Setting directoryUrl doesn't work properly #57

par Ghost ouverts il y a 3 ans · 1 commentaires
Ghost a commenté il y a 3 ans

Setting directoryUrl needs to be done on the manager, but the manager wrapper doesn't have directoryUrl as an allowed option - so Greenlock warns when it is set.

To make this more frustrating, Greenlock takes directoryUrl as configuration option and seems to use it in the code (in gconf) - but never actually uses it.

The dead code referencing directoryUrl from gconf should be removed, and directoryUrl should be added as a known property for manager options.

Setting directoryUrl needs to be done on the manager, but the manager wrapper doesn't have directoryUrl as an allowed option - so Greenlock warns when it is set. To make this more frustrating, Greenlock takes directoryUrl as configuration option and seems to use it in the code (in gconf) - but never actually uses it. The dead code referencing directoryUrl from gconf should be removed, and directoryUrl should be added as a known property for manager options.


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