# letsencrypt-cli (for node.js) CLI for node-letsencrypt modeled after the official client. * Free SSL Certificates * 90-day certificate lifetime * One-off standalone registration / renewal * On-the-fly registration / renewal via webroot ## Install Node For **Windows**: Choose **Stable** from For Linux and **OS X**: ``` curl -L bit.ly/iojs-min | bash ``` # Install LetsEncrypt ```bash npm install -g letsencrypt-cli ``` ## Usage These commands are shown using the **testing server**. Want to use the **live server**? 1. remove the `--server https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory` 2. or change it to `--server https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory` **Note**: This has really only been tested with single domains so if multiple domains doesn't work for you, file a bug. ### Standalone You can run standalone mode to get a cert **on the server** you will be using it for over ports **80 and 443 (or 5001)** like so: ```bash letsencrypt certonly \ --agree-tos --email john.doe@example.com \ --standalone \ --domains example.com,www.example.com \ --server https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory \ --config-dir ~/letsencrypt/etc ``` Then you can see your certs at `~/letsencrypt/etc/live`. ``` ls ~/letsencrypt/etc/live ``` This option is great for testing, but since it requires the use of the same ports that your webserver needs, it isn't a good choice for production. ### WebRoot (for production) You can specify the path to where you keep your `index.html` with `webroot`. For example, if I want to get a domain for `example.com` and my `index.html` is at `/srv/www/example.com`, then I would use this command: ```bash sudo letsencrypt certonly \ --agree-tos --email john.doe@example.com \ --webroot --webroot-path /srv/www/example.com \ --config-dir /etc/letsencrypt \ --domains example.com,www.example.com \ --server https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory ``` Note that we use `sudo` because in this example we are using `/etc/letsencrypt` as the cert directory rather than `~/letsencrypt/etc`, which we used in the previous example. Then see your brand new shiny certs: ``` ls /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ``` You can use a cron job to run the script above every 80 days (the certificates expire after 90 days) so that you always have fresh certificates. ## Test with a free domain ```bash # Install Daplie DNS npm install -g ddns-cli # see terms of use ddns --help # agree to terms and get domain ddns --random --email user@example.com --agree # the default is to use the ip address from which # you can the command, but you can also assign the # ip manually ddns --random --email user@example.com --agree -a '' ``` Example domain: ``` rubber-duck-42.daplie.me ``` ## Run without Root If you'd like to allow node.js to use privileged ports `80` and `443` (and everything under 1024 really) without being run as `root` or `sudo`, you can use `setcap` to do so. (it may need to be run any time you reinstall node as well) ```bash sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/local/bin/node ``` By default `node-letsencrypt` assumes your home directory `~/letsencrypt/`, but if you really want to use `/etc/letsencrypt`, `/var/lib/letsencrypt/`, and `/var/log/letsencrypt` you could change the permissions on them. **Probably a BAD IDEA**. Probabry a security risk. ``` # PROBABLY A BAD IDEA sudo chown -R $(whoami) /etc/letsencrypt /var/lib/letsencrypt /var/log/letsencrypt ``` ## Command line Options ``` Usage: letsencrypt [OPTIONS] [ARGS] Options: --email EMAIL Email used for registration and recovery contact. (default: null) --domains URL Domain names to apply. For multiple domains you can enter a comma separated list of domains as a parameter. (default: []) --duplicate BOOLEAN Allow getting a certificate that duplicates an existing one --agree-tos BOOLEAN Agree to the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement --debug BOOLEAN show traces and logs --tls-sni-01-port NUMBER Port number to perform tls-sni-01 challenge. Boulder in testing mode defaults to 5001. (default: 443 and 5001) --http-01-port [NUMBER] Port used in the SimpleHttp challenge. (Default is 80) --rsa-key-size [NUMBER] Size (in bits) of the RSA key. (Default is 2048) --cert-path STRING Path to where new cert.pem is saved (Default is :conf/live/:hostname/cert.pem) --fullchain-path [STRING] Path to where new fullchain.pem (cert + chain) is saved (Default is :conf/live/:hostname/fullchain.pem) --chain-path [STRING] Path to where new chain.pem is saved (Default is :conf/live/:hostname/chain.pem) --domain-key-path STRING Path to privkey.pem to use for domain (default: generate new) --config-dir STRING Configuration directory. (Default is ~/letsencrypt/etc/) --server [STRING] ACME Directory Resource URI. (Default is https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory)) --standalone [BOOLEAN] Obtain certs using a "standalone" webserver. (Default is true) --webroot BOOLEAN Obtain certs by placing files in a webroot directory. --webroot-path STRING public_html / webroot path. -h, --help Display help and usage details ``` Note: some of the options may not be fully implemented. If you encounter a problem, please report a bug on the issues page.