My fork of gitea / gogs with the UX updates that are most important to me.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
SagePtr 93dcc6caef Fix null pointer dereference in ParseCommitWithSignature (#4964) пре 6 година
fixtures Fix redirect with non-ascii branch names (#4764) (#4887) пре 6 година
migrations Fix column droping for MSSQL that need new transaction for that (#4440) (#4484) пре 6 година
access.go Refactor and fix incorrect comment (#1247) пре 7 година
access_test.go hide issues from org private repos w/o team assignment (#4034) пре 6 година
action.go Fix bug when repo remained bare if multiple branches pushed (#4927) пре 6 година
action_list.go refactor: reduce sql query in retrieveFeeds (#3547) пре 6 година
action_test.go fix: Add feed for organization (#3594) пре 6 година
admin.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
admin_test.go Fix tests code to prevent some runtime errors (#2381) пре 7 година
attachment.go Add Size column to attachment (#3734) пре 6 година
attachment_test.go Add Attachment API (#3478) пре 6 година
branches.go Push whitelist now doesn't apply to branch deletion (#4601) (#4640) пре 6 година
branches_test.go Add deleted_branch table fixture (#2832) пре 7 година
consistency.go Fix activity feed (#1779) пре 7 година
error.go Improve logging for e-mail and OpenID already in use errors (#4174) пре 6 година
error_oauth2.go gofmt (#1662) пре 7 година
external_login_user.go Add primary key and index to external login user table (#1656) пре 7 година
git_diff.go Update (#3482) пре 6 година
git_diff_test.go fix go vet error (#3740) пре 6 година
gpg_key.go Fix null pointer dereference in ParseCommitWithSignature (#4964) пре 6 година
gpg_key_test.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
graph.go fix #1189, commit messages containing a pipe (#1203) пре 7 година
graph_test.go Fix benchmarktests (#557) пре 7 година
helper.go Add reactions to issues/PR and comments (#2856) пре 6 година
issue.go Fix failure on creating pull request with assignees (#4419) (#4727) пре 6 година
issue_assignees.go Fix failure on creating pull request with assignees (#4419) (#4727) пре 6 година
issue_assignees_test.go Multiple assignees (#3705) пре 6 година
issue_comment.go fix delete comment bug (#4216) пре 6 година
issue_comment_test.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
issue_indexer.go Reduce repo indexer disk usage (#3452) пре 6 година
issue_label.go Add label descriptions (#3662) пре 6 година
issue_label_test.go Fix tests code to prevent some runtime errors (#2381) пре 7 година
issue_list.go fix bugs when too many IN variables (#4594) (#4597) пре 6 година
issue_list_test.go Shows total tracked time in issue and milestone list (#3341) пре 6 година
issue_mail.go Don't disclose emails of all users when sending out emails (#4784) пре 6 година
issue_milestone.go Fix some webhooks bugs (#3981) пре 6 година
issue_milestone_test.go Add more webhooks support and refactor webhook templates directory (#3929) пре 6 година
issue_reaction.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
issue_reaction_test.go Tests for reactions (#3083) пре 6 година
issue_stopwatch.go Shows total tracked time in issue and milestone list (#3341) пре 6 година
issue_stopwatch_test.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
issue_test.go Shows total tracked time in issue and milestone list (#3341) пре 6 година
issue_tracked_time.go Shows total tracked time in issue and milestone list (#3341) пре 6 година
issue_tracked_time_test.go Feature: Timetracking (#2211) пре 7 година
issue_user.go Fix some webhooks bugs (#3981) пре 6 година
issue_user_test.go Multiple assignees (#3705) пре 6 година
issue_watch.go Update xorm to latest version and fix correct `user` table referencing in sql (#4473) (#4483) пре 6 година
issue_watch_test.go Hide unactive on explore users and some refactors (#2741) пре 7 година
lfs.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
lfs_lock.go Fix SSH auth lfs locks (#3152) пре 6 година
login_source.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
mail.go Issue content should not be updated when closing with comment (#2833) пре 7 година
main_test.go Unit tests for wiki routers (#3022) пре 6 година
models.go hide issues from org private repos w/o team assignment (#4034) пре 6 година
models_sqlite.go go vet пре 10 година
models_test.go Change parsing of postgresql settings (#4275) пре 6 година
models_tidb.go Remove go version from build tags (#133) пре 8 година
notification.go hide issues from org private repos w/o team assignment (#4034) пре 6 година
notification_test.go Add 'mark all read' option to notifications (#3097) пре 6 година
