"use strict"; function httpsWorker(glx) { // This can be a node http app (shown), // an Express app, or Hapi, Koa, Rill, etc var app = function(req, res) { res.end("Hello, Encrypted World!"); }; // Serves on 80 and 443 // Get's SSL certificates magically! glx.serveApp(app); } var pkg = require("../../package.json"); //require("greenlock-express") require("../../") .init(function getConfig() { // Greenlock Config return { // Package name+version is used for ACME client user agent package: { name: "websocket-example", version: pkg.version }, // Maintainer email is the contact for critical bug and security notices maintainerEmail: "jon@example.com", // Change to true when you're ready to make your app cloud-scale cluster: false }; }) .serve(httpsWorker);