ACME-v2: Invalid HTTP method when fething challenges #53

opened 2020-10-14 16:35:03 +00:00 by Ghost · 2개의 코멘트

RFC8555 states:

   To request authorization for an identifier, the client sends a POST
   request to the newAuthz resource specifying the identifier for which
   authorization is being requested.

acme-v2 version 1.8.6 uses GET

RFC8555 states: ``` To request authorization for an identifier, the client sends a POST request to the newAuthz resource specifying the identifier for which authorization is being requested. ``` acme-v2 version 1.8.6 uses `GET`

this was fixed over a year ago. you need to update to the latest version of greenlock.

this was fixed over a year ago. you need to update to the latest version of greenlock.

I've installed the latest version of greenlock-cli, which comes with acme-v2 1.8.6. I've used the following command:

npm install greenlock-cli

How can I update this to the compliant version?

I've installed the latest version of greenlock-cli, which comes with acme-v2 1.8.6. I've used the following command: ``` npm install greenlock-cli ``` How can I update this to the compliant version?
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No dependencies set.

Reference: coolaj86/greenlock.js-ARCHIVED#53
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