🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
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5 years ago
'use strict';
var pkg = require('./package.json');
var ACME = require('@root/acme');
var Greenlock = module.exports;
var homedir = require('os').homedir();
5 years ago
var G = Greenlock;
var U = require('./utils.js');
var E = require('./errors.js');
var P = require('./plugins.js');
var A = require('./accounts.js');
var C = require('./certificates.js');
var UserEvents = require('./user-events.js');
var promisify = require('util').promisify;
var caches = {};
// { maintainerEmail, directoryUrl, subscriberEmail, store, challenges }
G.create = function(gconf) {
var greenlock = {};
if (!gconf) {
gconf = {};
if (!gconf.maintainerEmail) {
throw E.NO_MAINTAINER('create');
// TODO send welcome message with benefit info
U._validMx(gconf.maintainerEmail).catch(function() {
'invalid maintainer contact info:',
// maybe a little harsh?
// TODO default servername is GLE only
if (!gconf.manager) {
gconf.manager = 'greenlock-manager-fs';
var Manager;
if ('string' === typeof gconf.manager) {
try {
Manager = require(gconf.manager);
} catch (e) {
if ('MODULE_NOT_FOUND' !== e.code) {
throw e;
Manager = require(gconf.manager);
// minimal modification to the original object
var defaults = G._defaults(gconf);
greenlock.manager = Manager.create(defaults);
//console.log('debug greenlock.manager', Object.keys(greenlock.manager));
greenlock._init = function() {
var p;
greenlock._init = function() {
return p;
p = greenlock.manager.defaults().then(function(conf) {
var changed = false;
if (!conf.challenges) {
changed = true;
conf.challenges = defaults.challenges;
if (!conf.store) {
changed = true;
conf.store = defaults.store;
if (changed) {
return greenlock.manager.defaults(conf);
return p;
5 years ago
// The goal here is to reduce boilerplate, such as error checking
// and duration parsing, that a manager must implement
greenlock.add = function(args) {
return greenlock._init().then(function() {
return greenlock._add(args);
greenlock._add = function(args) {
5 years ago
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
// durations
if (args.renewOffset) {
args.renewOffset = U._parseDuration(args.renewOffset);
if (args.renewStagger) {
args.renewStagger = U._parseDuration(args.renewStagger);
if (!args.subject) {
throw E.NO_SUBJECT('add');
if (!args.altnames) {
args.altnames = [args.subject];
if ('string' === typeof args.altnames) {
args.altnames = args.altnames.split(/[,\s]+/);
if (args.subject !== args.altnames[0]) {
throw E.BAD_ORDER(
'(' + args.subject + ") '" + args.altnames.join("' '") + "'"
args.altnames = args.altnames.map(U._encodeName);
if (
!args.altnames.every(function(d) {
return U._validName(d);
) {
"'" + args.altnames.join("' '") + "'"
// at this point we know that subject is the first of altnames
return Promise.all(
args.altnames.map(function(d) {
d = d.replace('*.', '');
return U._validDomain(d);
).then(function() {
if (!U._uniqueNames(args.altnames)) {
"'" + args.altnames.join("' '") + "'"
return greenlock.manager.add(args);
greenlock._notify = function(ev, params) {
var mng = greenlock.manager;
if ('_' === String(ev)[0]) {
if ('_cert_issue' === ev) {
try {
subject: params.subject,
renewAt: params.renewAt
}).catch(function(e) {
e.context = '_cert_issue';
greenlock._notify('error', e);
} catch (e) {
e.context = '_cert_issue';
greenlock._notify('error', e);
// trap internal events internally
if (mng.notify || greenlock._defaults.notify) {
5 years ago
try {
5 years ago
var p = (mng.notify || greenlock._defaults.notify)(ev, params);
5 years ago
if (p && p.catch) {
p.catch(function(e) {
"Promise Rejection on event '" + ev + "':"
5 years ago
} catch (e) {
console.error("Thrown Exception on event '" + ev + "':");
5 years ago
} else {
if (/error/i.test(ev)) {
console.error("Error event '" + ev + "':");
5 years ago
*'cert_issue', {
options: args,
subject: args.subject,
altnames: args.altnames,
account: account,
email: email,
pems: newPems
if (-1 !== ['cert_issue', 'cert_renewal'].indexOf(ev)) {
// We will notify all greenlock users of mandatory and security updates
// We'll keep track of versions and os so we can make sure things work well
// { name, version, email, domains, action, communityMember, telemetry }
// TODO look at the other one
5 years ago
// maintainer should be only on pre-publish, or maybe install, I think
maintainerEmail: greenlock._defaults._maintainerEmail,
name: greenlock._defaults._maintainerPackage,
version: greenlock._defaults._maintainerPackageVersion,
//action: params.pems._type,
5 years ago
domains: params.altnames,
subscriberEmail: greenlock._defaults._subscriberEmail,
// TODO enable for Greenlock Pro
//customerEmail: args.customerEmail
telemetry: greenlock._defaults.telemetry
5 years ago
greenlock._single = function(args) {
if (!args.servername) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('no servername given'));
if (
args.servernames ||
args.subject ||
args.renewBefore ||
args.issueBefore ||
) {
return Promise.reject(
new Error(
'bad arguments, did you mean to call greenlock.renew()?'
