Boilerplate for how I like to write a backend web service.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
1.4 KiB

export BASE_URL=http://localhost:7070
#export BASE_URL=
mkdir -p ./tmp/
# Sign an Admin token
echo '{ "sub": "admin_ppid", "email": "", "iss": "'"${BASE_URL}"'" }' > ./tmp/
keypairs sign --exp 1h ./key.jwk.json ./tmp/ > ./tmp/admin.jwt.txt 2> ./tmp/admin.jws.json
export ADMIN_TOKEN=$(cat ./tmp/admin.jwt.txt)
# verify the Admin token
#keypairs verify ./pub.jwk.json ./admin.jwt.txt
# Sign a User token
echo '{ "sub": "random_ppid", "email": "", "iss": "'"${BASE_URL}"'" }' > ./tmp/
keypairs sign --exp 1h ./key.jwk.json ./tmp/ > ./tmp/user.jwt.txt 2> ./tmp/user.jws.json
export USER_TOKEN=$(cat ./tmp/user.jwt.txt)
# verify the User token
#keypairs verify ./pub.jwk.json ./user.jwt.txt
EID=$(cat ./user.jws.json | grep sub | cut -d'"' -f 4)
echo ""
echo 'DELETE /api/public/reset (only works in --demo mode, deletes all data)'
curl $CURL_OPTS -X DELETE "${BASE_URL}/api/public/reset"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Bootstrap with a new admin (only works once)"
curl -f $CURL_OPTS -X POST "${BASE_URL}/api/public/setup" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ADMIN_TOKEN}"
echo ""
echo "Create a new user"
curl $CURL_OPTS -X POST "${BASE_URL}/api/users" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${USER_TOKEN}" \
-d '{ "display_name": "Jo Doe" }'
echo ""