"use strict"; var cluster = require("cluster"); module.exports.init = function(sharedOpts) { var numCores = 2; // // Math.max(2, require('os').cpus().length) var i; var master = require("../master").create({ debug: true, server: "staging", webrootPath: sharedOpts.webrootPath, approveDomains: function(masterOptions, certs, cb) { // Depending on your setup it may be more efficient // for you to implement the approveDomains function // in your master or in your workers. // // Since we implement it in the worker (below) in this example // we'll give it an immediate approval here in the master var results = { domain: masterOptions.domain, options: masterOptions, certs: certs }; cb(null, results); } }); for (i = 0; i < numCores; i += 1) { master.addWorker(cluster.fork()); } };