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godotenv.go |

A Go (golang) port of the Ruby dotenv project (which loads env vars from a .env file)
From the original Library:
Storing configuration in the environment is one of the tenets of a twelve-factor app. Anything that is likely to change between deployment environments–such as resource handles for databases or credentials for external services–should be extracted from the code into environment variables.
But it is not always practical to set environment variables on development machines or continuous integration servers where multiple projects are run. Dotenv load variables from a .env file into ENV when the environment is bootstrapped.
It can be used as a library (for loading in env for your own daemons etc) or as a bin command.
There is test coverage and CI for both linuxish and windows environments, but I make no guarantees about the bin version working on windows.
As a library
go get github.com/joho/godotenv
or if you want to use it as a bin command
go get github.com/joho/godotenv/cmd/godotenv
Add your application configuration to your .env
file in the root of your project:
Then in your Go app you can do something like
package main
import (
func main() {
err := godotenv.Load()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")
s3Bucket := os.Getenv("S3_BUCKET")
secretKey := os.Getenv("SECRET_KEY")
// now do something with s3 or whatever
If you're even lazier than that, you can just take advantage of the autoload package which will read in .env
on import
import _ "github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload"
While .env
in the project root is the default, you don't have to be constrained, both examples below are 100% legit
_ = godotenv.Load("somerandomfile")
_ = godotenv.Load("filenumberone.env", "filenumbertwo.env")
If you want to be really fancy with your env file you can do comments and exports (below is a valid env file)
# I am a comment and that is OK
FOO=BAR # comments at line end are OK too
export BAR=BAZ
Or finally you can do YAML(ish) style
FOO: bar
BAR: baz
as a final aside, if you don't want godotenv munging your env you can just get a map back instead
var myEnv map[string]string
myEnv, err := godotenv.Read()
s3Bucket := myEnv["S3_BUCKET"]
... or from an io.Reader
instead of a local file
reader := getRemoteFile()
myEnv, err := godotenv.Parse(reader)
... or from a string
if you so desire
content := getRemoteFileContent()
myEnv, err := godotenv.Unmarshal(content)
Command Mode
Assuming you've installed the command as above and you've got $GOPATH/bin
in your $PATH
godotenv -f /some/path/to/.env some_command with some args
If you don't specify -f
it will fall back on the default of loading .env
in PWD
Writing Env Files
Godotenv can also write a map representing the environment to a correctly-formatted and escaped file
env, err := godotenv.Unmarshal("KEY=value")
err := godotenv.Write(env, "./.env")
... or to a string
env, err := godotenv.Unmarshal("KEY=value")
content, err := godotenv.Marshal(env)
Contributions are most welcome! The parser itself is pretty stupidly naive and I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks with edge cases.
code changes without tests will not be accepted
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Releases should follow Semver though the first couple of releases are v1
and v1.1
Use annotated tags for all releases. Example git tag -a v1.2.1
The original library dotenv was written by Brandon Keepers, and this port was done by John Barton based off the tests/fixtures in the original library.