
273 lines
7.9 KiB

package mailgun
import (
// A Route structure contains information on a configured or to-be-configured route.
// When creating a new route, the SDK only uses a subset of the fields of this structure.
// In particular, CreatedAt and ID are meaningless in this context, and will be ignored.
// Only Priority, Description, Expression, and Actions need be provided.
type Route struct {
// The Priority field indicates how soon the route works relative to other configured routes.
// Routes of equal priority are consulted in chronological order.
Priority int `json:"priority,omitempty"`
// The Description field provides a human-readable description for the route.
// Mailgun ignores this field except to provide the description when viewing the Mailgun web control panel.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// The Expression field lets you specify a pattern to match incoming messages against.
Expression string `json:"expression,omitempty"`
// The Actions field contains strings specifying what to do
// with any message which matches the provided expression.
Actions []string `json:"actions,omitempty"`
// The CreatedAt field provides a time-stamp for when the route came into existence.
CreatedAt RFC2822Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
// ID field provides a unique identifier for this route.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
type routesListResponse struct {
// is -1 if Next() or First() have not been called
TotalCount int `json:"total_count"`
Items []Route `json:"items"`
type createRouteResp struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
Route `json:"route"`
// ListRoutes allows you to iterate through a list of routes returned by the API
func (mg *MailgunImpl) ListRoutes(opts *ListOptions) *RoutesIterator {
var limit int
if opts != nil {
limit = opts.Limit
if limit == 0 {
limit = 100
return &RoutesIterator{
mg: mg,
url: generatePublicApiUrl(mg, routesEndpoint),
routesListResponse: routesListResponse{TotalCount: -1},
limit: limit,
type RoutesIterator struct {
limit int
mg Mailgun
offset int
url string
err error
// If an error occurred during iteration `Err()` will return non nil
func (ri *RoutesIterator) Err() error {
return ri.err
// Offset returns the current offset of the iterator
func (ri *RoutesIterator) Offset() int {
return ri.offset
// Next retrieves the next page of items from the api. Returns false when there
// no more pages to retrieve or if there was an error. Use `.Err()` to retrieve
// the error
func (ri *RoutesIterator) Next(ctx context.Context, items *[]Route) bool {
if ri.err != nil {
return false
ri.err = ri.fetch(ctx, ri.offset, ri.limit)
if ri.err != nil {
return false
cpy := make([]Route, len(ri.Items))
copy(cpy, ri.Items)
*items = cpy
if len(ri.Items) == 0 {
return false
ri.offset = ri.offset + len(ri.Items)
return true
// First retrieves the first page of items from the api. Returns false if there
// was an error. It also sets the iterator object to the first page.
// Use `.Err()` to retrieve the error.
func (ri *RoutesIterator) First(ctx context.Context, items *[]Route) bool {
if ri.err != nil {
return false
ri.err = ri.fetch(ctx, 0, ri.limit)
if ri.err != nil {
return false
cpy := make([]Route, len(ri.Items))
copy(cpy, ri.Items)
*items = cpy
ri.offset = len(ri.Items)
return true
// Last retrieves the last page of items from the api.
// Calling Last() is invalid unless you first call First() or Next()
// Returns false if there was an error. It also sets the iterator object
// to the last page. Use `.Err()` to retrieve the error.
func (ri *RoutesIterator) Last(ctx context.Context, items *[]Route) bool {
if ri.err != nil {
return false
if ri.TotalCount == -1 {
return false
ri.offset = ri.TotalCount - ri.limit
if ri.offset < 0 {
ri.offset = 0
ri.err = ri.fetch(ctx, ri.offset, ri.limit)
if ri.err != nil {
return false
cpy := make([]Route, len(ri.Items))
copy(cpy, ri.Items)
*items = cpy
return true
// Previous retrieves the previous page of items from the api. Returns false when there
// no more pages to retrieve or if there was an error. Use `.Err()` to retrieve
// the error if any
func (ri *RoutesIterator) Previous(ctx context.Context, items *[]Route) bool {
if ri.err != nil {
return false
if ri.TotalCount == -1 {
return false
ri.offset = ri.offset - (ri.limit * 2)
if ri.offset < 0 {
ri.offset = 0
ri.err = ri.fetch(ctx, ri.offset, ri.limit)
if ri.err != nil {
return false
cpy := make([]Route, len(ri.Items))
copy(cpy, ri.Items)
*items = cpy
if len(ri.Items) == 0 {
return false
return true
func (ri *RoutesIterator) fetch(ctx context.Context, skip, limit int) error {
r := newHTTPRequest(ri.url)
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, ri.mg.APIKey())
if skip != 0 {
r.addParameter("skip", strconv.Itoa(skip))
if limit != 0 {
r.addParameter("limit", strconv.Itoa(limit))
return getResponseFromJSON(ctx, r, &ri.routesListResponse)
// CreateRoute installs a new route for your domain.
// The route structure you provide serves as a template, and
// only a subset of the fields influence the operation.
// See the Route structure definition for more details.
func (mg *MailgunImpl) CreateRoute(ctx context.Context, prototype Route) (_ignored Route, err error) {
r := newHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(mg, routesEndpoint))
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.APIKey())
p := newUrlEncodedPayload()
p.addValue("priority", strconv.Itoa(prototype.Priority))
p.addValue("description", prototype.Description)
p.addValue("expression", prototype.Expression)
for _, action := range prototype.Actions {
p.addValue("action", action)
var resp createRouteResp
if err = postResponseFromJSON(ctx, r, p, &resp); err != nil {
return _ignored, err
return resp.Route, err
// DeleteRoute removes the specified route from your domain's configuration.
// To avoid ambiguity, Mailgun identifies the route by unique ID.
// See the Route structure definition and the Mailgun API documentation for more details.
func (mg *MailgunImpl) DeleteRoute(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
r := newHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(mg, routesEndpoint) + "/" + id)
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.APIKey())
_, err := makeDeleteRequest(ctx, r)
return err
// GetRoute retrieves the complete route definition associated with the unique route ID.
func (mg *MailgunImpl) GetRoute(ctx context.Context, id string) (Route, error) {
r := newHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(mg, routesEndpoint) + "/" + id)
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.APIKey())
var envelope struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
*Route `json:"route"`
err := getResponseFromJSON(ctx, r, &envelope)
if err != nil {
return Route{}, err
return *envelope.Route, err
// UpdateRoute provides an "in-place" update of the specified route.
// Only those route fields which are non-zero or non-empty are updated.
// All other fields remain as-is.
func (mg *MailgunImpl) UpdateRoute(ctx context.Context, id string, route Route) (Route, error) {
r := newHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(mg, routesEndpoint) + "/" + id)
r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.APIKey())
p := newUrlEncodedPayload()
if route.Priority != 0 {
p.addValue("priority", strconv.Itoa(route.Priority))
if route.Description != "" {
p.addValue("description", route.Description)
if route.Expression != "" {
p.addValue("expression", route.Expression)
if route.Actions != nil {
for _, action := range route.Actions {
p.addValue("action", action)
// For some reason, this API function just returns a bare Route on success.
// Unsure why this is the case; it seems like it ought to be a bug.
var envelope Route
err := putResponseFromJSON(ctx, r, p, &envelope)
return envelope, err