// duplicate, force, and others still allowed
return Promise.resolve(args);
greenlock.get = function(args) {
return greenlock
.then(function() {
args._includePems = true;
return greenlock.renew(args);
.then(function(results) {
if (!results || !results.length) {
return null;
// just get the first one
var result = results[0];
// (there should be only one, ideally)
if (results.length > 1) {
var err = new Error(
"a search for '" +
args.servername +
"' returned multiple certificates"
err.context = 'duplicate_certs';
err.servername = args.servername;
err.subjects = results.map(function(r) {
return (r.site || {}).subject || 'N/A';
greenlock._notify('warning', err);
if (result.error) {
return Promise.reject(result.error);
// site for plugin options, such as http-01 challenge
// pems for the obvious reasons
return result;
greenlock._config = function(args) {
return greenlock
.then(function() {
return greenlock.manager.find(args);
.then(function(sites) {
if (!sites || !sites.length) {
return null;
var site = sites[0];
site = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(site));
if (!site.store) {
site.store = greenlock._defaults.store;
if (!site.challenges) {
site.challenges = greenlock._defaults.challenges;
return site;
5 years ago
// needs to get info about the renewal, such as which store and challenge(s) to use
greenlock.renew = function(args) {
return greenlock.manager.defaults().then(function(mconf) {
return greenlock._renew(mconf, args);
greenlock._renew = function(mconf, args) {
5 years ago
if (!args) {
args = {};
// durations
if (args.renewOffset) {
args.renewOffset = U._parseDuration(args.renewOffset);
if (args.renewStagger) {
args.renewStagger = U._parseDuration(args.renewStagger);
if (args.servername) {
5 years ago
// this doesn't have to be the subject, it can be anything
// however, not sure how useful this really is...
args.servername = args.servername.toLowerCase();
5 years ago
//console.log('greenlock._renew find', args);
5 years ago
return greenlock.manager.find(args).then(function(sites) {
// Note: the manager must guaranteed that these are mutable copies
//console.log('greenlock._renew found', sites);
5 years ago
var renewedOrFailed = [];
function next() {
var site = sites.shift();
if (!site) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
5 years ago
var order = { site: site };
5 years ago
// TODO merge args + result?
return greenlock
._order(mconf, site)
5 years ago
.then(function(pems) {
if (args._includePems) {
order.pems = pems;
5 years ago
.catch(function(err) {
order.error = err;
5 years ago
// For greenlock express serialization
err.toJSON = errorToJSON;
err.context = err.context || 'cert_order';
5 years ago
err.subject = site.subject;
if (args.servername) {
err.servername = args.servername;
// for debugging, but not to be relied on
err._site = site;
5 years ago
// TODO err.context = err.context || 'renew_certificate'
greenlock._notify('error', err);
5 years ago
.then(function() {
return next();
return next().then(function() {
return renewedOrFailed;
greenlock._acme = function(args) {
var acme = ACME.create({
maintainerEmail: greenlock._defaults.maintainerEmail,
packageAgent: greenlock._defaults.packageAgent,
notify: greenlock._notify,
debug: greenlock._defaults.debug || args.debug
5 years ago
var dirUrl = args.directoryUrl || greenlock._defaults.directoryUrl;
var dir = caches[dirUrl];
// don't cache more than an hour
if (dir && Date.now() - dir.ts < 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
return dir.promise;
return acme
.then(function(/*meta*/) {
caches[dirUrl] = {
promise: Promise.resolve(acme),
ts: Date.now()
return acme;
.catch(function(err) {
// let's encrypt is possibly down for maintenaince...
