'use strict'; module.exports.create = function (deps, conf) { // This should be able to handle things like default web path (i.e. /srv/www/hostname), // no-www redirect, and transpilation of static assets (i.e. cached versions of raw html) // but right now it's a very dumb proxy function createConnection(conn) { var opts = conn.__opts; var newConn = deps.net.createConnection({ port: conf.http.proxy.port , host: '' , servername: opts.servername , data: opts.data , remoteFamily: opts.family || conn.remoteFamily , remoteAddress: opts.address || conn.remoteAddress , remotePort: opts.port || conn.remotePort }, function () { //console.log("[=>] first packet from tunneler to '" + cid + "' as '" + opts.service + "'", opts.data.byteLength); // this will happen before 'data' is triggered //newConn.write(opts.data); }); newConn.pipe(conn); conn.pipe(newConn); } return { emit: function (type, conn) { createConnection(conn); } }; };