v3.0.0: update for greenlock v2.7+

This commit is contained in:
AJ ONeal 2019-04-05 23:11:00 -06:00
parent 63a9deea59
commit bda3a62e28
4 changed files with 324 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ le-challenge-manual
A [Root](https://rootprojects.org) Project
A manual cli-based strategy for node-letsencrypt.
A manual cli-based strategy for [Greenlock](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/greenlock-express.js) v2.7+ (and v3).
Prints the ACME challenge Token and Key and then waits for you to hit enter before continuing.
@ -18,37 +18,102 @@ Install
npm install --save le-challenge-manual@2.x
npm install --save le-challenge-manual@3.x
var leChallenge = require('le-challenge-manual').create({
, debug: false
var Greenlock = require('greenlock');
var LE = require('letsencrypt');
server: LE.stagingServerUrl
, challenge: leChallenge
, challenges: { 'http-01': require('le-challenge-manual')
, 'dns-01': require('le-challenge-manual')
, 'tls-alpn-01': require('le-challenge-manual')
NOTE: If you request a certificate with 6 domains listed,
Note: If you request a certificate with 6 domains listed,
it will require 6 individual challenges.
Exposed Methods
Exposed (Promise) Methods
For ACME Challenge:
* `set(opts, domain, key, val, done)`
* `get(defaults, domain, key, done)`
* `remove(defaults, domain, key, done)`
* `set(opts)`
* `remove(opts)`
For node-letsencrypt internals:
The options will look like this for normal domains:
* `getOptions()` returns the internal defaults merged with the user-supplied options
{ challenge: {
type: 'http-01'
, identifier: { type: 'dns', value: 'example.com' }
, wildcard: false
, expires: '2012-01-01T12:00:00.000Z'
, token: 'abc123'
, thumbprint: '<<account key thumbprint>>'
, keyAuthorization: 'abc123.xxxx'
, dnsHost: '_acme-challenge.example.com'
, dnsAuthorization: 'yyyy'
, altname: 'example.com'
And they'll look like this for wildcard domains:
{ challenge: {
type: 'http-01'
, identifier: { type: 'dns', value: 'example.com' }
, wildcard: true
, expires: '2012-01-01T12:00:00.000Z'
, token: 'abc123'
, thumbprint: '<<account key thumbprint>>'
, keyAuthorization: 'abc123.xxxx'
, dnsHost: '_acme-challenge.example.com'
, dnsAuthorization: 'yyyy'
, altname: '*.example.com'
The only difference is that `altname` will have the `*.` prefix (which you would expect
but, of course, can't work as a specific a DNS record) and the `wildcard` property is `true`.
* `get(limitedOpts)`
Because the get method is apart from the main flow (such as a DNS query),
it's not always implemented and the options are much more limited in scope:
{ challenge: {
type: 'http-01'
, identifier: { type: 'dns', value: 'example.com' }
, wildcard: false
, token: 'abc123'
, altname: 'example.com'
If there were an implementation of Greenlock integrated directly into
a NameServer (which currently there is not), it would probably look like this:
{ challenge: {
type: 'dns-01'
, identifier: { type: 'dns', value: 'example.com' }
, token: 'abc123'
, dnsHost: '_acme-challenge.example.com'