oauth2.go Store OAuth2 session data in database (#3660) пре 6 година
org.go Fix out-of-transaction query in removeOrgUser (#4521) (#4524) пре 6 година
org_team.go hide issues from org private repos w/o team assignment (#4034) пре 6 година
org_team_test.go Fix ignored errors when checking if organization, team member (#3177) пре 6 година
org_test.go hide issues from org private repos w/o team assignment (#4034) пре 6 година
pull.go Fix some webhooks bugs (#3981) пре 6 година
pull_test.go Fix unit test race condition (#2516) пре 7 година
release.go Fix missing release title in webhook (#4783) (#4800) пре 6 година
repo.go fix bug forget to remove Stopwatch when remove repository (#4933) пре 6 година
repo_activity.go Add issue closed time column to fix activity closed issues list (#3537) пре 6 година
repo_branch.go Create new branch from branch selection dropdown (#2130) пре 7 година
repo_collaboration.go Fix not removed watches on unallowed repositories (#4201) пре 6 година
repo_collaboration_test.go Unit tests for models/repo_collaboration (#1032) пре 7 година
repo_editor.go Code/repo search (#2582) пре 7 година
repo_indexer.go Update (#3482) пре 6 година
repo_issue.go Add EnableTimetracking option to app settings (#3719) пре 6 година
repo_list.go Added repository search ordered by stars or forks. Forks column in admin repo list. (#3969) пре 6 година
repo_list_test.go Fix redirect with non-ascii branch names (#4764) (#4887) пре 6 година
repo_mirror.go Make sure to reset commit count in the cache on mirror syncing (#4720) (#4770) пре 6 година
repo_redirect.go Redirects for renamed repos (#807) пре 7 година
repo_redirect_test.go Unit tests for repo redirects (#961) пре 7 година
repo_test.go Fix repo-transfer-and-team-repo-count bug (#3241) пре 6 година
repo_unit.go Add Pull Request merge options - Ignore white-space for conflict checking, Rebase, Squash merge (#3188) пре 6 година
repo_watch.go Update xorm to latest version and fix correct `user` table referencing in sql (#4473) (#4483) пре 6 година
repo_watch_test.go Hide unactive on explore users and some refactors (#2741) пре 7 година
ssh_key.go LDAP Public SSH Keys synchronization (#1844) пре 6 година
ssh_key_test.go Use assert in legacy unit tests (#867) пре 7 година
star.go refactor: small optimize for sql query (#940) пре 7 година
star_test.go Fix tests code to prevent some runtime errors (#2381) пре 7 година
status.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
status_test.go Fix tests code to prevent some runtime errors (#2381) пре 7 година
test_fixtures.go Integration test framework (#1290) пре 7 година
token.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
token_test.go Fix tests code to prevent some runtime errors (#2381) пре 7 година
topic.go Fixed violation of the unique constraint for v68 migration (#4297) пре 6 година
topic_test.go Fix topics addition (Another solution) (#4031) (#4258) пре 6 година
twofactor.go Do not allow to reuse TOTP passcode (#3878) пре 6 година
u2f.go Add support for FIDO U2F (#3971) пре 6 година
u2f_test.go Add support for FIDO U2F (#3971) пре 6 година
unit.go Fix implementation of repo Home func (#2601) пре 7 година
unit_tests.go Use unique temp dirs in unit tests (#3494) пре 6 година
update.go Refactor struct's time to remove unnecessary memory usage (#3142) пре 6 година
update_test.go Fix tests code to prevent some runtime errors (#2381) пре 7 година
user.go Update xorm to latest version and fix correct `user` table referencing in sql (#4473) (#4483) пре 6 година
user_follow.go Refactor session close as xorm already does everything needed internally (#2020) пре 7 година
user_follow_test.go Move user_follow to separate file (#1210) пре 7 година
user_mail.go Replace deprecated Id method with ID (#2655) пре 7 година
user_mail_test.go Fix tests code to prevent some runtime errors (#2381) пре 7 година
user_openid.go Replace deprecated Id method with ID (#2655) пре 7 година
user_openid_test.go Fix tests code to prevent some runtime errors (#2381) пре 7 година
user_test.go hide issues from org private repos w/o team assignment (#4034) пре 6 година
webhook.go fix webhook bug of response info is not displayed in UI (#4000) пре 6 година
webhook_dingtalk.go Fix some webhooks bugs (#3981) пре 6 година
webhook_discord.go fix url in discord webhook (#4951) пре 6 година
webhook_slack.go Fix some webhooks bugs (#3981) пре 6 година
webhook_test.go Add more webhooks support and refactor webhook templates directory (#3929) пре 6 година
wiki.go Fix to use only needed columns from tables to get repository git paths (#3870) пре 6 година
wiki_test.go test: reduce testing time. (#3885) пре 6 година