref)

// GetHandle returns an handle for this 'cache node'.
func (n *Node) GetHandle() *Handle {
	if atomic.AddInt32(&n.ref, 1) <= 1 {
		panic("BUG: Node.GetHandle on zero ref")
	return &Handle{unsafe.Pointer(n)}

func (n *Node) unref() {
	if atomic.AddInt32(&n.ref, -1) == 0 {

func (n *Node) unrefLocked() {
	if atomic.AddInt32(&n.ref, -1) == 0 {
		if !n.r.closed {

// Handle is a 'cache handle' of a 'cache node'.
type Handle struct {
	n unsafe.Pointer // *Node

// Value returns the value of the 'cache node'.
func (h *Handle) Value() Value {
	n := (*Node)(atomic.LoadPointer(&h.n))
	if n != nil {
		return n.value
	return nil

// Release releases this 'cache handle'.
// It is safe to call release multiple times.
func (h *Handle) Release() {
	nPtr := atomic.LoadPointer(&h.n)
	if nPtr != nil && atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&h.n, nPtr, nil) {
		n := (*Node)(nPtr)

func murmur32(ns, key uint64, seed uint32) uint32 {
	const (
		m = uint32(0x5bd1e995)
		r = 24

	k1 := uint32(ns >> 32)
	k2 := uint32(ns)
	k3 := uint32(key >> 32)
	k4 := uint32(key)

	k1 *= m
	k1 ^= k1 >> r
	k1 *= m

	k2 *= m
	k2 ^= k2 >> r
	k2 *= m

	k3 *= m
	k3 ^= k3 >> r
	k3 *= m

	k4 *= m
	k4 ^= k4 >> r
	k4 *= m

	h := seed

	h *= m
	h ^= k1
	h *= m
	h ^= k2
	h *= m
	h ^= k3
	h *= m
	h ^= k4

	h ^= h >> 13
	h *= m
	h ^= h >> 15

	return h