# [Greenlock Express](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js) is Let's Encrypt for Node ![Greenlock Logo](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock.js/raw/branch/master/logo/greenlock-1063x250.png "Greenlock Logo") | Built by [Root](https://therootcompany.com) for [Hub](https://rootprojects.org/hub/) Free SSL, Automated HTTPS / HTTP2, served with Node via Express, Koa, hapi, etc. ```js require("greenlock-express") .init(getConfig) .serve(worker); function getConfig() { return { package: require("./package.json") }; } function worker(server) { server.serveApp(function(req, res) { // Works with any Node app (Express, etc) res.end("Hello, Encrypted World!"); }); } ``` # Let's Encrypt for... - IoT - Enterprise On-Prem - Local Development - Home Servers - Quitting Heroku # Features - [x] Let's Encrypt v2 (November 2019) - [x] ACME Protocol (RFC 8555) - [x] HTTP Validation (HTTP-01) - [x] DNS Validation (DNS-01) - [ ] ALPN Validation (TLS-ALPN-01) - Need ALPN validation? [contact us](mailto:greenlock-support@therootcompany.com) - [x] Automated HTTPS - [x] Fully Automatic Renewals every 45 days - [x] Free SSL - [x] **Wildcard** SSL - [x] **Localhost** certificates - [x] HTTPS-enabled Secure **WebSockets** (`wss://`) - [x] Fully customizable - [x] **Reasonable defaults** - [x] Domain Management - [x] Key and Certificate Management - [x] ACME Challenge Plugins # Plenty of Examples - [greenlock-express.js/examples/](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples) - [Express](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/express.js) - [Node's **http2**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/http2.js) - [Node's https](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/https.js) - [**WebSockets**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/websockets.js) - [Socket.IO](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/socket-io.js) - [Cluster](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/socket-io.js) - [**Wildcards**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/wildcards/README.md) - [**Localhost**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/localhost/README.md) - [**CI/CD**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/ci-cd/README.md) # Easy to Customize - [greenlock.js/examples/](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock.js/src/branch/master/examples) - [Custom Domain Management](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/custom-manager/README.md) - [Custom Key & Cert Storage](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/custom-store/README.md) - [Custom ACME Challenges](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/custom-acme-challenges/README.md) # QuickStart Guide Easy as 1, 2, 3... 4 ## 1. Create a node project Create an empty node project. Be sure to fill out the package name, version, and an author email. ```bash mkdir ~/my-project pushd ~/my-project npm init ``` ## 2. Create an http app (i.e. express) This example is shown with Express, but any node app will doGreenlock works with everything. (or any node-style http app) `my-express-app.js`: ```js "use strict"; // A plain, node-style app function myPlainNodeHttpApp(req, res) { res.end("Hello, Encrypted World!"); } // Wrap that plain app in express, // because that's what you're used to var express = require("express"); var app = express(); app.get("/", myPlainNodeHttpApp); // export the app normally // do not .listen() module.exports = app; ``` ## 3. Serve with Greenlock Express Greenlock Express is designed with these goals in mind: - Simplicity and ease-of-use - Performance and scalability - Configurability and control You can start with **near-zero configuration** and slowly add options for greater performance and customization later, if you need them. `server.js`: ```js require("greenlock-express") .init(getConfig) .serve(worker); function getConfig() { return { // uses name and version as part of the ACME client user-agent // uses author as the contact for support notices package: require("./package.json") }; } function worker(server) { // Works with any Node app (Express, etc) var app = require("my-express-app.js"); server.serveApp(app); } ``` And start your server: ```bash # Allow non-root node to use ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' $(which node) ``` ```bash # `npm start` will call `node ./server.js` by default npm start ``` ```txt Greenlock v3.0.0 Greenlock Manager Config File: ~/.config/greenlock/manager.json Greenlock Storage Directory: ~/.config/greenlock/ Listening on for ACME challenges and HTTPS redirects Listening on for secure traffic ``` ## 4. Manage domains Management can be done via the **CLI** or the JavaScript [**API**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock.js/). Since this is the QuickStart, we'll demo the **CLI**: You need to create a Let's Encrypt _subscriber account_, which can be done globally, or per-site. All individuals, and most businesses, should set this globally: ```bash # Set a global subscriber account npx greenlock config --subscriber-email 'mycompany@example.com' --agree-to-terms true ``` A Let's Encrypt SSL certificate has a "Subject" (Primary Domain) and up to 100 "Alternative Names" (of which the first _must_ be the subject). ```bash # Add a certificate with specific domains npx greenlock add --subject example.com --altnames example.com,www.example.com ``` This will update the config file (assuming the default fs-based management plugin): `~/.config/greenlock/manager.json`: ```json { "subscriberEmail": "letsencrypt-test@therootcompany.com", "agreeToTerms": true, "sites": { "example.com": { "subject": "example.com", "altnames": ["example.com", "www.example.com"] } } } ``` Note: **Localhost**, **Wildcard**, and Certificates for Private Networks require [**DNS validation**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-exp). - DNS Validation - [**Wildcards**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/wildcards/README.md) - [**Localhost**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/localhost/README.md) - [**CI/CD**](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock-express.js/src/branch/master/examples/ci-cd/README.md) # Full Documentation Most of the documentation is done by use-case examples, as shown up at the top of the README. We're working on more comprehensive documentation for this newly released version. **Please open an issue** with questions in the meantime. # Commercial Support Do you need... - training? - specific features? - different integrations? - bugfixes, on _your_ timeline? - custom code, built by experts? - commercial support and licensing? You're welcome to [contact us](mailto:aj@therootcompany.com) in regards to IoT, On-Prem, Enterprise, and Internal installations, integrations, and deployments. We have both commercial support and commercial licensing available. We also offer consulting for all-things-ACME and Let's Encrypt. # Legal & Rules of the Road Greenlock™ is a [trademark](https://rootprojects.org/legal/#trademark) of AJ ONeal The rule of thumb is "attribute, but don't confuse". For example: > Built with [Greenlock Express](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock.js) (a [Root](https://rootprojects.org) project). Please [contact us](mailto:aj@therootcompany.com) if you have any questions in regards to our trademark, attribution, and/or visible source policies. We want to build great software and a great community. [Greenlock™](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/greenlock.js) | MPL-2.0 | [Terms of Use](https://therootcompany.com/legal/#terms) | [Privacy Policy](https://therootcompany.com/legal/#privacy)