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2016-10-17 23:40:55 +00:00
'use strict';
2017-09-14 21:26:19 +00:00
module.exports.create = function (deps, conf) {
var dns = deps.PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('dns'));
var network = deps.PromiseA.promisifyAll(deps.recase.camelCopy(require('network')));
var equal = require('deep-equal');
2016-10-17 23:40:55 +00:00
var utils = require('./utils').create(deps, conf);
var loopback = require('./loopback').create(deps, conf, utils);
var dnsCtrl = require('./dns-ctrl').create(deps, conf, utils);
2017-11-08 19:05:38 +00:00
var challenge = require('./challenge-responder').create(deps, conf, utils);
var tunnelClients = require('./tunnel-client-manager').create(deps, conf, utils);
var loopbackDomain;
var tunnelActive = false;
async function startTunnel(tunnelSession, mod, domainList) {
try {
var dnsSession = await utils.getSession(mod.tokenId);
var tunnelDomain = await tunnelClients.start(tunnelSession || dnsSession, domainList);
var addrList;
try {
addrList = await dns.resolve4Async(tunnelDomain);
} catch (e) {}
if (!addrList || !addrList.length) {
try {
addrList = await dns.resolve6Async(tunnelDomain);
} catch (e) {}
if (!addrList || !addrList.length || !addrList[0]) {
throw new Error('failed to lookup IP for tunnel domain "' + tunnelDomain + '"');
await dnsCtrl.setDeviceAddress(dnsSession, addrList[0], domainList);
} catch (err) {
console.log('error starting tunnel for', domainList.join(', '));
async function connectAllTunnels() {
var tunnelSession;
if (conf.ddns.tunnel) {
// In the case of a non-existant token, I'm not sure if we want to throw here and prevent
// any tunnel connections, or if we want to ignore it and fall back to the DNS tokens
tunnelSession = await;
await utils.iterateAllModules(function (mod, domainList) {
if (mod.type !== '') { return null; }
return startTunnel(tunnelSession, mod, domainList);
tunnelActive = true;
async function disconnectTunnels() {
tunnelActive = false;
await Promise.resolve();
async function checkTunnelTokens() {
var oldTokens = tunnelClients.current();
var newTokens = await utils.iterateAllModules(function checkTokens(mod, domainList) {
if (mod.type !== '') { return null; }
var domainStr = domainList.slice().sort().join(',');
// If there is already a token handling exactly the domains this modules
// needs handled remove it from the list of tokens to be removed. Otherwise
// return the module and domain list so we can get new tokens.
if (oldTokens[domainStr]) {
delete oldTokens[domainStr];
} else {
return Promise.resolve({ mod, domainList });
await Promise.all(Object.values(oldTokens).map(tunnelClients.remove));
if (!newTokens.length) { return; }
var tunnelSession;
if (conf.ddns.tunnel) {
// In the case of a non-existant token, I'm not sure if we want to throw here and prevent
// any tunnel connections, or if we want to ignore it and fall back to the DNS tokens
tunnelSession = await;
await Promise.all( ({mod, domainList}) {
return startTunnel(tunnelSession, mod, domainList);
var localAddr, gateway;
async function checkNetworkEnv() {
// Since we can't detect the OS level events when a user plugs in an ethernet cable to recheck
// what network environment we are in we check our local network address and the gateway to
// determine if we need to run the loopback check and router configuration again.
var addr = await network.getPrivateIpAsync();
// Until the author of the `network` package publishes the pull request we gave him
// checking the gateway on our units fails because we have the busybox versions of
// the linux commands. Gateway is realistically less important than address, so if
// we fail in getting it go ahead and use the null value.
var gw;
try {
gw = await network.getGatewayIpAsync();
} catch (err) {
gw = null;
if (localAddr === addr && gateway === gw) {
var loopResult = await loopback(loopbackDomain);
var notLooped = Object.keys(loopResult.ports).filter(function (port) {
return !loopResult.ports[port];
// if (notLooped.length) {
// // TODO: try to automatically configure router to forward ports to us.
// }
// If we are on a public address or all ports we are listening on are forwarded to us then
// we don't need the tunnel and we can set the DNS records for all our domains to our public
2017-11-01 17:40:56 +00:00
// address. Otherwise we need to use the tunnel to accept traffic. Also since the tunnel will
// only be listening on ports 80 and 443 if those are forwarded to us we don't want the tunnel.
if (!notLooped.length || (loopResult.ports['80'] && loopResult.ports['443'])) {
if (tunnelActive) {
await disconnectTunnels();
} else {
if (!tunnelActive) {
await connectAllTunnels();
// Don't assign these until the end of the function. This means that if something failed
// in the loopback or tunnel connection that we will try to go through the whole process
// again next time and hopefully the error is temporary (but if not I'm not sure what the
// correct course of action would be anyway).