View File

@ -1,35 +1,132 @@
'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
var Challenge = module.exports;
Challenge.create = function (defaults) {
return {
getOptions: function () {
return defaults;
// These are all PROMISIFIED by Greenlock in such a way that
// it doesn't matter whether you return synchronously, asynchronously,
// or even node-style callback thunk.
// Typically you should be using a promise or async function,
// but choose whichever makes sense for you.
Challenge.create = function (config) {
// If your implementation needs config options, set them. Otherwise, don't bother (duh).
var challenger = {};
// Note: normally you'd implement these right here, but for the sake of
// documentation I've abstracted them out "Table of Contents"-style.
// call out to set the challenge, wherever
challenger.set = function (opts, cb) {
var ch = opts.challenge;
if ('http-01' === ch.type) {
return Challenge._setHttp(opts, cb);
} else if ('dns-01' === ch.type) {
return Challenge._setDns(opts, cb);
} else {
return Challenge._setAny(opts, cb);
, set: Challenge.set
, get: Challenge.get
, remove: Challenge.remove
// call out to remove the challenge, wherever
challenger.remove = function (opts) {
var ch = opts.challenge;
if ('http-01' === ch.type) {
return Challenge._removeHttp(opts);
} else if ('dns-01' === ch.type) {
return Challenge._removeDns(opts);
} else {
return Challenge._removeAny(opts);
// only really useful for http,
// but probably not so much in this context...
// (though you can test it and it'll work)
challenger.get = function (opts) {
var ch = opts.challenge;
if ('http-01' === ch.type) {
return Challenge._getHttp(opts);
} else if ('dns-01' === ch.type) {
return Challenge._getDns(opts);
} else {
return Challenge._getAny(opts);
// Whatever you set to 'options' will be merged into 'opts' just before each call
// (for convenience, so you don't have to merge it yourself).
challenger.options = { debug: config.debug };
return challenger;
// Show the user the token and key and wait for them to be ready to continue
Challenge.set = function (args, domain, token, secret, cb) {
Challenge._setHttp = function (args, cb) {
// Using a node-style callback "thunk" in this example, because that makes
var ch = args.challenge;
console.info("[ACME http-01 '" + ch.altname + "' CHALLENGE]");
console.info("Your mission (since you chose to accept it):");
console.info("First, you must create a file with the following name and contents.");
console.info("Then, by any means necessary, you cause that file to appear at the specified URL.");
console.info("Challenge for '" + domain + "'");
console.info("\tFilename: " + ch.token);
console.info("\tContents: " + ch.keyAuthorization);
// TODO let acme-v2 handle generating this url
console.info('\tURL: http://' + ch.altname + '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' + ch.token);
console.info("We now present (for you copy-and-paste pleasure) your ACME Challenge");
console.info("public Token and secret Key, in that order, respectively:");
console.info("And, if you need additional information for debugging:");
domain: domain
, token: token
, key: secret
}, null, ' ').replace(/^/gm, '\t'));
console.info(JSON.stringify(httpChallengeToJson(ch), null, 2).replace(/^/gm, '\t'));
console.info("hit enter to continue...");
console.info("This message won't self-destruct, but you may press hit the any as soon as you're ready to continue...");
console.info("[Press the ANY key to continue...]");
process.stdin.once('data', function () {
Challenge._setDns = function (args, cb) {
// Using a node-style callback "thunk" in this example, because that makes
var ch = args.challenge;
console.info("[ACME dns-01 '" + ch.altname + "' CHALLENGE]");
console.info("Your mission (since you chose to accept it):");
console.info("First, you must create a DNS record with the following parameters:");
console.info(ch.dnsHost + "\tTXT\t" + ch.dnsKeyAuthorization + "\tTTL 60");
console.info("Next, wait, no... there is no next. That's it - but here's some stuff anyway:");
console.info(JSON.stringify(dnsChallengeToJson(ch), null, 2).replace(/^/gm, '\t'));
console.info("[Press the ANY key to continue...]");
process.stdin.once('data', function () {
Challenge._setAny = function (args, cb) {
var ch = args.challenge;
console.info("[ACME " + ch.type + " '" + ch.altname + "' CHALLENGE]");
console.info("There's no quippy pre-programmed response for this type of challenge.");
console.info("I have no idea what you intend to do, but I'll tell you everything I know:");
console.info(JSON.stringify(ch, null, 2).replace(/^/gm, '\t'));
console.info("[Press the ANY key to continue...]");
process.stdin.on('data', function () {
@ -37,14 +134,89 @@ Challenge.set = function (args, domain, token, secret, cb) {
// nothing to do here, that's why it's manual
Challenge.get = function (args, domain, token, cb) {
// might as well tell the user that whatever they were setting up has been checked
Challenge._removeHttp = function (args) {
var ch = args.challenge;
console.info("Challenge for '" + ch.altname + "' complete. You can delete this file now:");
console.info('\thttp://' + ch.altname + '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' + ch.token);
// this can return null or a Promise null
// (or callback null, just like the set() above)
return null;
Challenge._removeDns = function (args) {
var ch = args.challenge;
console.info("Challenge for '" + ch.altname + "' complete. You can remove this record now:");
console.info("\t" + ch.dnsHost + "\tTXT\t" + ch.dnsKeyAuthorization + "\tTTL 60");
// this can return null or a Promise null
// (or callback null, just like the set() above)
return null;
Challenge._removeAny = function (args) {
var ch = args.challenge;
console.info("Challenge for '" + ch.altname + "' complete. You can now undo what you did.");
// this can return null or a Promise null
// (or callback null, just like set() above)
return null;
// might as well tell the user that whatever they were setting up has been checked
Challenge.remove = function (args, domain, token, cb) {
console.info("Challenge for '" + domain + "' complete.");
// nothing to do here, that's why it's manual
Challenge._get = function (args, cb) {
console.info("Woah! Hey, guess what!? That's right you guessed it:");
console.info("It's time to painstakingly type out the ACME challenge response with your bear hands. Yes. Your bear hands.");
process.stdout.write("> ");
// Using a promise here just to show that Promises are support
// (in fact, they're the default)
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
process.stdin.on('error', reject);
process.stdin.on('data', function (chunk) {
var result = chunk.toString();
try {
result = JSON.parse(result);
} catch(e) {
args.keyAuthorization = result;
function httpChallengeToJson(ch) {
return {
type: ch.type
, altname: ch.altname
, identifier: ch.identifier
, wildcard: false
, expires: ch.expires
, token: ch.token
, thumbprint: ch.thumbprint
, keyAuthorization: ch.keyAuthorization
function dnsChallengeToJson(ch) {
return {
type: ch.type
, altname: '*.example.com'
, identifier: ch.identifier
, wildcard: ch.wildcard
, expires: ch.expires
, token: ch.token
, thumbprint: ch.thumbprint
, keyAuthorization: ch.keyAuthorization
, dnsHost: ch.dnsHost
, dnsAuthorization: ch.dnsAuthorization

