'use strict'; module.exports.create = function (deps, conf) { function dnsType(addr) { if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(addr)) { return 'A'; } if (-1 !== addr.indexOf(':') && /^[a-f:\.\d]+$/i.test(addr)) { return 'AAAA'; } } var tldCache = {}; async function getTlds(provider) { async function updateCache() { var reqObj = { url: deps.OAUTH3.url.normalize(provider)+'/api/com.daplie.domains/prices' , method: 'GET' , json: true }; var resp = await deps.OAUTH3.request(reqObj); var tldObj = {}; resp.data.forEach(function (tldInfo) { if (tldInfo.enabled) { tldObj[tldInfo.tld] = true; } }); tldCache[provider] = { time: Date.now() , tlds: tldObj }; return tldObj; } // If we've never cached the results we need to return the promise that will fetch the recult, // otherwise we can return the cached value. If the cached value has "expired", we can still // return the cached value we just want to update the cache in parellel (making sure we only // update once). if (!tldCache[provider]) { return updateCache(); } if (!tldCache[provider].updating && Date.now() - tldCache[provider].time > 24*60*60*1000) { tldCache[provider].updating = true; updateCache(); } return tldCache[provider].tlds; } async function splitDomains(provider, domains) { var tlds = await getTlds(provider); return domains.map(function (domain) { var split = domain.split('.'); var tldSegCnt = tlds[split.slice(-2).join('.')] ? 2 : 1; // Currently assuming that the sld can't contain dots, and that the tld can have at // most one dot. Not 100% sure this is a valid assumption, but exceptions should be // rare even if the assumption isn't valid. return { tld: split.slice(-tldSegCnt).join('.') , sld: split.slice(-tldSegCnt-1, -tldSegCnt).join('.') , sub: split.slice(0, -tldSegCnt-1).join('.') }; }); } async function setDeviceAddress(session, addr, domains) { var directives = await deps.OAUTH3.discover(session.token.aud); // Set the address of the device to our public address. await deps.request({ url: deps.OAUTH3.url.normalize(directives.api)+'/api/com.daplie.domains/acl/devices/' + conf.device.hostname , method: 'POST' , headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + session.refresh_token , 'Accept': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } , json: { addresses: [ { value: addr, type: dnsType(addr) } ] } }); // Then update all of the records attached to our hostname, first removing the old records // to remove the reference to the old address, then creating new records for the same domains // using our new address. var allDns = await deps.OAUTH3.api(directives.api, {session: session, api: 'dns.list'}); var ourDns = allDns.filter(function (record) { if (record.device !== conf.device.hostname) { return false; } if ([ 'A', 'AAAA' ].indexOf(record.type) < 0) { return false; } return domains.indexOf(record.host) !== -1; }); var oldDomains = ourDns.filter(function (record) { return record.value !== addr; }).map(function (record) { return record.host; }); var oldDns = await splitDomains(directives.api, oldDomains); var common = { api: 'devices.detach' , session: session , device: conf.device.hostname }; await deps.PromiseA.all(oldDns.map(function (record) { return deps.OAUTH3.api(directives.api, Object.assign({}, common, record)); })); var newDns = await splitDomains(directives.api, domains); common = { api: 'devices.attach' , session: session , device: conf.device.hostname , ip: addr , ttl: 300 }; await deps.PromiseA.all(newDns.map(function (record) { return deps.OAUTH3.api(directives.api, Object.assign({}, common, record)); })); } async function getDeviceAddresses(session) { var directives = await deps.OAUTH3.discover(session.token.aud); var result = await deps.request({ url: deps.OAUTH3.url.normalize(directives.api)+'/api/org.oauth3.dns/acl/devices' , method: 'GET' , headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + session.refresh_token , 'Accept': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } , json: true }); if (!result.body) { throw new Error('No response body in request for device addresses'); } if (result.body.error) { throw Object.assign(new Error('error getting device list'), result.body.error); } var dev = result.body.devices.filter(function (dev) { return dev.name === conf.device.hostname; })[0]; return (dev || {}).addresses || []; } async function removeDomains(session, domains) { var directives = await deps.OAUTH3.discover(session.token.aud); var oldDns = await splitDomains(directives.api, domains); var common = { api: 'devices.detach' , session: session , device: conf.device.hostname }; await deps.PromiseA.all(oldDns.map(function (record) { return deps.OAUTH3.api(directives.api, Object.assign({}, common, record)); })); } return { getDeviceAddresses , setDeviceAddress , removeDomains }; };