# API The API system is intended for use with Desktop and Mobile clients. It must be accessed using one of the following domains as the Host header: * localhost.alpha.daplie.me * localhost.admin.daplie.me * alpha.localhost.daplie.me * admin.localhost.daplie.me * localhost.daplie.invalid All requests require an OAuth3 token in the request headers. ## Config ### Get All Settings * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config` * **Method** `GET` * **Reponse**: The JSON representation of the current config. See the [README.md](/README.md) for the structure of the config. ### Get Group Setting * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/:group` * **Method** `GET` * **Reponse**: The sub-object of the config relevant to the group specified in the url (ie http, tls, tcp, etc.) ### Get Group Module List * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/:group/modules` * **Method** `GET` * **Reponse**: The list of modules relevant to the group specified in the url (ie http, tls, tcp, etc.) ### Get Specific Module * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/:group/modules/:modId` * **Method** `GET` * **Reponse**: The module with the specified module ID. ### Get Domain Group * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId` * **Method** `GET` * **Reponse**: The domains specification with the specified domains ID. ### Get Domain Group Modules * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId/modules` * **Method** `GET` * **Reponse**: An object containing all of the relevant modules for the group of domains. ### Get Domain Group Module Category * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId/modules/:group` * **Method** `GET` * **Reponse**: A list of the specific category of modules for the group of domains. ### Get Specific Domain Group Module * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId/modules/:group/:modId` * **Method** `GET` * **Reponse**: The module with the specified module ID. ### Change Settings * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config` * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/:group` * **Method** `POST` * **Body**: The changes to be applied on top of the current config. See the [README.md](/README.md) for the settings. If modules or domains are specified they are added to the current list. * **Reponse**: The current config. If the group is specified in the URL it will only be the config relevant to that group. ### Add Module * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/:group/modules` * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId/modules/:group` * **Method** `POST` * **Body**: The module to be added. Can also be provided an array of modules to add multiple modules in the same request. * **Reponse**: The current list of modules. ### Add Domain Group * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains` * **Method** `POST` * **Body**: The domains names and modules for the new domain group(s). * **Reponse**: The current list of domain groups. ### Edit Module * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/:group/modules/:modId` * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId/modules/:group/:modId` * **Method** `PUT` * **Body**: The new parameters for the module. * **Reponse**: The editted module. ### Edit Domain Group * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId` * **Method** `PUT` * **Body**: The new domains names for the domains group. The module list cannot be editted through this route. * **Reponse**: The editted domain group. ### Remove Module * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/:group/modules/:modId` * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId/modules/:group/:modId` * **Method** `DELETE` * **Reponse**: The list of modules. ### Remove Domain Group * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/config/domains/:domId` * **Method** `DELETE` * **Reponse**: The list of domain groups. ## Tunnel ### Check Status * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/tunnel` * **Method** `POST` * **Reponse**: An object whose keys are the URLs for the tunnels, and whose properties are arrays of the tunnel tokens. This route with return only the sessions started by the same user who is checking the status. ### Start Tunnel * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/tunnel` * **Method** `POST` This route will use the stored token for the user matching the request header to request a tunnel token from the audience of the stored token. ## Socks5 Proxy ### Check Status * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/socks5` * **Method** `GET` * **Response**: The returned object will have up to two values inside * `running`: boolean value to indicate if the proxy is currently active * `port`: if the proxy is running this is the port it's running on ### Start Proxy * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/socks5` * **Method** `POST` * **Response**: Same response as for the `GET` request ### Stop Proxy * **URL** `/api/goldilocks@daplie.com/socks5` * **Method** `DELETE` * **Response**: Same response as for the `GET` request