
171 lines
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2020-08-04 07:09:43 +00:00
package xkeypairs
import (
mathrand "math/rand"
var RandomReader = rand.Reader
type JWS struct {
Header Object `json:"header"` // JSON
Claims Object `json:"claims"` // JSON
Protected string `json:"protected"` // base64
Payload string `json:"payload"` // base64
Signature string `json:"signature"` // base64
type Object = map[string]interface{}
func SignClaims(privkey keypairs.PrivateKey, header Object, claims Object) (*JWS, error) {
var randsrc io.Reader = RandomReader
seed, _ := header["_seed"].(int64)
if 0 != seed {
randsrc = mathrand.New(mathrand.NewSource(seed))
//delete(header, "_seed")
protected, err := headerToProtected(keypairs.NewPublicKey(privkey.Public()), header)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
protected64 := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(protected)
payload, err := claimsToPayload(claims)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
payload64 := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(payload)
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(
sig := Sign(randsrc, privkey, hash[:])
sig64 := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(sig)
return &JWS{
Header: header,
Claims: claims,
Protected: protected64,
Payload: payload64,
Signature: sig64,
}, nil
func headerToProtected(pub keypairs.PublicKey, header Object) ([]byte, error) {
if nil == header {
header = Object{}
// Only supporting 2048-bit and P256 keys right now
// because that's all that's practical and well-supported.
// No security theatre here.
alg := "ES256"
switch pub.Key().(type) {
case *rsa.PublicKey:
alg = "RS256"
if selfSign, _ := header["_jwk"].(bool); selfSign {
delete(header, "_jwk")
any := Object{}
_ = json.Unmarshal(keypairs.MarshalJWKPublicKey(pub), &any)
header["jwk"] = any
// TODO what are the acceptable values? JWT. JWS? others?
header["typ"] = "JWT"
if _, ok := header["jwk"]; !ok {
thumbprint := keypairs.ThumbprintPublicKey(pub)
kid, _ := header["kid"].(string)
if "" != kid && thumbprint != kid {
return nil, errors.New("'kid' should be the key's thumbprint")
header["kid"] = thumbprint
header["alg"] = alg
protected, err := json.Marshal(header)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
return protected, nil
func claimsToPayload(claims Object) ([]byte, error) {
if nil == claims {
claims = Object{}
jti, _ := claims["jti"].(string)
exp, _ := claims["exp"].(int64)
dur, _ := claims["exp"].(string)
insecure, _ := claims["insecure"].(bool)
// parse if exp is actually a duration, such as "15m"
if 0 == exp && "" != dur {
s, err := ParseDuration(dur)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
exp = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(s) * time.Second).Unix()
claims["exp"] = exp
if "" == jti && 0 == exp && !insecure {
return nil, errors.New("token must have jti or exp as to be expirable / cancellable")
return json.Marshal(claims)
func JWSToJWT(jwt *JWS) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
func Sign(rand io.Reader, privkey keypairs.PrivateKey, hash []byte) []byte {
var sig []byte
if len(hash) != 32 {
panic("only 256-bit hashes for 2048-bit and 256-bit keys are supported")
switch k := privkey.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
sig, _ = rsa.SignPKCS1v15(rand, k, crypto.SHA256, hash)
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
r, s, _ := ecdsa.Sign(rand, k, hash[:])
rb := r.Bytes()
fmt.Println(r, s)
for len(rb) < 32 {
rb = append([]byte{0}, rb...)
sb := s.Bytes()
for len(rb) < 32 {
sb = append([]byte{0}, sb...)
sig = append(rb, sb...)
return sig