🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
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'use strict';
var C = module.exports;
var U = require('./utils.js');
var CSR = require('@root/csr');
var Enc = require('@root/encoding');
var Keypairs = require('@root/keypairs');
var pending = {};
var rawPending = {};
// What the abbreviations mean
// gnlkc => greenlock
// mconf => manager config
// db => greenlock store instance
// acme => instance of ACME.js
// chs => instances of challenges
// acc => account
// args => site / extra options
// Certificates
C._getOrOrder = function(gnlck, mconf, db, acme, chs, acc, args) {
var email =
args.subscriberEmail ||
mconf.subscriberEmail ||
var id = args.altnames.join(' ');
if (pending[id]) {
return pending[id];
pending[id] = C._rawGetOrOrder(
.then(function(pems) {
delete pending[id];
return pems;
.catch(function(err) {
delete pending[id];
throw err;
return pending[id];
// Certificates
C._rawGetOrOrder = function(gnlck, mconf, db, acme, chs, acc, email, args) {
return C._check(gnlck, mconf, db, args).then(function(pems) {
// No pems? get some!
if (!pems) {
return C._rawOrder(
).then(function(newPems) {
// do not wait on notify
gnlck._notify('cert_issue', {
options: args,
subject: args.subject,
altnames: args.altnames,
account: acc,
email: email,
pems: newPems
return newPems;
// Nice and fresh? We're done!
if (!C._isStale(gnlck, mconf, args, pems)) {
// return existing unexpired (although potentially stale) certificates when available
// there will be an additional .renewing property if the certs are being asynchronously renewed
//pems._type = 'current';
return pems;
// Getting stale? Let's renew to freshen up!
var p = C._rawOrder(gnlck, mconf, db, acme, chs, acc, email, args).then(
function(renewedPems) {
// do not wait on notify
gnlck._notify('cert_renewal', {
options: args,
subject: args.subject,
altnames: args.altnames,
account: acc,
email: email,
pems: renewedPems
return renewedPems;
// TODO what should this be?
if (args.waitForRenewal) {
return p;
return pems;
// we have another promise here because it the optional renewal
// may resolve in a different stack than the returned pems
C._rawOrder = function(gnlck, mconf, db, acme, chs, acc, email, args) {
var id = args.altnames
.join(' ');
if (rawPending[id]) {
return rawPending[id];
var keyType =
args.serverKeyType ||
mconf.serverKeyType ||
var query = {
subject: args.subject,
certificate: args.certificate || {},
args.directoryUrl ||
mconf.directoryUrl ||
rawPending[id] = U._getOrCreateKeypair(db, args.subject, query, keyType)
.then(function(kresult) {
var serverKeypair = kresult.keypair;
var domains = args.altnames.slice(0);
return CSR.csr({
jwk: serverKeypair.privateKeyJwk || serverKeypair.private,
domains: domains,
encoding: 'der'
.then(function(csrDer) {
// TODO let CSR support 'urlBase64' ?
return Enc.bufToUrlBase64(csrDer);
.then(function(csr) {
function notify() {
gnlck._notify('challenge_status', {
options: args,
subject: args.subject,
altnames: args.altnames,
account: acc,
email: email
var certReq = {
debug: args.debug || gnlck._defaults.debug,
challenges: chs,
account: acc, // only used if accounts.key.kid exists
acc.keypair.privateKeyJwk || acc.keypair.private,
keypair: acc.keypair, // TODO
csr: csr,
domains: domains, // because ACME.js v3 uses `domains` still, actually
onChallengeStatus: notify,
notify: notify // TODO
// TODO handle this in acme-v2
//subject: args.subject,
//altnames: args.altnames.slice(0),
return acme.certificates
.then(function(pems) {
if (kresult.exists) {
return pems;
query.keypair = serverKeypair;
return db.setKeypair(query, serverKeypair).then(function() {
return pems;
.then(function(pems) {
// TODO put this in the docs
// { cert, chain, privkey, subject, altnames, issuedAt, expiresAt }
// Note: the query has been updated
query.pems = pems;
return db.set(query);
.then(function() {
return C._check(gnlck, mconf, db, args);
.then(function(bundle) {
// TODO notify Manager
delete rawPending[id];
return bundle;
.catch(function(err) {
// Todo notify manager
delete rawPending[id];
throw err;
return rawPending[id];
// returns pems, if they exist
C._check = function(gnlck, mconf, db, args) {
var query = {
subject: args.subject,
// may contain certificate.id
certificate: args.certificate,
args.directoryUrl ||
mconf.directoryUrl ||
return db.check(query).then(function(pems) {
if (!pems) {
return null;
pems = U._attachCertInfo(pems);
// For eager management
if (args.subject && !U._certHasDomain(pems, args.subject)) {
// TODO report error, but continue the process as with no cert
return null;
// For lazy SNI requests
if (args.domain && !U._certHasDomain(pems, args.domain)) {
// TODO report error, but continue the process as with no cert
return null;
return U._getKeypair(db, args.subject, query)
.then(function(keypair) {
return Keypairs.export({
jwk: keypair.privateKeyJwk || keypair.private,
encoding: 'pem'
}).then(function(pem) {
pems.privkey = pem;
return pems;
.catch(function() {
// TODO report error, but continue the process as with no cert
return null;
// Certificates
C._isStale = function(gnlck, mconf, args, pems) {
if (args.duplicate) {
return true;
var renewAt = C._renewableAt(gnlck, mconf, args, pems);
if (Date.now() >= renewAt) {
return true;
return false;
C._renewableAt = function(gnlck, mconf, args, pems) {
if (args.renewAt) {
return args.renewAt;
var renewOffset =
args.renewOffset ||
mconf.renewOffset ||
gnlck._defaults.renewOffset ||
var week = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 6;
if (!args.force && Math.abs(renewOffset) < week) {
throw new Error(
'developer error: `renewOffset` should always be at least a week, use `force` to not safety-check renewOffset'
if (renewOffset > 0) {
return pems.issuedAt + renewOffset;
return pems.expiresAt + renewOffset;