'use strict'; var P = module.exports; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync; var promisify = require('util').promisify; // Exported for CLIs and such to override P.PKG_DIR = __dirname; P._loadStore = function(storeConf) { return P._loadHelper(storeConf.module).then(function(plugin) { return P._normalizeStore(storeConf.module, plugin.create(storeConf)); }); }; P._loadChallenge = function(chConfs, typ01) { return P._loadHelper(chConfs[typ01].module).then(function(plugin) { var ch = P._normalizeChallenge( chConfs[typ01].module, plugin.create(chConfs[typ01]) ); ch._type = typ01; return ch; }); }; P._loadHelper = function(modname) { try { return Promise.resolve(require(modname)); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not load '%s'", modname); console.error('Did you install it?'); console.error('\tnpm install --save %s', modname); e.context = 'load_plugin'; throw e; // Fun experiment, bad idea /* return P._install(modname).then(function() { return require(modname); }); */ } }; P._normalizeStore = function(name, store) { var acc = store.accounts; var crt = store.certificates; var warned = false; function warn() { if (warned) { return; } warned = true; console.warn( "'" + name + "' may have incorrect function signatures, or contains deprecated use of callbacks" ); } // accs if (acc.check && 2 === acc.check.length) { warn(); acc._thunk_check = acc.check; acc.check = promisify(acc._thunk_check); } if (acc.set && 3 === acc.set.length) { warn(); acc._thunk_set = acc.set; acc.set = promisify(acc._thunk_set); } if (2 === acc.checkKeypair.length) { warn(); acc._thunk_checkKeypair = acc.checkKeypair; acc.checkKeypair = promisify(acc._thunk_checkKeypair); } if (3 === acc.setKeypair.length) { warn(); acc._thunk_setKeypair = acc.setKeypair; acc.setKeypair = promisify(acc._thunk_setKeypair); } // certs if (2 === crt.check.length) { warn(); crt._thunk_check = crt.check; crt.check = promisify(crt._thunk_check); } if (3 === crt.set.length) { warn(); crt._thunk_set = crt.set; crt.set = promisify(crt._thunk_set); } if (2 === crt.checkKeypair.length) { warn(); crt._thunk_checkKeypair = crt.checkKeypair; crt.checkKeypair = promisify(crt._thunk_checkKeypair); } if (2 === crt.setKeypair.length) { warn(); crt._thunk_setKeypair = crt.setKeypair; crt.setKeypair = promisify(crt._thunk_setKeypair); } return store; }; P._normalizeChallenge = function(name, ch) { var gch = {}; var warned = false; function warn() { if (warned) { return; } warned = true; console.warn( "'" + name + "' may have incorrect function signatures, or contains deprecated use of callbacks" ); } var warned2 = false; function warn2() { if (warned2) { return; } warned2 = true; console.warn( "'" + name + "' did not return a Promise when called. This should be fixed by the maintainer." ); } function wrappy(fn) { return function(_params) { return Promise.resolve().then(function() { var result = fn.call(ch, _params); if (!result || !result.then) { warn2(); } return result; }); }; } // init, zones, set, get, remove, propagationDelay if (ch.init) { if (2 === ch.init.length) { warn(); ch._thunk_init = ch.init; ch.init = promisify(ch._thunk_init); } gch.init = wrappy(ch.init); } if (ch.zones) { if (2 === ch.zones.length) { warn(); ch._thunk_zones = ch.zones; ch.zones = promisify(ch._thunk_zones); } gch.zones = wrappy(ch.zones); } if (2 === ch.set.length) { warn(); ch._thunk_set = ch.set; ch.set = promisify(ch._thunk_set); } gch.set = wrappy(ch.set); if (2 === ch.remove.length) { warn(); ch._thunk_remove = ch.remove; ch.remove = promisify(ch._thunk_remove); } gch.remove = wrappy(ch.remove); if (ch.get) { if (2 === ch.get.length) { warn(); ch._thunk_get = ch.get; ch.get = promisify(ch._thunk_get); } gch.get = wrappy(ch.get); } if("number" === typeof ch.propagationDelay) { gch.propagationDelay = ch.propagationDelay; } return gch; }; P._loadSync = function(modname) { try { return require(modname); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not load '%s'", modname); console.error('Did you install it?'); console.error('\tnpm install --save %s', modname); e.context = 'load_plugin'; throw e; } /* try { mod = require(modname); } catch (e) { P._installSync(modname); mod = require(modname); } */ }; P._installSync = function(moduleName) { try { return require(moduleName); } catch (e) { // continue } var npm = 'npm'; var args = ['install', '--save', moduleName]; var out = ''; var cmd; try { cmd = spawnSync(npm, args, { cwd: P.PKG_DIR, windowsHide: true }); } catch (e) { console.error( "Failed to start: '" + npm + ' ' + args.join(' ') + "' in '" + P.PKG_DIR + "'" ); console.error(e.message); process.exit(1); } if (!cmd.status) { return; } out += cmd.stdout.toString('utf8'); out += cmd.stderr.toString('utf8'); if (out) { console.error(out); console.error(); console.error(); } console.error( "Failed to run: '" + npm + ' ' + args.join(' ') + "' in '" + P.PKG_DIR + "'" ); console.error( 'Try for yourself:\n\tcd ' + P.PKG_DIR + '\n\tnpm ' + args.join(' ') ); process.exit(1); }; P._install = function(moduleName) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { if (!moduleName) { throw new Error('no module name given'); } var npm = 'npm'; var args = ['install', '--save', moduleName]; var out = ''; var cmd = spawn(npm, args, { cwd: P.PKG_DIR, windowsHide: true }); cmd.stdout.on('data', function(chunk) { out += chunk.toString('utf8'); }); cmd.stdout.on('data', function(chunk) { out += chunk.toString('utf8'); }); cmd.on('error', function(e) { console.error( "Failed to start: '" + npm + ' ' + args.join(' ') + "' in '" + P.PKG_DIR + "'" ); console.error(e.message); process.exit(1); }); cmd.on('exit', function(code) { if (!code) { resolve(); return; } if (out) { console.error(out); console.error(); console.error(); } console.error( "Failed to run: '" + npm + ' ' + args.join(' ') + "' in '" + P.PKG_DIR + "'" ); console.error( 'Try for yourself:\n\tcd ' + P.PKG_DIR + '\n\tnpm ' + args.join(' ') ); process.exit(1); }); }); }; if (require.main === module) { P._installSync(process.argv[2]); }