'use strict'; var C = module.exports; var U = require('./utils.js'); var CSR = require('@root/csr'); var Enc = require('@root/encoding'); var pending = {}; var rawPending = {}; // Certificates C._getOrOrder = function(greenlock, db, acme, challenges, account, args) { var email = args.subscriberEmail || greenlock._defaults.subscriberEmail; var id = args.altnames.join(' '); if (pending[id]) { return pending[id]; } pending[id] = C._rawGetOrOrder( greenlock, db, acme, challenges, account, email, args ) .then(function(pems) { delete pending[id]; return pems; }) .catch(function(err) { delete pending[id]; throw err; }); return pending[id]; }; // Certificates C._rawGetOrOrder = function( greenlock, db, acme, challenges, account, email, args ) { return C._check(db, args).then(function(pems) { // No pems? get some! if (!pems) { return C._rawOrder( greenlock, db, acme, challenges, account, email, args ).then(function(newPems) { // do not wait on notify greenlock._notify('cert_issue', { options: args, subject: args.subject, altnames: args.altnames, account: account, email: email, pems: newPems }); return newPems; }); } // Nice and fresh? We're done! if (!C._isStale(greenlock, args, pems)) { // return existing unexpired (although potentially stale) certificates when available // there will be an additional .renewing property if the certs are being asynchronously renewed //pems._type = 'current'; return pems; } // Getting stale? Let's renew to freshen up! var p = C._rawOrder( greenlock, db, acme, challenges, account, email, args ).then(function(renewedPems) { // do not wait on notify greenlock._notify('cert_renewal', { options: args, subject: args.subject, altnames: args.altnames, account: account, email: email, pems: renewedPems }); return renewedPems; }); // TODO what should this be? if (args.waitForRenewal) { return p; } return pems; }); }; // we have another promise here because it the optional renewal // may resolve in a different stack than the returned pems C._rawOrder = function(greenlock, db, acme, challenges, account, email, args) { var id = args.altnames .slice(0) .sort() .join(' '); if (rawPending[id]) { return rawPending[id]; } var keyType = args.serverKeyType || greenlock._defaults.serverKeyType; var query = { subject: args.subject, certificate: args.certificate || {} }; rawPending[id] = U._getOrCreateKeypair(db, args.subject, query, keyType) .then(function(kresult) { var serverKeypair = kresult.keypair; var domains = args.altnames.slice(0); return CSR.csr({ jwk: serverKeypair.privateKeyJwk, domains: domains, encoding: 'der' }) .then(function(csrDer) { // TODO let CSR support 'urlBase64' ? return Enc.bufToUrlBase64(csrDer); }) .then(function(csr) { function notify() { greenlock._notify('challenge_status', { options: args, subject: args.subject, altnames: args.altnames, account: account, email: email }); } var certReq = { debug: args.debug || greenlock._defaults.debug, challenges: challenges, account: account, // only used if accounts.key.kid exists accountKeypair: account.keypair, keypair: account.keypair, // TODO csr: csr, domains: domains, // because ACME.js v3 uses `domains` still, actually onChallengeStatus: notify, notify: notify // TODO // TODO handle this in acme-v2 //subject: args.subject, //altnames: args.altnames.slice(0), }; return acme.certificates .create(certReq) .then(U._attachCertInfo); }) .then(function(pems) { if (kresult.exists) { return pems; } query.keypair = serverKeypair; return db.setKeypair(query, serverKeypair).then(function() { return pems; }); }); }) .then(function(pems) { // TODO put this in the docs // { cert, chain, privkey, subject, altnames, issuedAt, expiresAt } // Note: the query has been updated query.pems = pems; return db.set(query); }) .then(function() { return C._check(db, args); }) .then(function(bundle) { // TODO notify Manager delete rawPending[id]; return bundle; }) .catch(function(err) { // Todo notify manager delete rawPending[id]; throw err; }); return rawPending[id]; }; // returns pems, if they exist C._check = function(db, args) { var query = { subject: args.subject, // may contain certificate.id certificate: args.certificate }; return db.check(query).then(function(pems) { if (!pems) { return null; } pems = U._attachCertInfo(pems); // For eager management if (args.subject && !U._certHasDomain(pems, args.subject)) { // TODO report error, but continue the process as with no cert return null; } // For lazy SNI requests if (args.domain && !U._certHasDomain(pems, args.domain)) { // TODO report error, but continue the process as with no cert return null; } return U._getKeypair(db, args.subject, query) .then(function(keypair) { pems.privkey = keypair.privateKeyPem; return pems; }) .catch(function() { // TODO report error, but continue the process as with no cert return null; }); }); }; // Certificates C._isStale = function(greenlock, args, pems) { if (args.duplicate) { return true; } var renewAt = C._renewableAt(greenlock, args, pems); if (Date.now() >= renewAt) { return true; } return false; }; C._renewableAt = function(greenlock, args, pems) { if (args.renewAt) { return args.renewAt; } var renewOffset = args.renewOffset || greenlock._defaults.renewOffset || 0; var week = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 6; if (!args.force && Math.abs(renewOffset) < week) { throw new Error( 'developer error: `renewOffset` should always be at least a week, use `force` to not safety-check renewOffset' ); } if (renewOffset > 0) { return pems.issuedAt + renewOffset; } return pems.expiresAt + renewOffset; };