#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; var cli = require('cli'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); cli.parse({ 'acme-version': [ false, " ACME / Let's Encrypt version. v01 or draft-11 (aka v02)", 'string', 'draft-11' ] , 'acme-url': [ false, " ACME Directory Resource URL", 'string', '' ] , email: [ false, " Email used for registration and recovery contact. (default: null)", 'email' ] , 'agree-tos': [ false, " Agree to the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement", 'boolean', false ] , 'community-member': [ false, " Submit stats to and get updates from Greenlock", 'boolean', false ] , domains: [ false, " Domain names to apply. For multiple domains you can enter a comma separated list of domains as a parameter. (default: [])", 'string' ] , 'renew-within': [ false, " Renew certificates this many days before expiry", 'int', 7 ] , 'cert-path': [ false, " Path to where new cert.pem is saved", 'string' , ':configDir/live/:hostname/cert.pem' ] , 'fullchain-path': [ false, " Path to where new fullchain.pem (cert + chain) is saved", 'string' , ':configDir/live/:hostname/fullchain.pem' ] , 'bundle-path': [ false, " Path to where new bundle.pem (fullchain + privkey) is saved", 'string' , ':configDir/live/:hostname/bundle.pem' ] , 'chain-path': [ false, " Path to where new chain.pem is saved", 'string' , ':configDir/live/:hostname/chain.pem' ] , 'privkey-path': [ false, " Path to where privkey.pem is saved", 'string' , ':configDir/live/:hostname/privkey.pem' ] , 'config-dir': [ false, " Configuration directory.", 'string' , '~/letsencrypt/etc/' ] , 'http-01-port': [ false, " Use HTTP-01 challenge type with this port (only port 80 is valid with most production servers) (default: 80)", 'int' ] , 'dns-01': [ false, " Use DNS-01 challange type", 'boolean', false ] , standalone: [ false, " Obtain certs using a \"standalone\" webserver.", 'boolean', false ] , manual: [ false, " Print the token and key to the screen and wait for you to hit enter, giving you time to copy it somewhere before continuing (default: false)", 'boolean', false ] , debug: [ false, " show traces and logs", 'boolean', false ] , 'root': [ false, " public_html / webroot path (may use the :hostname template such as /srv/www/:hostname)", 'string' ] // // backwards compat // , duplicate: [ false, " Allow getting a certificate that duplicates an existing one/is an early renewal", 'boolean', false ] , 'rsa-key-size': [ false, " Size (in bits) of the RSA key.", 'int', 2048 ] , server: [ false, " alias of acme-url for certbot compatibility", 'string', '' ] , 'domain-key-path': [ false, " Path to privkey.pem to use for domain (default: generate new)", 'string' ] , 'account-key-path': [ false, " Path to privkey.pem to use for account (default: generate new)", 'string' ] , webroot: [ false, " for certbot compatibility", 'boolean', false ] , 'webroot-path': [ false, "alias of '--root' for certbot compatibility", 'string' ] //, 'standalone-supported-challenges': [ false, " Supported challenges, order preferences are randomly chosen. (default: http-01,tls-sni-01)", 'string', 'http-01,tls-sni-01'] , 'work-dir': [ false, "for certbot compatibility (ignored)", 'string', '~/letsencrypt/var/lib/' ] , 'logs-dir': [ false, "for certbot compatibility (ignored)", 'string', '~/letsencrypt/var/log/' ] }); // ignore certonly and extraneous arguments cli.main(function(_, options) { console.log(''); var args = {}; var homedir = require('os').homedir(); Object.keys(options).forEach(function (key) { var val = options[key]; if ('string' === typeof val) { val = val.replace(/^~/, homedir); } key = key.replace(/\-([a-z0-9A-Z])/g, function (c) { return c[1].toUpperCase(); }); args[key] = val; }); Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) { var val = args[key]; if ('string' === typeof val) { val = val.replace(/(\:configDir)|(\:config)/, args.configDir); } args[key] = val; }); if (args.domains) { args.domains = args.domains.split(','); } if (!(Array.isArray(args.domains) && args.domains.length) || !args.email || !args.agreeTos || !args.acmeVersion || (!args.server && !args.acmeUrl)) { console.error("\nUsage:\n\ngreenlock certonly --standalone \\"); console.error("\t--acme-version draft-11 --acme-url https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory \\"); console.error("\t--agree-tos --email user@example.com --domains example.com \\"); console.error("\t--config-dir ~/acme/etc \\"); console.error("\nSee greenlock --help for more details\n"); return; } if (args.http01Port) { // [@agnat]: Coerce to string. cli returns a number although we request a string. args.http01Port = "" + args.http01Port; args.http01Port = args.http01Port.split(',').map(function (port) { return parseInt(port, 10); }); } mkdirp(args.configDir, function (err) { if (err) { console.error("Could not create --config-dir '" + args.configDir + "':", err.code); console.error("Try setting --config-dir '/tmp'"); return; } require('../').run(args).then(function (status) { process.exit(status); }); }); });