🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
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'use strict';
var Greenlock = require('../');
var subject = process.env.BASE_DOMAIN;
var altnames = [subject, '*.' + subject, 'foo.bar.' + subject];
var email = process.env.SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL;
var challenge = JSON.parse(process.env.CHALLENGE_OPTIONS);
challenge.module = process.env.CHALLENGE_PLUGIN;
var greenlock = Greenlock.create({
packageAgent: 'Greenlock_Test/v0',
maintainerEmail: email,
staging: true,
manager: require('greenlock-manager-fs').create({
//configFile: '~/.config/greenlock/certs.json',
agreeToTerms: true,
subscriberEmail: email,
challenges: {
'dns-01': challenge
//store: args.storeOpts,
//renewOffset: args.renewOffset || '30d',
//renewStagger: '1d'
.then(function() {
return greenlock
subject: subject,
altnames: altnames,
subscriberEmail: email
.then(function() {
return greenlock
.get({ servername: subject })
.then(function(pems) {
if (pems && pems.privkey && pems.cert && pems.chain) {
.catch(function(e) {
console.error('Big bad error:', e.code);