🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
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'use strict';
var U = require('../utils.js');
var E = require('../errors.js');
var warned = {};
// The purpose of this file is to try to auto-build
// partial managers so that the external API can be smaller.
module.exports.wrap = function(greenlock, gconf) {
var myFind = gconf.find;
delete gconf.find;
var mega = mergeManager(gconf);
greenlock.manager = {};
greenlock.sites = {};
//greenlock.accounts = {};
//greenlock.certs = {};
var allowed = [
'accountKeyType', //: ["P-256", "RSA-2048"],
'serverKeyType', //: ["RSA-2048", "P-256"],
'store', // : { module, specific opts },
'challenges', // : { "http-01", "dns-01", "tls-alpn-01" },
'module', // not allowed, just ignored
// get / set default site settings such as
// subscriberEmail, store, challenges, renewOffset, renewStagger
greenlock.manager.defaults = function(conf) {
return greenlock._init().then(function() {
if (!conf) {
return mega.defaults();
if (conf.sites) {
throw new Error('cannot set sites as global config');
if (conf.routes) {
throw new Error('cannot set routes as global config');
// disallow keys we know to be bad
].some(function(k) {
if (k in conf) {
throw new Error(
'`' + k + '` not allowed as a default setting'
Object.keys(conf).forEach(function(k) {
if (!allowed.includes(k) && !warned[k]) {
warned[k] = true;
k +
" isn't a known key. Please open an issue and let us know the use case."
Object.keys(conf).forEach(function(k) {
if (-1 !== ['module', 'manager'].indexOf(k)) {
if ('undefined' === typeof k) {
throw new Error(
"'" +
k +
"' should be set to a value, or `null`, but not left `undefined`"
return mega.defaults(conf);
greenlock.manager._defaults = function(opts) {
return mega.defaults(opts);
greenlock.manager.add = function(args) {
if (!args || !Array.isArray(args.altnames) || !args.altnames.length) {
throw new Error(
'you must specify `altnames` when adding a new site'
if (args.renewAt) {
throw new Error(
'you cannot specify `renewAt` when adding a new site'
return greenlock.manager.set(args);
// TODO agreeToTerms should be handled somewhere... maybe?
// Add and update remains because I said I had locked the API
greenlock.manager.set = greenlock.manager.update = function(args) {
return greenlock._init().then(function() {
// The goal is to make this decently easy to manage by hand without mistakes
// but also reasonably easy to error check and correct
// and to make deterministic auto-corrections
args.subject = checkSubject(args);
//var subscriberEmail = args.subscriberEmail;
// TODO shortcut the other array checks when not necessary
if (Array.isArray(args.altnames)) {
args.altnames = checkAltnames(args.subject, args);
// at this point we know that subject is the first of altnames
return Promise.all(
(args.altnames || []).map(function(d) {
d = d.replace('*.', '');
return U._validDomain(d);
).then(function() {
if (!U._uniqueNames(args.altnames || [])) {
"'" + args.altnames.join("' '") + "'"
// durations
if (args.renewOffset) {
args.renewOffset = U._parseDuration(args.renewOffset);
if (args.renewStagger) {
args.renewStagger = U._parseDuration(args.renewStagger);
return mega.set(args).then(function(result) {
if (!gconf._bin_mode) {
greenlock.renew({}).catch(function(err) {
if (!err.context) {
err.contxt = 'renew';
greenlock._notify('error', err);
return result;
greenlock.manager.get = greenlock.sites.get = function(args) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (args.subject) {
throw new Error(
'get({ servername }) searches certificates by altnames, not by subject specifically'
if (args.servernames || args.altnames || args.renewBefore) {
throw new Error(
'get({ servername }) does not take arguments that could lead to multiple results'
return mega.get(args);
greenlock.manager.remove = function(args) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
args.subject = checkSubject(args);
if (args.servername) {
throw new Error(
'remove() should be called with `subject` only, if you wish to remove altnames use `update()`'
if (args.altnames) {
throw new Error(
'remove() should be called with `subject` only, not `altnames`'
// TODO check no altnames
return mega.remove(args);
subject: site.subject,
altnames: site.altnames,
//issuedAt: site.issuedAt,
//expiresAt: site.expiresAt,
renewOffset: site.renewOffset,
renewStagger: site.renewStagger,
renewAt: site.renewAt,
subscriberEmail: site.subscriberEmail,
customerEmail: site.customerEmail,
challenges: site.challenges,
store: site.store
// no transaction promise here because it calls set
greenlock._find = async function(args) {
args = _mangleFindArgs(args);
var ours = await mega.find(args);
if (!myFind) {
return ours;
// if the user has an overlay find function we'll do a diff
// between the managed state and the overlay, and choose
// what was found.
