Honor renew option when adding a site #55

Ghost veut fusionner 1 révision(s) depuis <deleted>:julienp/disable-renew-on-add vers master
Ghost a commenté il y a 3 ans

I'd like to control when renew (for all domains) is run. I noticed that there is a renew config options which disables the setInterval calling renew, however when adding a new site renew is still triggered.

I'd like to control when renew (for all domains) is run. I noticed that there is a `renew` config options which disables the setInterval calling renew, however when adding a new site renew is still triggered.
Ghost a ajouté 1 révision il y a 3 ans

Is there anything I can do to get this merged?

Is there anything I can do to get this merged?
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