'use strict'; // TODO how to handle path differences when run from npx vs when required by greenlock? var promisify = require('util').promisify; var fs = require('fs'); var readFile = promisify(fs.readFile); var writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile); var chmodFile = promisify(fs.chmod); var path = require('path'); function saveFile(rcpath, data, enc) { // because this may have a database url or some such return writeFile(rcpath, data, enc).then(function() { return chmodFile(rcpath, parseInt('0600', 8)); }); } module.exports = async function(pkgpath, manager, rc) { // TODO when run from package // Run from the package root (assumed) or exit var pkgdir = path.dirname(pkgpath); var rcpath = path.join(pkgdir, '.greenlockrc'); var created = false; try { require(pkgpath); } catch (e) { console.error( 'npx greenlock must be run from the package root (where package.json is)' ); process.exit(1); } if (manager) { if ('.' === manager[0]) { manager = path.resolve(pkgdir, manager); } try { require(manager); } catch (e) { console.error('npx greenlock must be run from the package root'); process.exit(1); } } var _data = await readFile(rcpath, 'utf8').catch(function(err) { if ('ENOENT' !== err.code) { throw err; } console.info('Creating ' + rcpath); created = true; var data = '{}'; return saveFile(rcpath, data, 'utf8').then(function() { return data; }); }); var changed; var _rc; try { _rc = JSON.parse(_data); } catch (e) { console.error("couldn't parse " + rcpath, _data); console.error('(perhaps you should just delete it and try again?)'); process.exit(1); } if (manager) { if (!_rc.manager) { _rc.manager = manager; } if (_rc.manager !== manager) { console.info('Switching manager:'); var older = _rc.manager; var newer = manager; if ('/' === older[0]) { older = path.relative(pkgdir, older); } if ('/' === newer[0]) { newer = path.relative(pkgdir, newer); } console.info('\told: ' + older); console.info('\tnew: ' + newer); changed = true; } } if (rc) { changed = true; Object.keys(rc).forEach(function(k) { _rc[k] = rc[k]; }); } if (['@greenlock/manager', 'greenlock-manager-fs'].includes(_rc.manager)) { if (!_rc.configFile) { changed = true; _rc.configFile = path.join(pkgdir, 'greenlock.json'); } } if (!changed) { return _rc; } var data = JSON.stringify(_rc, null, 2); if (created) { console.info('Wrote ' + rcpath); } return saveFile(rcpath, data, 'utf8').then(function() { return _rc; }); };