var theirs = await myFind(args);
theirs = theirs.filter(function(site) {
if (!site || 'string' !== typeof site.subject) {
throw new Error('found site is missing subject');
if (
!Array.isArray(site.altnames) ||
!site.altnames.length ||
!site.altnames[0] ||
site.altnames[0] !== site.subject
) {
throw new Error('missing or malformed altnames');
['renewAt', 'issuedAt', 'expiresAt'].forEach(function(k) {
if (site[k]) {
throw new Error(
'`' +
k +
'` should be updated by `set()`, not by `find()`'
if (!site) {
if (args.subject && site.subject !== args.subject) {
return false;
var servernames = args.servernames || args.altnames;
if (
servernames &&
!site.altnames.some(function(altname) {
return servernames.includes(altname);
) {
return false;
return site.renewAt < (args.renewBefore || Infinity);
return _mergeFind(ours, theirs);
function _mergeFind(ours, theirs) {
var toUpdate = [];
theirs.forEach(function(_newer) {
var hasCurrent = ours.some(function(_older) {
var changed = false;
if (_newer.subject !== _older.subject) {
return false;
_older._exists = true;
_newer.deletedAt = _newer.deletedAt || 0;
Object.keys(_newer).forEach(function(k) {
if (_older[k] !== _newer[k]) {
changed = true;
_older[k] = _newer[k];
if (changed) {
// handled the (only) match
return true;
if (!hasCurrent) {
// delete the things that are gone
ours.forEach(function(_older) {
if (!_older._exists) {
_older.deletedAt = Date.now();
_older._exists = undefined;
toUpdate.map(function(site) {
return greenlock.sites.update(site).catch(function(err) {
'Developer Error: cannot update sites from user-supplied `find()`:'
// ours is updated from theirs
return ours;
greenlock.manager.init = mega.init;
function checkSubject(args) {
if (!args || !args.subject) {
throw new Error('you must specify `subject` when configuring a site');
if (!args.subject) {
throw E.NO_SUBJECT('add');
var subject = (args.subject || '').toLowerCase();
if (subject !== args.subject) {
console.warn('`subject` must be lowercase', args.subject);
return U._encodeName(subject);
function checkAltnames(subject, args) {
// the things we have to check and get right
var altnames = (args.altnames || []).map(function(name) {
return String(name || '').toLowerCase();
// punycode BEFORE validation
// (set, find, remove)
if (altnames.join() !== args.altnames.join()) {
'all domains in `altnames` must be lowercase:',
args.altnames = args.altnames.map(U._encodeName);
if (
!args.altnames.every(function(d) {
return U._validName(d);
) {
throw E.INVALID_HOSTNAME('add', "'" + args.altnames.join("' '") + "'");
if (subject && subject !== args.altnames[0]) {
throw E.BAD_ORDER(
'(' + args.subject + ") '" + args.altnames.join("' '") + "'"
if (subject && subject !== altnames[0]) {
throw new Error(
'`subject` must be the first domain in `altnames`',
altnames.join(' ')
return altnames;
function loadManager(gconf) {
var m;
// 1. Get the manager
// 2. Figure out if we need to wrap it
if (!gconf.manager) {
gconf.manager = '@greenlock/manager';
if ('string' !== typeof gconf.manager) {
throw new Error(
'`manager` should be a string representing the npm name or file path of the module'
try {
// wrap this to be safe for @greenlock/manager
m = require(gconf.manager.module).create(gconf.manager);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error loading manager:');
if (!m) {
'Failed to load manager plugin ',
return m;
function mergeManager(gconf) {
var mng;
function m() {
if (mng) {
return mng;
mng = require('@greenlock/manager').create(gconf);
