expose renewableAt? #1

opened 2017-11-30 14:13:16 +00:00 by Ghost · 3 kommentarer

Currently, the check and register results expose when the certificate is registered and when it expires. However, it does not expose when it is renewable, even though this information is available. From the debug logs:

[le/lib/core.js] checkAsync found existing certificates
[le/lib/core.js] Check Expires At 2018-02-27T20:55:57.000Z
[le/lib/core.js] Check Renewable At 2018-02-20T20:55:57.000Z

Should we expose this date? Or can I assume that it is always exactly 7 days before expiresAt?

Currently, the `check` and `register` results expose when the certificate is registered and when it expires. However, it does not expose when it is renewable, even though this information is available. From the debug logs: [le/lib/core.js] checkAsync found existing certificates [le/lib/core.js] Check Expires At 2018-02-27T20:55:57.000Z [le/lib/core.js] Check Renewable At 2018-02-20T20:55:57.000Z Should we expose this date? Or can I assume that it is always exactly 7 days before `expiresAt`?

Yes, this should be exposed. I would happily accept a PR.

Yes, this should be exposed. I would happily accept a PR.

This is available as renewWithin, now documented in the README.

The default has also been changed to 14 days. Published in v2.2.3.

Thanks for the feedback!

This is available as `renewWithin`, now documented in the README. The default has also been changed to 14 days. Published in v2.2.3. Thanks for the feedback!

The minimum (renewBy) defaults to 10 days. The maximum (renewWithin) defaults to 14 days.

A random time is generated within this window so that the renewal dates will skew a little bit between domains and you won't be bogging down your server on exactly a particular day and time to suddenly renew 100 certificates all at once.


The minimum (`renewBy`) defaults to 10 days. The maximum (`renewWithin`) defaults to 14 days. A random time is generated within this window so that the renewal dates will skew a little bit between domains and you won't be bogging down your server on exactly a particular day and time to suddenly renew 100 certificates all at once. :)
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Förfallodatumet är ogiltigt eller utanför gränserna. Använd formatet 'åååå-mm-dd'.

Inget förfallodatum satt.


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Reference: coolaj86/greenlock.js-ARCHIVED#1
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