🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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set -e
# TODO notify if wildcard is selected and no dns challenge is present
node bin/greenlock.js add --subject example.com --altnames 'example.com,*.example.com'
node bin/greenlock.js update --subject example.com
node bin/greenlock.js config --subject example.com
node bin/greenlock.js config --subject *.example.com
node bin/greenlock.js defaults
node bin/greenlock.js defaults --account-key-type
node bin/greenlock.js defaults
# using --challenge-xx-xx-xxx is additive
node bin/greenlock.js defaults --challenge-dns-01 foo-http-01-bar --challenge-dns-01-token BIG_TOKEN
# using --challenge is exclusive (will delete things not mentioned)
node bin/greenlock.js defaults --challenge acme-http-01-standalone
# should delete all and add just this one anew
node bin/greenlock.js update --subject example.com --challenge bar-http-01-baz
# should add, leaving the existing
node bin/greenlock.js update --subject example.com --challenge-dns-01 baz-dns-01-qux --challenge-dns-01-token BIG_TOKEN
# should delete all and add just this one anew
node bin/greenlock.js update --subject example.com --challenge bar-http-01-baz
node bin/greenlock.js remove --subject example.com
# TODO test for failure
# node bin/greenlock.js add --subject example.com
# node bin/greenlock.js add --subject example --altnames example
# node bin/greenlock.js add --subject example.com --altnames '*.example.com'
# node bin/greenlock.js add --subject example.com --altnames '*.example.com,example.com'
# node bin/greenlock.js update --altnames example.com
# node bin/greenlock.js config foo.example.com