localAddr = addr;
gateway = gw;
2017-09-14 21:26:19 +00:00
var publicAddress;
async function recheckPubAddr() {
await checkNetworkEnv();
if (tunnelActive) {
2016-10-17 23:40:55 +00:00
var addr = await loopback.checkPublicAddr(loopbackDomain);
if (publicAddress === addr) {
if (conf.debug) {
console.log('previous public address',publicAddress, 'does not match current public address', addr);
publicAddress = addr;
await utils.iterateAllModules(function setModuleDNS(mod, domainList) {
if (mod.type !== '' || mod.disabled) { return null; }
return utils.getSession(mod.tokenId).then(function (session) {
return dnsCtrl.setDeviceAddress(session, addr, domainList);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log('error setting DNS records for', domainList.join(', '));
2017-09-14 21:26:19 +00:00
2016-10-17 23:40:55 +00:00
function getModuleDiffs(prevConf) {
var prevMods = {};
var curMods = {};
// this returns a Promise, but since the functions we use are synchronous
// and change our enclosed variables we don't need to wait for the return.
utils.iterateAllModules(function (mod, domainList) {
if (mod.type !== '') { return; }
prevMods[] = { mod, domainList };
return true;
}, prevConf);
utils.iterateAllModules(function (mod, domainList) {
if (mod.type !== '') { return; }
curMods[] = { mod, domainList };
return true;
// Filter out all of the modules that are exactly the same including domainList
// since there is no required action to transition.
Object.keys(prevMods).map(function (id) {
if (equal(prevMods[id], curMods[id])) {
delete prevMods[id];
delete curMods[id];
return {prevMods, curMods};
async function cleanOldDns(prevConf) {
var {prevMods, curMods} = getModuleDiffs(prevConf);
// Then remove DNS records for the domains that we are no longer responsible for.
await Promise.all(Object.values(prevMods).map(function ({mod, domainList}) {
var oldDomains;
if (!curMods[] || mod.tokenId !== curMods[].mod.tokenId) {
oldDomains = domainList.slice();
} else {
oldDomains = domainList.filter(function (domain) {
return curMods[].domainList.indexOf(domain) < 0;
if (conf.debug) {
console.log('removing old domains for module',, oldDomains.join(', '));
if (!oldDomains.length) {
return utils.getSession(mod.tokenId).then(function (session) {
return dnsCtrl.removeDomains(session, oldDomains);
async function setNewDns(prevConf) {
var {prevMods, curMods} = getModuleDiffs(prevConf);
// And add DNS records for any newly added domains.
await Promise.all(Object.values(curMods).map(function ({mod, domainList}) {
var newDomains;
if (!prevMods[] || mod.tokenId !== prevMods[].mod.tokenId) {
newDomains = domainList.slice();
} else {
newDomains = domainList.filter(function (domain) {
return prevMods[].domainList.indexOf(domain) < 0;
if (conf.debug) {
console.log('adding new domains for module',, newDomains.join(', '));
if (!newDomains.length) {
return utils.getSession(mod.tokenId).then(function (session) {
return dnsCtrl.setDeviceAddress(session, publicAddress, newDomains);
function check() {
recheckPubAddr().catch(function (err) {
console.error('failed to handle all actions needed for DDNS');
setInterval(check, 5*60*1000);
2016-10-17 23:40:55 +00:00
var curConf;
function updateConf() {
if (curConf && equal(curConf.ddns, conf.ddns) && equal(, {
// We could update curConf, but since everything we care about is the same...
if (!curConf || !equal(curConf.ddns.loopback, conf.ddns.loopback)) {
loopbackDomain = '';
if (conf.ddns && conf.ddns.loopback) {
if (conf.ddns.loopback.type === '' && conf.ddns.loopback.domain) {
loopbackDomain = conf.ddns.loopback.domain;
} else {
console.error('invalid loopback configuration: bad type or missing domain');
if (!curConf) {
// We need to make a deep copy of the config so we can use it next time to
// compare and see what setup/cleanup is needed to adapt to the changes.
curConf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(conf));
cleanOldDns(curConf).then(function () {
if (!tunnelActive) {
return setNewDns(curConf);
if (equal(curConf.ddns.tunnel, conf.ddns.tunnel)) {
return checkTunnelTokens();
} else {
return disconnectTunnels().then(connectAllTunnels);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.error('error transitioning DNS between configurations');
}).then(function () {
// We need to make a deep copy of the config so we can use it next time to
// compare and see what setup/cleanup is needed to adapt to the changes.
curConf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(conf));
2017-09-14 21:26:19 +00:00
return {
loopbackServer: loopback.server
, setDeviceAddress: dnsCtrl.setDeviceAddress
, getDeviceAddresses: dnsCtrl.getDeviceAddresses
2017-09-14 21:26:19 +00:00
, recheckPubAddr: recheckPubAddr
, updateConf: updateConf
2017-11-08 19:05:38 +00:00
, challenge
2016-10-17 23:40:55 +00:00
2017-09-14 21:26:19 +00:00