🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
Não pode escolher mais do que 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

234 linhas
6.0 KiB

'use strict';
var CLI = module.exports;
var defaultConf;
var defaultOpts;
var bags = [];
CLI.parse = function(conf) {
var opts = (defaultOpts = {});
defaultConf = conf;
Object.keys(conf).forEach(function(k) {
var v = conf[k];
var aliases = v[5];
var bag;
var bagName;
// the name of the argument set is now the 0th argument
// v[0] flagname
// v[1] short flagname
// v[2] description
// v[3] type
// v[4] default value
// v[5] aliases
if ('bag' === v[3]) {
bag = v[0]; // 'bag-option-xxxx' => '--bag-option-'
bag = '--' + bag.replace(/xxx.*/, '');
bagName = toBagName(bag.replace(/^--/, ''));
opts[bagName] = {};
if ('json' === v[3]) {
bagName = toBagName(v[0].replace(/-json$/, '')); // 'bag-option-json' => 'bagOptionOpts'
opts[bagName] = {};
} else if ('ignore' !== v[3] && 'undefined' !== typeof v[4]) {
// set the default values (where 'undefined' is not an allowed value)
opts[toCamel(k)] = v[4];
if (!aliases) {
aliases = [];
} else if ('string' === typeof aliases) {
aliases = aliases.split(',');
aliases.forEach(function(alias) {
if (alias in conf) {
throw new Error(
"Cannot alias '" +
alias +
"' from '" +
k +
"': option already exists"
conf[alias] = v;
CLI.main = function(cb, args) {
var leftovers = [];
var conf = defaultConf;
var opts = defaultOpts;
if (!opts) {
throw new Error("you didn't call `CLI.parse(configuration)`");
// TODO what's the existing API for this?
if (!args) {
args = process.argv.slice(2);
var flag;
var cnf;
var typ;
function grab(bag) {
var bagName = toBagName(bag);
if (bag !== flag.slice(0, bag.length)) {
return false;
console.log(bagName, toCamel(flag.slice(bag.length)));
opts[bagName][toCamel(flag.slice(bag.length))] = args.shift();
return true;
while (args.length) {
// take one off the top
flag = args.shift();
// mind the gap
if ('--' === flag) {
leftovers = leftovers.concat(args);
// help!
if (
'--help' === flag ||
'-h' === flag ||
'/?' === flag ||
'help' === flag
) {
// only long names are actually used
if ('--' !== flag.slice(0, 2)) {
console.error("Unrecognized argument '" + flag + "'");
cnf = conf[flag.slice(2)];
if (!cnf) {
// look for arbitrary flags
if (bags.some(grab)) {
// other arbitrary args are not used
console.error("Unrecognized flag '" + flag + "'");
// encourage switching to non-aliased version
if (flag !== '--' + cnf[0]) {
"use of '" +
flag +
"' is deprecated, use '--" +
cnf[0] +
"' instead"
// look for xxx-json flags
if ('json' === cnf[3]) {
try {
var json = JSON.parse(args.shift());
var bagName = toBagName(cnf[0].replace(/-json$/, ''));
Object.keys(json).forEach(function(k) {
opts[bagName][k] = json[k];
} catch (e) {
console.error("Could not parse option '" + flag + "' as JSON:");
// set booleans, otherwise grab the next arg in line
typ = cnf[3];
// TODO --no-<whatever> to negate
if (Boolean === typ || 'boolean' === typ) {
opts[toCamel(cnf[0])] = true;
opts[toCamel(cnf[0])] = args.shift();
cb(leftovers, opts);
function toCamel(str) {
return str.replace(/-([a-z0-9])/g, function(m) {
return m[1].toUpperCase();
function toBagName(bag) {
// trim leading and trailing '-'
bag = bag.replace(/^-+/g, '').replace(/-+$/g, '');
return toCamel(bag) + 'Opts'; // '--bag-option-' => bagOptionOpts
function printHelp(conf) {
var flagLen = 0;
var typeLen = 0;
var defLen = 0;
Object.keys(conf).forEach(function(k) {
flagLen = Math.max(flagLen, conf[k][0].length);
typeLen = Math.max(typeLen, conf[k][3].length);
if ('undefined' !== typeof conf[k][4]) {
defLen = Math.max(
'(Default: )'.length + String(conf[k][4]).length
Object.keys(conf).forEach(function(k) {
var v = conf[k];
// skip aliases
if (v[0] !== k) {
var def = v[4];
if ('undefined' === typeof def) {
def = '';
} else {
def = '(default: ' + JSON.stringify(def) + ')';
var msg =
' --' +
v[0].padEnd(flagLen) +
' ' +
v[3].padStart(typeLen + 1) +
' ' +
(v[2] || '') +
' ' +
def; /*.padStart(defLen)*/
// v[0] flagname
// v[1] short flagname
// v[2] description
// v[3] type
// v[4] default value
// v[5] aliases