//go:generate go run -mod=vendor git.rootprojects.org/root/go-gitver package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "git.rootprojects.org/root/go-serviceman/installer" ) var GitRev = "000000000" var GitVersion = "v0.0.0" var GitTimestamp = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339) func main() { conf := &installer.Config{ Restart: true, } args := []string{} for i := range os.Args { if "--" == os.Args[i] { if len(os.Args) > i+1 { args = os.Args[i+1:] } os.Args = os.Args[:i] break } } conf.Argv = args force := false forUser := false forSystem := false flag.StringVar(&conf.Title, "title", "", "a human-friendly name for the service") flag.StringVar(&conf.Desc, "desc", "", "a human-friendly description of the service (ex: Foo App)") flag.StringVar(&conf.Name, "name", "", "a computer-friendly name for the service (ex: foo-app)") flag.StringVar(&conf.URL, "url", "", "the documentation on home page of the service") //flag.StringVar(&conf.Workdir, "workdir", "", "the directory in which the service should be started") flag.StringVar(&conf.ReverseDNS, "rdns", "", "a plist-friendly Reverse DNS name for launchctl (ex: com.example.foo-app)") flag.BoolVar(&forSystem, "system", false, "attempt to install system service as an unprivileged/unelevated user") flag.BoolVar(&forUser, "user", false, "install user space / user mode service even when admin/root/sudo/elevated") flag.BoolVar(&force, "force", false, "if the interpreter or executable doesn't exist, or things don't make sense, try anyway") flag.StringVar(&conf.User, "username", "", "run the service as this user") flag.StringVar(&conf.Group, "groupname", "", "run the service as this group") flag.BoolVar(&conf.PrivilegedPorts, "cap-net-bind", false, "this service should have access to privileged ports") flag.Parse() args = flag.Args() if forUser && forSystem { fmt.Println("Pfff! You can't --user AND --system! What are you trying to pull?") os.Exit(1) return } if forUser { conf.System = false } else if forSystem { conf.System = true } else { conf.System = installer.IsPrivileged() } n := len(args) if 0 == n { fmt.Println("Usage: serviceman install ./foo-app -- --foo-arg") os.Exit(2) return } execpath, err := installer.WhereIs(args[0]) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: '%s' could not be found.\n", args[0]) if !force { os.Exit(3) return } } else { args[0] = execpath } conf.Exec = args[0] args = args[1:] if n >= 2 { conf.Interpreter = conf.Exec conf.Exec = args[0] conf.Argv = append(args[1:], conf.Argv...) } if "" == conf.Name { ext := filepath.Ext(conf.Exec) base := filepath.Base(conf.Exec[:len(conf.Exec)-len(ext)]) conf.Name = strings.ToLower(base) } if "" == conf.Title { conf.Title = conf.Name } if "" == conf.ReverseDNS { // technically should be something more like "com.example." + conf.Name, // but whatever conf.ReverseDNS = conf.Name } if !conf.System { home, err := os.UserHomeDir() if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unrecoverable Error: %s", err) os.Exit(4) return } conf.Local = filepath.Join(home, ".local") conf.LogDir = filepath.Join(home, ".local", "share", conf.Name, "var", "log") } else { conf.LogDir = "/var/log/" + conf.Name } // Check to see if Exec exists // /whatever => must exist exactly // ./whatever => must exist in current or WorkDir(TODO) // whatever => may also exist in {{ .Local }}/opt/{{ .Name }}/{{ .Exec }} _, err = os.Stat(conf.Exec) if nil != err { bad := true if !strings.Contains(filepath.ToSlash(conf.Exec), "/") { optpath := filepath.Join(conf.Local, "/opt", conf.Name, conf.Exec) _, err := os.Stat(optpath) if nil == err { bad = false fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Using '%s' for '%s'\n", optpath, conf.Exec) conf.Exec = optpath } } if bad { // TODO look for it in WorkDir? fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: '%s' could not be found.\n", conf.Exec) if !force { os.Exit(5) return } execpath, err := filepath.Abs(conf.Exec) if nil == err { conf.Exec = execpath } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Using '%s' anyway.\n", conf.Exec) } } fmt.Printf("\n%#v\n\n", conf) err = installer.Install(conf) if nil != err { log.Fatal(err) } }