Goldilocks ========== The node.js netserver that's just right. * **HTTPS Web Server** with Automatic TLS (SSL) via ACME ([Let's Encrypt]( * Static Web Server * URL Redirects * SSL on localhost (with bundled certificates) * Uses node cluster to take advantage of multiple CPUs (in progress) * **TLS** name-based (SNI) proxy * **TCP** port-based proxy * WS **Tunnel Server** (i.e. run on Digital Ocean and expose a home-firewalled Raspberry Pi to the Internet) * WS **Tunnel Client** (i.e. run on a Raspberry Pi and connect to a Daplie Tunnel) * UPnP / NAT-PMP forwarding and loopback testing (in progress) * Configurable via API * mDNS Discoverable (configure in home or office with mobile and desktop apps) * OAuth3 Authentication Install Standalone ------- ```bash # v1 in npm npm install -g goldilocks # v1 in git (via ssh) npm install -g git+ssh:// # v1 in git (unauthenticated) npm install -g git+ ``` ```bash goldilocks ``` ```bash Serving /Users/foo/ at ``` Install as a System Service (daemon-mode) We have service support for * systemd (Linux, Ubuntu) * launchd (macOS) ```bash curl | bash ``` Modules & Configuration ----- Goldilocks has several core systems, which all have their own configuration and some of which have modules: ``` * http - static - redirect - proxy (reverse proxy) * tls - acme - proxy (reverse proxy) * tcp - forward * tunnel_server * tunnel_client * mdns * api ``` ### http The HTTP system handles plain http (TLS / SSL is handled by the tls system) ```yml http: trust_proxy: true # allow localhost, 192.x, 10.x, 172.x, etc to set headers allow_insecure: false # allow non-https even without proxy https headers primary_domain: # attempts to access via IP address will redirect here # modules can be nested in domains domains: - names: - modules: - name: static root: /srv/www/:hostname # The configuration above could also be represented as follows: modules: - name: static domains: - root: /srv/www/:hostname ``` ### http.static - how to serve a web page The static module is for serving static web pages and assets and has the following options: ``` root The path to serve as a string. The template variable `:hostname` represents the HTTP Host header without port information ex: `root: /srv/www/` would load the folder for any domain listed ex: `root: /srv/www/:hostname` would load `/srv/www/` if so indicated by the Host header ``` Example config: ```yml http: modules: - name: static domains: - root: /srv/www/:hostname ``` ### http.proxy - how to reverse proxy (ruby, python, etc) The proxy module is for reverse proxying, typically to an application on the same machine. It has the following options: ``` host The DNS-resolvable hostname (or IP address) of the system to which the request will be proxied ex: localhost ex: port The port on said system to which the request will be proxied ex: 3000 ex: 80 ``` Example config: ```yml http: modules: - name: proxy domains: - host: localhost port: 3000 ``` ### http.redirect - how to redirect URLs The redirect module is for, you guessed it, redirecting URLs. It has the following options: ``` status The HTTP status code to issue (301 is usual permanent redirect, 302 is temporary) ex: 301 from The URL path that was used in the request. The `*` wildcard character can be used for matching a full segment of the path ex: /photos/ ex: /photos/*/*/ to The new URL path which should be used. If wildcards matches were used they will be available as `:1`, `:2`, etc. ex: /pics/ ex: /pics/:1/:2/ ``` Example config: ```yml http: modules: - name: proxy domains: - status: 301 from: /archives/*/*/*/ to: ``` ### tls The tls system handles encrypted connections, including fetching certificates, and uses ServerName Indication (SNI) to determine if the connection should be handled by the http system, a tls system module, or rejected. It has the following options: ``` The default email address for ACME certificate issuance ex: acme.server The default ACME server to use ex: ex: acme.challenge_type The default ACME challenge to request ex: http-01, dns-01, tls-01 acme.approved_domains The domains for which to request certificates ex: ``` Example config: ```yml tls: acme: email: '' # IMPORTANT: Switch to in production '' server: '' challenge_type: 'http-01' approved_domains: - - modules: - name: proxy domains: - - address: '' ``` Certificates are saved to `~/acme`, which may be `/var/www/acme` if Goldilocks is run as the www-data user. ### tls.acme The acme module overrides the acme defaults of the tls system and uses the same options except that `approved_domains` (in favor of the domains in the scope of the module). Example config: ```yml tls: modules: - name: acme domains: - - email: '' server: '' challenge_type: 'http-01' ``` ### tls.proxy The proxy module routes the traffic based on the ServerName Indication (SNI) **without decrypting** it. It has the following options: ``` address The hostname (or IP) and port