// this is a special kind of failure mode
throw err;
greenlock.order = function(args) {
return greenlock._init().then(function() {
return greenlock.manager.defaults().then(function(mconf) {
return greenlock._order(mconf, args);
greenlock._order = function(mconf, args) {
// packageAgent, maintainerEmail
5 years ago
return greenlock._acme(args).then(function(acme) {
var storeConf = args.store || greenlock._defaults.store;
return P._loadStore(storeConf).then(function(store) {
5 years ago
return A._getOrCreate(
5 years ago
).then(function(account) {
var challengeConfs =
args.challenges ||
mconf.challenges ||
5 years ago
return Promise.all(
Object.keys(challengeConfs).map(function(typ01) {
return P._loadChallenge(challengeConfs, typ01);
5 years ago
).then(function(arr) {
var challenges = {};
arr.forEach(function(el) {
challenges[el._type] = el;
return C._getOrOrder(
5 years ago
5 years ago
).then(function(pems) {
if (!pems.privkey) {
throw new Error(
'missing private key, which is kinda important'
return pems;
5 years ago
greenlock._options = gconf;
greenlock._defaults = defaults;
if (!gconf.onOrderFailure) {
gconf.onOrderFailure = function(err) {
G._onOrderFailure(gconf, err);
return greenlock;
G._loadChallenge = P._loadChallenge;
5 years ago
G._defaults = function(opts) {
var defaults = {};
// [ 'store', 'challenges' ]
Object.keys(opts).forEach(function(k) {
// manage is the only thing that is, potentially, not plain-old JSON
if ('manage' === k && 'string' !== typeof opts[k]) {
defaults[k] = opts[k];
5 years ago
if ('function' === typeof opts.notify) {
defaults.notify = opts.notify;
5 years ago
if (!defaults._maintainerPackage) {
defaults._maintainerPackage = pkg.name;
defaults._maintainerPackageVersion = pkg.version;
if (!defaults.directoryUrl) {
if (defaults.staging) {
defaults.directoryUrl =
} else {
defaults.directoryUrl =
} else {
if (defaults.staging) {
throw new Error('supply `directoryUrl` or `staging`, but not both');
console.info('ACME Directory URL:', defaults.directoryUrl);
// Load the default store module
if (!defaults.store) {
defaults.store = {
module: 'greenlock-store-fs',
basePath: homedir + '/.config/greenlock/'
5 years ago
//defaults.store = store;
// Load the default challenge modules
var challenges;
if (!defaults.challenges) {
defaults.challenges = {};
challenges = defaults.challenges;
// TODO provide http-01 when http-01 and/or(?) dns-01 don't exist
if (!challenges['http-01'] && !challenges['dns-01']) {
challenges['http-01'] = {
module: 'acme-http-01-standalone'
if (challenges['http-01']) {
if ('string' === typeof challenges['http-01'].module) {
if (challenges['dns-01']) {
if ('string' === typeof challenges['dns-01'].module) {
if (defaults.agreeToTerms === true || defaults.agreeTos === true) {
defaults.agreeToTerms = function(tos) {
return Promise.resolve(tos);
if (!defaults.renewOffset) {
defaults.renewOffset = '-45d';
if (!defaults.renewStagger) {
defaults.renewStagger = '3d';
5 years ago
if (!defaults.accountKeyType) {
defaults.accountKeyType = 'EC-P256';
if (!defaults.serverKeyType) {
if (defaults.domainKeyType) {
console.warn('use serverKeyType instead of domainKeyType');
defaults.serverKeyType = defaults.domainKeyType;
} else {
defaults.serverKeyType = 'RSA-2048';
5 years ago
if (defaults.domainKeypair) {
console.warn('use serverKeypair instead of domainKeypair');
defaults.serverKeypair =
defaults.serverKeypair || defaults.domainKeypair;
Object.defineProperty(defaults, 'domainKeypair', {
write: false,
get: function() {
console.warn('use serverKeypair instead of domainKeypair');
return defaults.serverKeypair;
return defaults;
5 years ago
function errorToJSON(e) {
var error = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach(function(k) {
error[k] = e[k];
return error;