# Git Shell [](http://drone.gitea.io/go-gitea/git) [](https://discord.gg/NsatcWJ) [](http://microbadger.com/images/gitea/gitea "Get your own image badge on microbadger.com") [](https://coverage.gitea.io/go-gitea/git) [](https://goreportcard.com/report/code.gitea.io/git) [](https://godoc.org/code.gitea.io/git) This project is a Go module to access Git through shell commands. For further informations take a look at the current [documentation](https://godoc.org/code.gitea.io/git). ## Contributing Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request ## Authors * [Maintainers](https://github.com/orgs/go-gitea/people) * [Contributors](https://github.com/go-gitea/git/graphs/contributors) ## License This project is under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for the full license text.