of the system or application that should receive the traffic ``` Example config: ```yml tls: modules: - name: proxy domains: - address: '' ``` ### tcp The tcp system handles all tcp network traffic **before decryption** and may use port numbers or traffic sniffing to determine how the connection should be handled. It has the following options: ``` bind An array of numeric ports on which to bind ex: 80 ``` Example Config ```yml tcp: bind: - 22 - 80 - 443 modules: - name: forward ports: - 22 address: '' ``` ### tcp.forward The forward module routes traffic based on port number **without decrypting** it. It has the following options: ``` ports A numeric array of source ports ex: 22 address The destination hostname and port ex: ``` Example Config ```yml tcp: bind: - 22 - 80 - 443 modules: - name: forward ports: - 22 address: '' ``` ### tunnel\_server The tunnel server system is meant to be run on a publicly accessible IP address to server tunnel clients which are behind firewalls, carrier-grade NAT, or otherwise Internet-connect but inaccessible devices. It has the following options: ``` secret A 128-bit or greater string to use for signing tokens (HMAC JWT) ex: abc123 servernames An array of string servernames that should be captured as the tunnel server, ignoring the TLS forward module ex: ``` Example config: ```yml tunnel_server: secret: abc123def456ghi789 servernames: - '' ``` ### tunnel The tunnel client is meant to be run from behind a firewalls, carrier-grade NAT, or otherwise inaccessible devices to allow them to be accessed publicly on the internet. It has no options per se, but is rather a list of tokens that can be used to connect to tunnel servers. If the token does not have an `aud` field it must be provided in an object with the token provided in the `jwt` field and the tunnel server url provided in the `tunnelUrl` field. Example config: ```yml tunnel: - 'some.jwt_encoded.token' - jwt: 'other.jwt_encoded.token' tunnelUrl: 'wss://' ``` **NOTE**: The more common way to use the tunnel with goldilocks is to use the API to have goldilocks get a token from ``. In order to do this you will need to have initialized goldilocks with a token that has the `dns` and `domains` scopes. This is probably easiest to do with the `daplie-desktop-app`, which will also get the first tunnel token for you. **If you want to add more domains** to handle on your device while using the tunnel you will need to manually get a new token that will tell the tunnel server to deliver the requests to the new domain(s) to your device. The first step in this is to attach the new domains to your device. To get the name of the device you can use the `config` API, but it's probably easiest to `ssh` onto the device and get the hostname. You can also use the daplie cli tool to see what device name your other domains are routed to. ```bash # for every new domain you want to route attach the domain to your device daplie devices:attach -n $new_domain -d $device_name ``` After that step you will need to use the API to get goldilocks to get a new token that includes the new domains you attached. It is also recommended but not required to remove the older token with the incomplete list of domains. Run the following commands from the unit. ```bash # remove the old token rm /opt/goldilocks/lib/node_modules/goldilocks/var/tokens.json # set the "refresh_token" to a bash variable `token` TOKEN=$(python -mjson.tool /opt/goldilocks/lib/node_modules/goldilocks/var/owners.json | sed -n 's|\s*"refresh_token": "\(.*\)",|\1|p') # tell goldilocks to get a new tunnel token curl -H "authorization: bearer $TOKEN" -X POST ``` ### ddns TODO ### mdns enabled by default Although it does not announce itself, Goldilocks is discoverable via mDNS with the special query `_cloud._tcp.local`. This is so that it can be easily configured via Desktop and Mobile apps when run on devices such as a Raspberry Pi or SOHO servers. ```yaml mdns: disabled: false port: 5353 broadcast: '' ttl: 300 ``` You can discover goldilocks with `mdig`. ``` npm install -g git+ mdig _cloud._tcp.local ``` ### socks5 Run a Socks5 proxy server. ```yaml socks5: enable: true port: 1080 ``` ### api See [](/ @tigerbot: How are the APIs used (in terms of URL, Method, Headers, etc)? TODO ---- * http - nowww module * http - Allow match styles of `www.*`, `*`, and `*` equally * http - redirect based on domain name (not just path) * http.static - indexes: true * tcp - bind should be able to specify localhost, uniquelocal, private, or ip * tcp - if destination host is omitted default to localhost, if dst port is missing, default to src * sys - handle SIGHUP * sys - `curl | bash -s` * oauth3 - `` * oauth3 - commandline questionnaire * modules - use consistent conventions (i.e. address vs host + port) * tls - tls.acme vs tls.modules.acme * tls - forward should be able to match on source port to reach different destination ports