return mng;
var mini = loadManager(gconf);
var mega = {};
// optional
if (mini.defaults) {
mega.defaults = function(opts) {
return mini.defaults(opts);
} else {
mega.defaults = m().defaults;
// optional
if (mini.remove) {
mega.remove = function(opts) {
return mini.remove(opts);
} else {
mega.remove = function(opts) {
mega.get(opts).then(function(site) {
if (!site) {
return null;
site.deletedAt = Date.now();
return mega.set(site).then(function() {
return site;
if (mini.find) {
// without this there cannot be fully automatic renewal
mega.find = function(opts) {
return mini.find(opts);
// set and (find and/or get) should be from the same set
if (mini.set) {
mega.set = function(opts) {
if (!mini.find) {
// TODO create the list so that find can be implemented
return mini.set(opts);
} else {
mega.set = m().set;
mega.get = m().get;
if (mini.get) {
mega.get = async function(opts) {
if (mini.set) {
return mini.get(opts);
if (!mega._get) {
mega._get = m().get;
var existing = await mega._get(opts);
var site = await mini.get(opts);
if (!existing) {
// Add
if (!site) {
site.renewAt = 1;
site.deletedAt = 0;
await mega.set(site);
existing = await mega._get(opts);
} else if (!site) {
// Delete
existing.deletedAt = site.deletedAt || Date.now();
await mega.set(existing);
existing = null;
} else if (
site.subject !== existing.subject ||
site.altnames.join(' ') !== existing.altnames.join(' ')
) {
// Update
site.renewAt = 1;
site.deletedAt = 0;
await mega.set(site);
existing = await mega._get(opts);
if (!existing) {
throw new Error('failed to `get` after `set`');
return existing;
} else if (mini.find) {
mega.get = function(opts) {
var servername = opts.servername;
delete opts.servername;
opts.servernames = (servername && [servername]) || undefined;
return mini.find(opts).then(function(sites) {
return sites.filter(function(site) {
return site.altnames.include(servername);
} else if (mini.set) {
throw new Error(
gconf.manager.module +
' implements `set()`, but not `get()` or `find()`'
} else {
mega.find = m().find;
mega.get = m().get;
if (!mega.get) {
mega.get = function(opts) {
var servername = opts.servername;
delete opts.servername;
opts.servernames = (servername && [servername]) || undefined;
return mega.find(opts).then(function(sites) {
return sites.filter(function(site) {
return site.altnames.include(servername);
mega.init = function(deps) {
if (mini.init) {
return mini.init(deps).then(function() {
if (mng) {
return mng.init(deps);
} else if (mng) {
return mng.init(deps);
} else {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return mega;
function _mangleFindArgs(args) {
var servernames = (args.servernames || [])
.concat(args.altnames || [])
var modified = servernames.slice(0);
// servername, wildname, and altnames are all the same
['wildname', 'servername'].forEach(function(k) {
var altname = args[k] || '';
if (altname && !modified.includes(altname)) {
if (modified.length) {
servernames = modified;
servernames = servernames.map(U._encodeName);
args.altnames = servernames;
args.servernames = args.altnames = checkAltnames(false, args);
// documented as args.servernames
// preserved as args.altnames for v3 beta backwards compat
// my only hesitancy in this choice is that a "servername"
// may NOT contain '*.', in which case `altnames` is a better choice.
// However, `altnames` is ambiguous - as if it means to find a
// certificate by that specific collection of altnames.
// ... perhaps `domains` could work?
return args;