🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
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'use strict';
var A = module.exports;
var U = require('./utils.js');
var E = require('./errors.js');
var pending = {};
A._getOrCreate = function(greenlock, db, acme, args) {
console.log('[debug] A get or create', args);
var email = args.subscriberEmail || greenlock._defaults.subscriberEmail;
if (!email) {
console.log('[debug] throw no sub');
throw E.NO_SUBSCRIBER('get account', args.subject);
// TODO send welcome message with benefit info
return U._validMx(email)
.catch(function() {
throw E.NO_SUBSCRIBER('get account', args.subcriberEmail);
.then(function() {
console.log('[debug] valid email');
if (pending[email]) {
console.log('[debug] return pending');
return pending[email];
pending[email] = A._rawGetOrCreate(greenlock, db, acme, args, email)
.catch(function(e) {
delete pending[email];
throw e;
.then(function(result) {
delete pending[email];
return result;
console.log('[debug] return new');
return pending[email];
// What we really need out of this is the private key and the ACME "key" id
A._rawGetOrCreate = function(greenlock, db, acme, args, email) {
var p;
if (db.check) {
p = A._checkStore(greenlock, db, acme, args, email);
} else {
p = Promise.resolve(null);
return p.then(function(fullAccount) {
console.log('[debug] full account', fullAccount);
if (!fullAccount) {
return A._newAccount(greenlock, db, acme, args, email, null);
if (fullAccount.keypair && fullAccount.key && fullAccount.key.kid) {
return fullAccount;
return A._newAccount(greenlock, db, acme, args, email, fullAccount);
A._newAccount = function(greenlock, db, acme, args, email, fullAccount) {
var keyType = args.accountKeyType || greenlock._defaults.accountKeyType;
var query = {
subject: args.subject,
email: email,
account: fullAccount || {}
return U._getOrCreateKeypair(db, args.subject, query, keyType).then(
function(kresult) {
var keypair = kresult.keypair;
var accReg = {
subscriberEmail: email,
args.agreeToTerms || greenlock._defaults.agreeToTerms,
accountKeypair: keypair,
debug: args.debug
console.log('[debug] create account', accReg);
return acme.accounts.create(accReg).then(function(receipt) {
var reg = {
keypair: keypair,
receipt: receipt,
// shudder... not actually a KeyID... but so it is called anyway...
receipt &&
receipt.key &&
(receipt.key.kid || receipt.kid),
email: args.email
var keyP;
if (kresult.exists) {
keyP = Promise.resolve();
} else {
query.keypair = keypair;
query.receipt = receipt;
keyP = db.setKeypair(query, keypair);
return keyP
.then(function() {
if (!db.set) {
return Promise.resolve({
keypair: keypair
return db.set(
// id to be set by Store
email: email,
agreeTos: true
.then(function(fullAccount) {
if (fullAccount && 'object' !== typeof fullAccount) {
throw new Error(
"accounts.set should either return 'null' or an object with an 'id' string"
if (!fullAccount) {
fullAccount = {};
fullAccount.keypair = keypair;
if (!fullAccount.key) {
fullAccount.key = {};
fullAccount.key.kid = reg.kid;
return fullAccount;
A._checkStore = function(greenlock, db, acme, args, email) {
if ((args.domain || args.domains) && !args.subject) {
console.warn("use 'subject' instead of 'domain'");
args.subject = args.domain;
var account = args.account;
if (!account) {
account = {};
if (args.accountKeypair) {
'rather than passing accountKeypair, put it directly into your account key store'
// TODO we probably don't need this
return U._importKeypair(args.accountKeypair);
if (!db.check) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return db
//keypair: undefined,
//receipt: undefined,
email: email,
account: account
.then(function(fullAccount) {
if (!fullAccount) {
return null;
return fullAccount;