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "le-challenge-manual",
"version": "2.1.1",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "A cli-based strategy for node-letsencrypt. Prints the ACME challenge Token and Key and then waits for you to hit enter before continuing.",
"main": "index.js",
"homepage": "https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/le-challenge-manual.js",

View File

@ -1,20 +1,50 @@
'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
var challenge = require('./').create({});
var opts = challenge.getOptions();
var domain = 'example.com';
var token = 'token-id';
var key = 'secret-key';
var opts = challenge.getOptions && challenge.getOptions() || challenge.options;
// this will cause the prompt to appear
challenge.set(opts, domain, token, key, function (err) {
// if there's an error, there's a problem
if (err) {
throw err;
function run() {
// this will cause the prompt to appear
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
challenge.set(opts, function () {
// this will cause the final completion message to appear
return Promise.resolve(challenge.remove(opts)).then(resolve).catch(reject);
// this will cause the final completion message to appear
challenge.remove(opts, domain, token, function () {
opts.challenge = {
type: 'http-01'
, identifier: { type: 'dns', value: 'example.com' }
, wildcard: false
, expires: '2012-01-01T12:00:00.000Z'
, token: 'abc123'
, thumbprint: '<<account key thumbprint>>'
, keyAuthorization: 'abc123.xxxx'
, dnsHost: '_acme-challenge.example.com'
, dnsAuthorization: 'yyyy'
, altname: 'example.com'
run(opts).then(function () {
opts.challenge = {
type: 'dns-01'
, identifier: { type: 'dns', value: 'example.com' }
, wildcard: true
, expires: '2012-01-01T12:00:00.000Z'
, token: 'abc123'
, thumbprint: '<<account key thumbprint>>'
, keyAuthorization: 'abc123.xxxx'
, dnsHost: '_acme-challenge.example.com'
, dnsAuthorization: 'yyyy'
, altname: '*.example.com'
return run(opts);
}).then(function () {
}).catch(function (err) {