'use strict'; module.exports.create = function (opts) { // pass in database url, connection string, filepath, // or whatever it is you need to get your job done well // This is our in-memory storage. // We take it from the outside to make testing the dummy module easier. var cache = opts.cache || {}; if (!cache.accounts) { cache.accounts = {}; } if (!cache.certificates) { cache.certificates = {}; } // Although we could have two collections of keypairs, // it's also fine to store both types together. if (!cache.keypairs) { cache.keypairs = {}; } var store = {}; // any options you need per instance // (probably okay to leave empty) store.options = {}; store.accounts = {}; store.certificates = {}; // Whenever a new keypair is used to successfully create an account, we need to save its keypair store.accounts.setKeypair = function (opts) { console.log('accounts.setKeypair:', opts.account, opts.email, opts.keypair); var id = opts.account.id || opts.email || 'default'; var keypair = opts.keypair; cache.keypairs[id] = JSON.stringify({ privateKeyPem: keypair.privateKeyPem , privateKeyJwk: keypair.privateKeyJwk }); return null; // or Promise.resolve(null); }; // We need a way to retrieve a prior account's keypair for renewals and additional ACME certificate "orders" store.accounts.checkKeypair = function (opts) { console.log('accounts.checkKeypair:', opts.account, opts.email); var id = opts.account.id || opts.email || 'default'; var keyblob = cache.keypairs[id]; if (!keyblob) { return null; } return JSON.parse(keyblob); }; // We can optionally implement ACME account storage and retrieval // (to reduce API calls), but it's really not necessary. /* store.accounts.set = function (opts) { console.log('accounts.set:', opts); return null; }; store.accounts.check = function (opts) { var id = opts.account.id || opts.email || 'default'; console.log('accounts.check:', opts); return null; }; */ // The certificate keypairs must not be the same as any account keypair store.certificates.setKeypair = function (opts) { console.log('certificates.setKeypair:', opts.certificate, opts.subject, opts.keypair); var id = opts.certificate.kid || opts.certificate.id || opts.subject; var keypair = opts.keypair; cache.keypairs[id] = JSON.stringify({ privateKeyPem: keypair.privateKeyPem , privateKeyJwk: keypair.privateKeyJwk }); // Note: you can use the "keypairs" package to convert between // public and private for jwk and pem, as well as convert JWK <-> PEM return null; }; // You won't be able to use a certificate without it's private key, gotta save it store.certificates.checkKeypair = function (opts) { console.log('certificates.checkKeypair:', opts.certificate, opts.subject); var id = opts.certificate.kid || opts.certificate.id || opts.subject; var keyblob = cache.keypairs[id]; if (!keyblob) { return null; } return JSON.parse(keyblob); }; // And you'll also need to save certificates. You may find the metadata useful to save // (perhaps to delete expired keys), but the same information can also be redireved from // the key using the "cert-info" package. store.certificates.set = function (opts) { console.log('certificates.set:', opts.certificate, opts.subject); var id = opts.certificate.id || opts.subject; var pems = opts.pems; cache.certificates[id] = JSON.stringify({ cert: pems.cert , chain: pems.chain , subject: pems.subject , altnames: pems.altnames , issuedAt: pems.issuedAt // a.k.a. NotBefore , expiresAt: pems.expiresAt // a.k.a. NotAfter }); return null; }; // This is actually the first thing to be called after approveDomins(), // but it's easiest to implement last since it's not useful until there // are certs that can actually be loaded from storage. store.certificates.check = function (opts) { console.log('certificates.check:', opts.certificate, opts.subject); var id = opts.certificate.id || opts.subject; var certblob = cache.certificates[id]; if (!certblob) { return null; } return JSON.parse(certblob); }; return store; };