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<h1>Tokens for Testing</h1>
Compatible with
* OAuth2
* OpenID Connect (OIDC)
* JOSE (Signed Access Tokens)
* https://mock.pocketid.app/access_token
* https://mock.pocketid.app/authorization_header
* https://xxx.mock.pocketid.app/.well-known/openid-configuration
* https://xxx.mock.pocketid.app/.well-known/jwks.json
* https://mock.pocketid.app/key.jwk.json
* POST https://xxx.mock.pocketid.app/api/jwks
{ "kty":"EC", "crv":"P-256", "x":"xxx", "y":"yyy" }
* GET https://xxx.mock.pocketid.app/.well-known/jwks.json
<h2>Get a token</h2>
Get a verifiable access token
For example:
TOKEN=$(curl -fL https://mock.pocketid.app/access_token)
You can set the expiration (`exp`) with query parameters:
* https://mock.pocketid.app/access_token?exp=90d (+90 days)
* https://mock.pocketid.app/access_token?exp=3h (+3 hours)
* https://mock.pocketid.app/access_token?exp=15m (+15 minutes)
* https://mock.pocketid.app/access_token?exp=1565739000 (exactly 2019-08-13 5:30pm)
(you can also get the whole header)
For example:
HEADER=$(curl -fL https://mock.pocketid.app/authorization_header)
# Authorization: Bearer &lt;token&gt;
<h3>The Token, Decoded</h3>
The Token will look like this:
The <font color="red">first part</font> is the JWS protected header.
Decoded, it looks like this:
The <font color="blue">second part</font> is the JWS payload of JWT claims.
Decoded, it looks like this:
The <font color="green">third part</font> is the signature.
It can't be "decoded", per se. It's two positive 32-bit BigInts called <em>R</em> and <em>S</em>, padded with zeros to fill out all the bytes.
<h2>Validate the Issuer</h2>
The token be signed and verifiable.
If the token issuer (iss) is "https://mock.pocketid.app/"
* the key url (jwks_uri) will be found at "https://mock.pocketid.app/.well-known/openid-configuration"
* which will point to "https://mock.pocketid.app/.well-known/jwks.json"
* where there will be a key whose thumbprint (kid) matches that in the token
The public key found there will look like this:
{ "crv":"P-256"
, "x":"ToL2HppsTESXQKvp7ED6NMgV4YnwbMeONexNry3KDNQ"
, "y":"Tt6Q3rxU37KAinUV9PLMlwosNy1t3Bf2VDg5q955AGc"
<h3>Get the Private Key</h3>
In truth, there's only one private key right now.
You shouldn't use it for automated testing, because it will change, but it looks like this:
{ "crv":"P-256"
, "x":"ToL2HppsTESXQKvp7ED6NMgV4YnwbMeONexNry3KDNQ"
, "y":"Tt6Q3rxU37KAinUV9PLMlwosNy1t3Bf2VDg5q955AGc"
, "d":"GYAwlBHc2mPsj1lp315HbYOmKNJ7esmO3JAkZVn9nJs"
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