OAuth2 / JWT / OpenID Connect for mocking auth... which isn't that different from doing it for real, actually. https://mock.pocketid.app
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package ua
// IsWindows shorthand function to check if OS == Windows
func (ua UserAgent) IsWindows() bool {
return ua.OS == Windows
// IsAndroid shorthand function to check if OS == Android
func (ua UserAgent) IsAndroid() bool {
return ua.OS == Android
// IsMacOS shorthand function to check if OS == MacOS
func (ua UserAgent) IsMacOS() bool {
return ua.OS == MacOS
// IsIOS shorthand function to check if OS == IOS
func (ua UserAgent) IsIOS() bool {
return ua.OS == IOS
// IsLinux shorthand function to check if OS == Linux
func (ua UserAgent) IsLinux() bool {
return ua.OS == Linux
// IsOpera shorthand function to check if Name == Opera
func (ua UserAgent) IsOpera() bool {
return ua.Name == Opera
// IsOperaMini shorthand function to check if Name == Opera Mini
func (ua UserAgent) IsOperaMini() bool {
return ua.Name == OperaMini
// IsChrome shorthand function to check if Name == Chrome
func (ua UserAgent) IsChrome() bool {
return ua.Name == Chrome
// IsFirefox shorthand function to check if Name == Firefox
func (ua UserAgent) IsFirefox() bool {
return ua.Name == Firefox
// IsInternetExplorer shorthand function to check if Name == Internet Explorer
func (ua UserAgent) IsInternetExplorer() bool {
return ua.Name == InternetExplorer
// IsSafari shorthand function to check if Name == Safari
func (ua UserAgent) IsSafari() bool {
return ua.Name == Safari
// IsEdge shorthand function to check if Name == Edge
func (ua UserAgent) IsEdge() bool {
return ua.Name == Edge
// IsGooglebot shorthand function to check if Name == Googlebot
func (ua UserAgent) IsGooglebot() bool {
return ua.Name == Googlebot
// IsTwitterbot shorthand function to check if Name == Twitterbot
func (ua UserAgent) IsTwitterbot() bool {
return ua.Name == Twitterbot
// IsFacebookbot shorthand function to check if Name == FacebookExternalHit
func (ua UserAgent) IsFacebookbot() bool {
return ua.Name == FacebookExternalHit