Este commit está contenido en:
AJ ONeal 2018-05-04 20:26:06 +00:00
padre 631839e383
commit 5e51935601
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 49 adiciones y 13 borrados

Ver fichero

@ -3,37 +3,63 @@
<h3>Greenlock&trade; - Instant, Free SSL Certificates via Let's Encrypt v2</h3>
<!-- Step 1 Choose Domain(s) -->
<form class="js-acme-form js-acme-form-domains">
<label>What's your domain?</label>
<h1><label>What's your domain?</label></h1>
<input class="js-acme-domains" type="text" placeholder=",*" required>
<button type="submit">Next</button>
<label><input class="js-acme-api-type" name="acme-api-type" type="radio" value="v02" checked required>
<label><input class="js-acme-api-type" name="acme-api-type" type="radio" value="staging-v02" required>
<input class="js-acme-directory-url" type="url" placeholder="ACME directory url">
<!-- Step 2 Create Account -->
<form class="js-acme-form js-acme-form-account">
<label>What's your email?</label>
<h1><label>What's your email?</label></h1>
<input class="js-acme-account-email" type="email" placeholder="" required>
<label><input class="js-acme-account-tos" type="checkbox" required>
Agree to <a class="js-acme-tos-url" target="acme-tos">Let's Encrypt Terms of Service</a>?</label>
<label><input class="js-greenlock-account-tos" type="checkbox" required>
Agree to <a class="js-gl-tos">Greenlock Terms of Service</a>?</label>
<a href="#">advanced (use existing account)</a>
<button type="submit">Next</button>
<!-- Step 3 Set Challanges -->
<form class="js-acme-form js-acme-form-challenges">
<div class="js-acme-challenges">
<label>How will you validate your domain?</label>
<h1>How will you validate your domain?</h1>
<label><input class="js-acme-challenge-type" name="acme-challenge-type" type="radio" value="http-01" checked required>
File Upload to HTTP Web Server</label>
<label><input class="js-acme-challenge-type" name="acme-challenge-type" type="radio" value="dns-01" required>
TXT Records on DNS Name Server</label>
Verify Domains &amp; Sub-Domains:
<div class="js-acme-challenges">
<h2>Verify Domains &amp; Sub-Domains</h2>
<table class="js-acme-table-http-01">
@ -71,7 +97,7 @@
<div class="js-acme-wildcard">
Verify Wildcard Domains:
<h2>Verify Wildcard Domains</h2>
<table class="js-acme-table-wildcard">
@ -96,8 +122,9 @@
<!-- Step 4 Process Challanges -->
<form class="js-acme-form js-acme-form-poll">
Verifying Domains...
Verifying Domains... (give us 5 seconds or so...)
<table class="js-acme-table-verifying">
@ -118,17 +145,18 @@
<a href="#">advanced (use existing keypair for domain)</a>
<button type="submit">Next</button>
<!-- Step 5 Get Certs -->
<form class="js-acme-form js-acme-form-download">
<textarea class="js-privkey">-</textarea>
<textarea class="js-fullchain">-</textarea>
@ -164,8 +192,6 @@ var server = https.createServer({
<input class="js-acme-directory-url" type="url" placeholder="ACME directory url">
<script src="./js/"></script>
<script src="./js/"></script>
<script src="./js/"></script>

Ver fichero

@ -9,8 +9,18 @@
var kid;
var i = 1;
//$qs('.js-acme-directory-url').value = '';
$qs('.js-acme-directory-url').value = '';
var apiUrl = 'https://acme-{{env}}';
function updateApiType() {
var input = this ||
$qsa('.js-acme-api-type'), function ($el) { return $el.checked; }
console.log('ACME api type radio:', input.value);
$qs('.js-acme-directory-url').value = apiUrl.replace(/{{env}}/g, input.value);
$qsa('.js-acme-api-type').forEach(function ($el) {
$el.addEventListener('change', updateApiType);
function hideForms() {
$qsa('.js-acme-form').forEach(function (el) {