# go-mockid OAuth2 / JWT / OpenID Connect for mocking auth... which isn't that different from doing it for real, actually. ## Enabling Google OAuth2 (Mid-2020) 1. Create an account at https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard 2. Go back to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard 3. Create a New Project from the dropdown in the upper left that lists the current project name 4. Give the project a name such as `Example Web App` and accept its generated ID 5. Click "Create" Add your test domain 0. Go back to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard 1. Select your new project from the upper-left drop-down 2. Select `Domain Verification` from the left hand side of the screen 3. Add your test domain (i.e. `beta.example.com`), but a domain that you actually own 4. Select `Verify Ownership` 5. Follow the specific instructions for adding a txt record to the subdomain you chose 6. Add a collaborator / co-owner if you wish Enable OAuth2 0. Go back to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard 1. Select `OAuth consent screen` 2. Select `External` 3. Complete the consent screen form Create Google Credentials 0. Go back to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard 1. Select `Credentials` from the left sidebar 2. Select `OAuth ID` 3. Select `Web Application` 4. Fill out the same test domain and test app name as before 5. Save the ID and Secret to a place you won't forget (perhaps a .gitignored .env)