
203 lines
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package mailgun
import (
// Bounce aggregates data relating to undeliverable messages to a specific intended recipient,
// identified by Address.
type Bounce struct {
// The time at which Mailgun detected the bounce.
CreatedAt RFC2822Time `json:"created_at"`
// Code provides the SMTP error code that caused the bounce
Code string `json:"code"`
// Address the bounce is for
Address string `json:"address"`
// human readable reason why
Error string `json:"error"`
type Paging struct {
First string `json:"first,omitempty"`
Next string `json:"next,omitempty"`
Previous string `json:"previous,omitempty"`
Last string `json:"last,omitempty"`
type bouncesListResponse struct {
Items []Bounce `json:"items"`
Paging Paging `json:"paging"`
// ListBounces returns a complete set of bounces logged against the sender's domain, if any.
// The results include the total number of bounces (regardless of skip or limit settings),
// and the slice of bounces specified, if successful.
// Note that the length of the slice may be smaller than the total number of bounces.
func (mg *MailgunImpl) ListBounces(opts *ListOptions) *BouncesIterator {
r := newHTTPRequest(generateApiUrl(mg, bouncesEndpoint))
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.APIKey())
if opts != nil {
if opts.Limit != 0 {
r.addParameter("limit", strconv.Itoa(opts.Limit))
url, err := r.generateUrlWithParameters()
return &BouncesIterator{
mg: mg,
bouncesListResponse: bouncesListResponse{Paging: Paging{Next: url, First: url}},
err: err,
type BouncesIterator struct {
mg Mailgun
err error
// If an error occurred during iteration `Err()` will return non nil
func (ci *BouncesIterator) Err() error {
return ci.err
// Next retrieves the next page of items from the api. Returns false when there
// no more pages to retrieve or if there was an error. Use `.Err()` to retrieve
// the error
func (ci *BouncesIterator) Next(ctx context.Context, items *[]Bounce) bool {
if ci.err != nil {
return false
ci.err = ci.fetch(ctx, ci.Paging.Next)
if ci.err != nil {
return false
cpy := make([]Bounce, len(ci.Items))
copy(cpy, ci.Items)
*items = cpy
if len(ci.Items) == 0 {
return false
return true
// First retrieves the first page of items from the api. Returns false if there
// was an error. It also sets the iterator object to the first page.
// Use `.Err()` to retrieve the error.
func (ci *BouncesIterator) First(ctx context.Context, items *[]Bounce) bool {
if ci.err != nil {
return false
ci.err = ci.fetch(ctx, ci.Paging.First)
if ci.err != nil {
return false
cpy := make([]Bounce, len(ci.Items))
copy(cpy, ci.Items)
*items = cpy
return true
// Last retrieves the last page of items from the api.
// Calling Last() is invalid unless you first call First() or Next()
// Returns false if there was an error. It also sets the iterator object
// to the last page. Use `.Err()` to retrieve the error.
func (ci *BouncesIterator) Last(ctx context.Context, items *[]Bounce) bool {
if ci.err != nil {
return false
ci.err = ci.fetch(ctx, ci.Paging.Last)
if ci.err != nil {
return false
cpy := make([]Bounce, len(ci.Items))
copy(cpy, ci.Items)
*items = cpy
return true
// Previous retrieves the previous page of items from the api. Returns false when there
// no more pages to retrieve or if there was an error. Use `.Err()` to retrieve
// the error if any
func (ci *BouncesIterator) Previous(ctx context.Context, items *[]Bounce) bool {
if ci.err != nil {
return false
if ci.Paging.Previous == "" {
return false
ci.err = ci.fetch(ctx, ci.Paging.Previous)
if ci.err != nil {
return false
cpy := make([]Bounce, len(ci.Items))
copy(cpy, ci.Items)
*items = cpy
if len(ci.Items) == 0 {
return false
return true
func (ci *BouncesIterator) fetch(ctx context.Context, url string) error {
r := newHTTPRequest(url)
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, ci.mg.APIKey())
return getResponseFromJSON(ctx, r, &ci.bouncesListResponse)
// GetBounce retrieves a single bounce record, if any exist, for the given recipient address.
func (mg *MailgunImpl) GetBounce(ctx context.Context, address string) (Bounce, error) {
r := newHTTPRequest(generateApiUrl(mg, bouncesEndpoint) + "/" + address)
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.APIKey())
var response Bounce
err := getResponseFromJSON(ctx, r, &response)
return response, err
// AddBounce files a bounce report.
// Address identifies the intended recipient of the message that bounced.
// Code corresponds to the numeric response given by the e-mail server which rejected the message.
// Error providees the corresponding human readable reason for the problem.
// For example,
// here's how the these two fields relate.
// Suppose the SMTP server responds with an error, as below.
// Then, . . .
// 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
// \___/\_______________________________________________/
// | |
// `-- Code `-- Error
// Note that both code and error exist as strings, even though
// code will report as a number.
func (mg *MailgunImpl) AddBounce(ctx context.Context, address, code, error string) error {
r := newHTTPRequest(generateApiUrl(mg, bouncesEndpoint))
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.APIKey())
payload := newUrlEncodedPayload()
payload.addValue("address", address)
if code != "" {
payload.addValue("code", code)
if error != "" {
payload.addValue("error", error)
_, err := makePostRequest(ctx, r, payload)
return err
// DeleteBounce removes all bounces associted with the provided e-mail address.
func (mg *MailgunImpl) DeleteBounce(ctx context.Context, address string) error {
r := newHTTPRequest(generateApiUrl(mg, bouncesEndpoint) + "/" + address)
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.APIKey())
_, err := makeDeleteRequest(ctx, r)
return err