🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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'use strict';
// TODO handle www and no-www together somehow?
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
var leCore = require('letiny-core');
var merge = require('./lib/common').merge;
var tplCopy = require('./lib/common').tplCopy;
var LE = module.exports;
LE.productionServerUrl = leCore.productionServerUrl;
LE.stagingServerUrl = leCore.stagingServerUrl;
LE.configDir = leCore.configDir;
LE.logsDir = leCore.logsDir;
LE.workDir = leCore.workDir;
LE.acmeChallengPrefix = leCore.acmeChallengPrefix;
LE.knownEndpoints = leCore.knownEndpoints;
// backwards compat
LE.stagingServer = leCore.stagingServerUrl;
LE.liveServer = leCore.productionServerUrl;
LE.knownUrls = leCore.knownEndpoints;
LE.merge = require('./lib/common').merge;
LE.tplConfigDir = require('./lib/common').tplConfigDir;
// backend, defaults, handlers
LE.create = function (defaults, handlers, backend) {
var d, b, h;
// backwards compat for <= v1.0.2
if (defaults.registerAsync || defaults.create) {
b = defaults; d = handlers; h = backend;
defaults = d; handlers = h; backend = b;
if (!backend) { backend = require('./lib/core'); }
if (!handlers) { handlers = {}; }
if (!handlers.lifetime) { handlers.lifetime = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; }
if (!handlers.renewWithin) { handlers.renewWithin = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; }
if (!handlers.memorizeFor) { handlers.memorizeFor = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; }
if (!handlers.sniRegisterCallback) {
handlers.sniRegisterCallback = function (args, cache, cb) {
// TODO when we have ECDSA, just do this automatically
cb(null, null);
if (!handlers.getChallenge) {
if (!defaults.manual && !defaults.webrootPath) {
// GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/{{challengeKey}} should return {{tokenValue}}
throw new Error("handlers.getChallenge or defaults.webrootPath must be set");
handlers.getChallenge = function (hostname, key, done) {
// TODO associate by hostname?
// hmm... I don't think there's a direct way to associate this with
// the request it came from... it's kinda stateless in that way
// but realistically there only needs to be one handler and one
// "directory" for this. It's not that big of a deal.
var defaultos = LE.merge(defaults, {});
var getChallenge = require('./lib/default-handlers').getChallenge;
var copy = merge(defaults, { domains: [hostname] });
defaultos.domains = [hostname];
if (3 === getChallenge.length) {
getChallenge(defaultos, key, done);
else if (4 === getChallenge.length) {
getChallenge(defaultos, hostname, key, done);
else {
done(new Error("handlers.getChallenge [1] receives the wrong number of arguments"));
if (!handlers.setChallenge) {
if (!defaults.webrootPath) {
// GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/{{challengeKey}} should return {{tokenValue}}
throw new Error("handlers.setChallenge or defaults.webrootPath must be set");
handlers.setChallenge = require('./lib/default-handlers').setChallenge;
if (!handlers.removeChallenge) {
if (!defaults.webrootPath) {
// GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/{{challengeKey}} should return {{tokenValue}}
throw new Error("handlers.removeChallenge or defaults.webrootPath must be set");
handlers.removeChallenge = require('./lib/default-handlers').removeChallenge;
if (!handlers.agreeToTerms) {
if (defaults.agreeTos) {
console.warn("[WARN] Agreeing to terms by default is risky business...");
handlers.agreeToTerms = require('./lib/default-handlers').agreeToTerms;
if ('function' === typeof backend.create) {
backend = backend.create(defaults, handlers);
else {
// ignore
// this backend was created the v1.0.0 way
// replaces strings of workDir, certPath, etc
// if they have :config/etc/live or :conf/etc/archive
// to instead have the path of the configDir
LE.tplConfigDir(defaults.configDir, defaults);
backend = PromiseA.promisifyAll(backend);
var utils = require('./lib/common');
//var attempts = {}; // should exist in master process only
var le;
// TODO check certs on initial load
// TODO expect that certs expire every 90 days
// TODO check certs with setInterval?
//options.cacheContextsFor = options.cacheContextsFor || (1 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
le = {
backend: backend
, validate: function (hostnames, cb) {
// TODO check dns, etc
if ((!hostnames.length && hostnames.every(le.isValidDomain))) {
cb(new Error("node-letsencrypt: invalid hostnames: " + hostnames.join(',')));
// Before attempting a dynamic registration you need to validate that
// * these are hostnames that you expected to exist on the system
// * their A records currently point to this ip
// * this system's ip hasn't changed
// If you do not check these things, then someone could attack you
// and cause you, in return, to have your ip be rate-limit blocked
//console.warn("\n[TODO]: node-letsencrypt: `validate(hostnames, cb)` needs to be implemented");
//console.warn("(it'll work fine without it, but for security - and convenience - it should be implemented\n");
// it's actually probably better that we don't do this here and instead
// take care of it in the approveRegistrationCallback in letsencrypt-express
cb(null, true);
, _registerHelper: function (args, cb) {
var copy = LE.merge(defaults, args);
var err;
if (!utils.isValidDomain(args.domains[0])) {
err = new Error("invalid domain");
err.code = "INVALID_DOMAIN";
return le.validate(args.domains, function (err) {
if (err) {
if (args.debug) {
console.log("[NLE]: begin registration");
return backend.registerAsync(copy).then(function (pems) {
if (args.debug) {
console.log("[NLE]: end registration");
cb(null, pems);
//return le.fetch(args, cb);
}, cb);
, _fetchHelper: function (args, cb) {
return backend.fetchAsync(args).then(function (certInfo) {
if (args.debug) {
console.log('[LE] raw fetch certs', certInfo && Object.keys(certInfo));
if (!certInfo) { cb(null, null); return; }
// key, cert, issuedAt, lifetime, expiresAt
if (!certInfo.expiresAt) {
certInfo.expiresAt = certInfo.issuedAt + (certInfo.lifetime || handlers.lifetime);
if (!certInfo.lifetime) {
certInfo.lifetime = (certInfo.lifetime || handlers.lifetime);
// a pretty good hard buffer
certInfo.expiresAt -= (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 100);
cb(null, certInfo);
}, cb);
, fetch: function (args, cb) {
le._fetchHelper(args, cb);
, renew: function (args, cb) {
args.duplicate = false;
le.register(args, cb);
, register: function (args, cb) {
if (!Array.isArray(args.domains)) {
cb(new Error('args.domains should be an array of domains'));
// this may be run in a cluster environment
// in that case it should NOT check the cache
// but ensure that it has the most fresh copy
// before attempting a renew
le._fetchHelper(args, function (err, hit) {
var now = Date.now();
if (err) {
// had a bad day
else if (hit) {
if (!args.duplicate && (now - hit.issuedAt) < ((hit.lifetime || handlers.lifetime) * 0.65)) {
console.warn("\ntried to renew a certificate with over 1/3 of its lifetime left, ignoring");
console.warn("(use --duplicate or opts.duplicate to override\n");
cb(null, hit);
return le._registerHelper(args, function (err/*, pems*/) {
if (err) {
// Sanity Check
le._fetchHelper(args, function (err, pems) {
if (pems) {
cb(null, pems);
// still couldn't read the certs after success... that's weird
cb(err, null);
}, cb);
return le;